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Adrian last won the day on October 1 2015

Adrian had the most liked content!

About Adrian

  • Birthday 11/19/1992

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  • Location:
    North West London, UK

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  1. Adrian

    Halloween event!

    if i don't drink i will come
  2. Adrian

    ETPub heavy lag

    ok mate tell me what have you tried already Send me you configs that you use i i will have a better look into the matter because it's not the server looks like it's your side.
  3. Adrian

    New leader

    congratz freak you are well sorted for that position.
  4. what map ?
  5. Any LInk to the world map
  6. thanks guys for the warm welcome ^^
  7. Adrian

    Internet Issues.

    Or you modem the Router could be kicking you out for having alot devices connected to the network do you have your phones, tablets connected to it as well? if yes go into the hub settings and make sure your pc and laptop it number 1 priority
  8. I be on later work time :)

  9. I will watch my shoulder with my Nade
  10. thanks guys also yes it was me responding to the tickets, i am sad that YCN is gone as well. it was hard for everyone to find the time At that point also ET was still struggling and us YCN had alot Attacks. Alo i am from Britain, London but was born in Poland, Lublin
  11. Hello, Hey guys some on you might know me from YCN or Trackbase it self. So i played et for more than 8-9 years i did play competitive games back in the day so i was quite good last week i came back to ET again as this is the only shooter i really enjoy. So as in YCN-Hosting.com i use to be an admin which did take care of servers, clients, and forums and alot issues. same as in trackbase i been with the project since it started. so as you can see am quite got the knowledge. I am 22 Year old Personal Trainer, Circuit Trainer, Kettle bells Instructor and MMA Fighter so i am quite busy in my real life as it is and now with a kid on the way so for now that all can't wait to get to know you all. Regards, Adrian
  12. Sorry to hear this it's been hard time at the moment, shortly the situation should get better.
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