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Everything posted by LordNewbie

  1. Ive updated the files, but still no
  2. I always see him logged on, late at night :think:
  3. much agreed :mrgreen:
  4. same
  5. LordNewbie

    Low framerate

  6. I wish, i cant join ether way, ve updated my punkbuster but it says its not updated
  7. Where is that folder?
  8. so it is on the et thing i forgot about that
  9. im comin on Whats ip (we seriously need to help people like me with a mac and forgetting ip place) (ways to improve put all ips for me inn one place) (plz)
  10. She says i really want to be you, all the legends speak of you, all the girls, money and anything u would ever want 8-) I love me
  11. we can make it every sunday?
  12. the bels were not from the czech so obviously they will lose
  13. i fixed it, the problem was with my computer, btw Miki who won the 15 vs 4?
  14. I'm using my iPod because it working with the wireless
  15. I'm the rest, which should be the strongest, since it is the rest
  16. Yeah my color fashion is the best, dies any1 know how to fix my signal, I'm getting 4 bars but nothing is going through
  17. Um...... Whts happening?
  18. Wait I'm confused about the pics, y is there 3 teams?
  19. the one person has my colors
  20. Can I ask a questions? How r u? I'm doing great, when r u online, british time? I'm awesome rn't i? How much better r u compared to me, I'm legendary? (don't u say anything guys :naughty: )
  21. If they aren't bots, they must be in a computer lab tell others what to do, so.....
  22. Well the bots all walked together in a line, and they weren't cautious, so I think ur right
  23. All most as good as virus, but they suck compared to me :mrgreen:
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