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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. Ur a genius Why did i not think of that *in a very low whisper to myself* while and :violin: which i can Yea, i play 5 instruments Guitar, tuba, violin, double bass, E flat tuba
  2. My name is so long i cant add so many colors, btw can i have three accounts? Lord and Master (my original) <=TM=> [T] Lord and Master (hopefully my [T] will change) <=TM=> [T] Newbie (for clan propose)
  3. R they nude?
  4. This really shows u who the real lords are are. Yeah, name is Jason, im kinda exceptional. Dont ask me to change! :roll: Anyways, i come from RSA and my dad is GER. Im abbreviating for the fun of it. Not too sure if i have to be talking in a formal matter, but im trying to make this interesting. :violin: The sad part is that the snow is melting up here, and my internet is moody with me. I love german as a language but i suck at it. I got a B-, but most of my grades are B+. I think the name is cool for the guild ( what is it? (clan?) i dont really know what to call it). What do i have to do with <=TM=> [T], yeah, languages are hard for me, i get extra help with it :shifty: but i love strategy games. If i had to be a muppet it would be Baby Tooth, he was the coolest one back in the days. Im funfzyehn jahre alt. My lieblingsfah ist Mathe und Deutsch, aber Naturwissenschaften ist langweiling. Yeah i felt like it, i cant add the two dots to place because then i would have to go through my computer. Im in beginner so things might be wrong, like i said its my fav subject but its still hard for me. I really thing i should stop typing before u get bored. Hope u like this! How does the [T] thing go?
  5. i wish i did that, i created a hotmail just for this.
  6. Why isnt gmail supported, i had to make a new account on hotmail
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