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Everything posted by >rob><

  1. i might as well presume that the xp will be depleted if so i was on or close to 15,000
  2. its now called !! INX-Gaming.co.uk >> My Server hope all this gets resolved soon as i know probably right now some tm people are on the case
  3. my status thus far is only level one at the other ( special guest), which is cool, thanks for the extra level the other day donald i appreciate it :)
  4. hiya there, a couple of requests. one is can we have more maps please, we got great maps, but theres lots more out there, and the more variety the more the interest. two please can someone leave me, a list of admin commands in game, as i dont know any, and been asked to check somethings sometimes and i don't know how and i would like to know, for some reason when i tried to pm people it came out wrong so can someone leave the instruction again, im being a bit dafty probably lol. will the teamspeak work with a camera microphone as i don't have a head set, and could someone leave the process of all info i need to know to set up teamspeak, ive had it once before and remember it was a pain to set up so step by step instructions needed as im a simpleton. any suggestions to me, to try and get more interest in server to get more people in, would be welcome, ive tried one tactic thus far, and thats adding me as guest to another forum with my name with the server details for tm, i hope this is ok, and other suggestions, i will try out cause i have quiet a bit of time on me hands . (obviuosly if not ok i will remove) kind regards rob
  5. i know im new and ive only played you a few tmes puppet , and got me butt kicked, but sad to see a quality player leaving,------- i wonder how we can make tm servers popular again, when i first came there were always quiet a few people playing, the changes in servers got people lost and confused and so they playing other servers, hope people will find there way back, i play on another server lately as well, when i come onto tm and there is no one there but bots, i try to stick about for a while to see if others join if they see me there, they maybe stay encouraging more to come, well thats me little plan lol, and yeah understandably its that time of years when people are gettin busy with exams. well farewell puppet, i know you will be missed. somehow TM has got to come up with some sort of plan to help make the server going well again, as puppet seems to be the first and i hope not but lickley not the last person to move on due to lack of people in the server, im not sure if you have been through this tough transition stage before, but however you made it popular in the first place- go back to that- as ive seen alot of work is put n by yo guys and would be horrible to see it slowly deminish and fizzle out, which im sure if we band toghther and come up with something that will not happen. im only putting my two pennys in, cause i found myself thinking in the last couple of days that some people will leave, and as this is the first time i have read puppets post, i know those worrys were in fact coming to fruition hopefully puppet leaving don't encourage a trickle that turns into a flood in a way of people thinking, but i know one thing for sure something has to be done.
  6. hey all---------------------hope you all having a great weekend------------------- introducing muppet martrix
  7. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4c3_1208885191
  8. opps im late, but happy birthday hope you had a good one
  9. wishing you a happy birthday, and hope its a blasts.
  10. >rob><


    on gametracker, its says... status: dead/restarting..........and says from sometime last night. wil play on other servers for this am, hope ET pub comes back on soon
  11. >rob><


    i cannot find it or connect either
  12. for engineer to start with could you post some scripts and binds with explanations or any snazzy ones or links to cool sites with info, i got a very basic script. seta name "^t<=TM=><" seta sex "male" //Controls --- bind E "+forward" bind D "+back" bind S "+moveleft" bind F "+moveright" bind MOUSE2 "+moveup" bind c "+movedown" bind Z "+sprint" bind G "+activate" bind t "+switchtoalternate" bind Y "messagemode2" bind v "+prone" bind TAB "+scores" bind L "openlimbomenu" bind H "+mapexpand" bind A "+zoom" bind . "zoomin" bind , "zoomout" bind ALT "stats" bind CTRL "+topshots" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MWHEELUP "+grenade" bind MWHEELDOWN "+reload" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F11 "screenshot" bind F12 "record" //Weapons bind 1 "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" bind 2 "weaponbank 2; vstr resete" bind 3 "weaponbank 7; vstr resete" bind 4 "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind 5 "weaponbank 5; vstr resete" bind 6 "weaponbank 6; vstr resete" bind w "vstr nextw-bank23e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" bind r "vstr nextw-bank56e; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" bind g "vstr quickengineer" bind t "weaponbank 4; vstr resete" bind q "weaponbank 1; vstr resete" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 3 and 4 set w-bank3e "weaponbank 3; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank2e" set w-bank2e "weaponbank 2; set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e" set nextw-bank23e "vstr w-bank3e" //Multiple-Weaponbind Script Weaponbank 5 and 6 set w-bank5e "weaponbank 5; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank6e" set w-bank6e "weaponbank 6; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" set nextw-bank56e "vstr w-bank5e" set resete "set nextw-bank23e vstr w-bank3e; set nextw-bank56e vstr w-bank5e" //Class specific communications bind UPARROW "vsay_team IamEngineer" bind LEFTARROW "vsay_team Needammo" bind DOWNARROW "vsay_team Medic" bind RIGHTARROW "vsay_team Thanks" bind END "vsay_team Sorry" bind PAGE DOWN "vsay Cheer" bind HOME "vsay_team Incoming" seta sensitivity 6 set cg_atmosphericeffects 0 set r_intensity 1.2 set r_detailtextures 0 set r_fastsky 1 set cl_maxpackets 50 set rate 15000 also any performance enhancing tweaks or scripts, on visuals and game play would be very much appreciated, ( that are acceptable of course) as anything that could help improve my performance ( not jack Daniels) would be cool at this point, cause i want to learn as i grow. and other suggestions to me would be much appreciated and taken on board. ps i came on the servers this evening and kept disconnecting me, hopefully tomorrow will be ok, as tomorrow im dedicating to script writing.... is there anything you guys do to get me more involved as i have lots of time on my hands and wouldn't mind getting spending some of it doing stuff for tm, cool cheers all the best rob p.s i dont want to sound stupid but how do i private message i know thats a fairly basic question, just i never asked.
  13. that was well funny
  14. ok i just got abode cs3 last nite, this is the first, ( and probably the worst picture i will do) , i need to learn through tutorials, so anyone have any good links that explains anything in lamens terms will be appreciated ps, the contractskiller thing was not made by me, i wish, just a sig, till i get used to cs3 and then make my own
  15. just wanted to say ibex, think all three of those designs are well cool
  16. something i watched, was meant in a funny way lol.
  17. thats cool, i didnt expect to join a team in my first couple of weeks, i will play hard, die hard, no rest till i become rambo lol
  18. i just realize how much, im a begginer, i went one some server, which felt like one hit one kill, and i sucked lol
  19. hi all, thanks for your replys, winston paypal account details : 24873... safety code. 649: enjoy your new car and stuff lol. im 27 from uk canterbury kent. appreciate the feed back, i am a sort of newbee still learning the ropes, but defiantly enjoy the battles, i play as engineer first as thought it best way to get to know the maps and what i have to do, once i can aim right, maybe promote myself to a soldier lol. do you guys, have like online tourneys and stuff? would love to watch that in action, wanted to visit your pro server to watch, need pssword argh!!! , not to worry i have lots of skills to pick up before i go there. anyways, have a cool day blasting my head off, as im gettin as much practice to improve as possible. got told a good tip the other day from a friend, buy a decent mouse and mouse pad, as my mouse is nearly ten years old with a cord, sometimes lacks me from turning quickly to fire, so pc world here i come. any tips you have for me are very welcome, thanks . all the best rob
  20. hi there everyone in tm,<=TM=>Donald, im >rob><, ive been playing on your server for a little while, enjoyed myself loads gettin butt kicked, and running around doing my engineer chours,(always an engineer). I would like to join tm, and get more involved and learn more. all the best.
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