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Silveri last won the day on May 21 2015

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About Silveri

  • Birthday 03/23/1994

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  1. Silveri

    et problems

    this dude really miss me. but i have to crush your dreams. coz i aint coming back
  2. Silveri

    et problems

    very helpful ppl here at this moment. i would say that update your ET to 2.6b and do commands rate 45000, also cl_maxpackets 100. there is some which could help with your problem! peace.
  3. hello everyone, where the heck is the server

    1. MiniMuppet


      Do you mean ip or which country? 

      http://et.trackbase.net/server/45411 and its in France :P

  4. OR! you can upload ur song to https://picosong.com/ using http://anything2mp3.com/and after u have uploaded click the download button then right click the " Click here to download ur file" and copy link address and paste it to profile song url box. done, but dont know how long it works
  5. i figured it out, you can but anysong on it using this link http://anything2mp3.com/fi put ur songlink from youtube or soundclound in there and convert it, when its finished right click the picture and choose copy link addres. then just put the link on profile song url and done. should work, dont know how long but it works
  6. Silveri

    Pro server

    are you sure that you are using 2.6b version? here you can download etpro folder http://antman.info/wolf/etpro/download.php?etpro-3_2_6.zip and here is latest version of et http://www.splashdamage.com/content/download-wolfenstein-enemy-territory
  7. Silveri

    Pro server

    You have played too much etpub. Other mods wont work
  8. Silveri

    Pro server

    Can you tell more what files are missing? Can you download them ? Was the command cl_wwwdownload
  9. I thing there is not needed r mode -1, jusr r mode 8. Or was it 9 =D
  10. Silveri

    Screen Resolution

    In my screen i can remove black bars on side by using screens own settings to putting it on 1:1 setting thing, same way you can put it back by 4:3. ( im not using laptop ) but idk how to do it on pc's own settings.
  11. Silveri


    no, i was just joking:D friday is good day but im good
  12. Silveri


    lol this site got smiles for every thing. me smoking me pumping tires vinking robin hood stoned playing et as medic on the beach fluing today daaam smile limits : (
  13. Silveri


    what is cybergaming partner?
  14. Silveri


    teammuppet should use skype
  15. how long this cup gonna last if its start at 1/7? can trials join? can play as backup coz army
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