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Everything posted by >rob><

  1. not sure if its smokin to much , or i have bad deodrant on, but when i turn up at sevrer alot of time, people up and leave, just wondered if thats my panrnioa, or if theres something to it..... i dont think ive done anything to offend anyone, but if i have soz. now stop leavin me with bots to play with!!!! lol just wondered as well is there other tm servers u guys play regualry at?
  2. cools thanks for the tips :)
  3. ive seen engineers revive me and others, and guess it has to be with mastered medic skill, but how do you do it?
  4. if i keep practising think i could be a good engineer onside
  5. crispy fried bots cool picture :)
  6. finalli i sorted it lol, im such a prat lol, have new firewall and some reason i blocked a file in there which kept gettin me kicked duhhh!!!! lol finally i can get back to our server yay!!!! will be out of practice a bit though so if im playin crap, give me a day or two to get back upto speed, plus the server i was playing on had no teams kills which is kinda fun with a nade gun, but itts actually made me play worse , bloody trigger happy now lol, with have to get my butt back to tm server and get my skills going again , btw cool maps lol great job
  7. xp, i dont think ive had this problem before, been happining for a while now, will keep trying to get back on :)
  8. its says pk3 detected, but im using the same set up ive always used, no cheats, no nothing, always the same engineer set up, been playing on another server alot, cause i cant get on ours, hopefuly this can be sorted soon so i can get back to plying at tm server mostly.
  9. cheers for the happy birthdays... omg did i get trashed im still pissed now lol :)
  10. cheers am deciding on which strip club
  11. if you look closely, they hit the rabbit they were aiming for, it was under the truck http://www.metacafe.com/watch/34500/fac ... bomb_test/ second one, is my new and improved nade :) http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1433286/t ... rogen_gas/
  12. happy birthday------ ' will there be beer'?
  13. thanks dude that sorted it , nice one lets hope my xp starts climbing again now cause i wasnt gaining any for about 3 days
  14. must be some sort of problem happining, as morte has lost his xp too, and mine is again down to 0 :(
  15. ok, now my xp went down to zero, then donald thank you for putting back upto 9000, just i was on 15100xp, so if someone can put it back upto that i would very much appreciate it
  16. im confused, i lost al my xp for enginerring and my other levels ar lower and i lost over 5000xp my xp hasnt been going up for a while, and donald you pm me and said like the xp , have i done something wrong?
  17. ive noticed my xp goes up with constructing but goes down when i kill somone, im sure this is not normal
  18. what sort of behaviour do we expect etc????????????? dont join a winning team using !putteam to force yourself into that team, dont always play bots v humans as its easy to kill and win, accept referee or higher admin levels decision, always say hello when joining or when someone joins, look at team balances for fairness, dont keep voting to shuffle till you get the team you want especially when in mid or near end of game, dont kill me especially when im on same side, dont walk on my freshly laid mines as it takes me ages to get the pattern right, have a sense of humour as its only an online game not real life :mrgreen: , what do you think needs to be aired??????????????????????????????????? TOO ADD!!! when one <=TM=>. is only there,the next <=TM=> that comes by join the other team, just to give the non clan members a sense in justice if they getting wooped!!!! Respond to non clan members with more , 'great shot'... even if it was just stand play for you, gives them sense of happiness!!! Add a rotation of maps, different cycles different maps, month by month or when even more popular week by week, Have a server that shuffles teams every round, after one team has deffence and one attaack only after that - cause if you all of a sudden have the guy that was wooping your side in the last map, then it will make more fun for them, to see all of a sudden hes joined ' my team' . thats all i can think of this eve, take care all the best rob
  19. hello :)
  20. thanks for the reply , now i have another question, ive seen people in game run around with red eyes!!! and i think thats super cool- how can i obtain them :)
  21. Firstly the reason i felt it necessary to post a topic about Etiquette and friendly conduct on the TM servers, was a subject i felt necessary to point out, as i have found with a new member and an old, and both using the server like a childs playground, where going over the levels of friendly banter, into the realms of annoying children's playground stuff. another reason i wanted to point this out is because of recent problems with servers and x member, we as a clan have seen numbers decline onto the servers, so now is a time, to make non members feel welcome to our server, and not chased away by members not behaving in proper conduct, i wont mention no names, but the two members, were both told too take a chill pill, and both told to take it to forum and were warned. see when i was playing there at the time, it put even me off to sticking about on the server at the time, so god knows what the non members thought, even though some of it was actually directed at them. see to see the server grow again we have to ourselves abide by a rule of conduct that TM members have to hold up by within the severs, and maybe now is a good time for donald minimuppet mrmuppet or cropkiller, as they are in charge and admin, to post a topic about our responsibilities as TM members, etiquette and conduct within the servers that us as a team have to abide by, or lines to be drawn not to cross. I understand there maybe banter, rivalry, and even the odd thing come up, but to chase away non members and be rude childish and blatantly upsetting others or trying to with constant moaning,insults,or just bad sportsmanship is im sure not part of the TM code, is not helpful to replenish our numbers, and does not give us good hearsay to other clans about us, anyway there's my final thought for the evening, i bid you all well, take care ><
  22. heres a thick question, but what do admin levels actually do for game play?..... i know they are give to admin to make surely everything on servers is running smoothly and people behave themselves, but do they make you have faster skills, or better body amour protection or fast reload rates or firring? or even move faster movement.... i know this is dumb question but ive been given a level here and there upto number 5, i always say thankyou, but to tell you the truth i dont actually know what im saying thank you for lol, as i dont know what they do what they improve , and i dont know what in game things i can do being a level 5 if anything at all, can anyone elaberate these questions for me, cause seems to me everyone is desperate for these levels, and im wondering on whats everyones big interests lol thanks rob
  23. always take whatever positive out of a negative i say to turn things around and that im not doing the grafting to make it better lol hehe :)
  24. no one else would have done this much damage, i think now puppet has shown us his true colors, and for one i say good. reason being, there was a few ruffled feathers over the puppet issue, now we have all seen with our owns eyes, on forum and server what he is capable of, so hes come out the woods to show his true colors, although temporary set back - i say good, cause we can reunite, reform, and become a better team through this experience, so thanks puppet me old mucker, you have just strengthened us if anything
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