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Everything posted by Alistar

  1. Lucky you! I have already started writing the script
  2. I agree. Me and Macka will pre-order star's biography.
  3. Going to host a rifle tennis cup. Stay tuned! If anyone wants to help in organising please send me a private mail

    1. Macka


      Can I send you a private mail anyway? Xoxo

    2. Alistar


      yes you can Macka :)

  4. C-c-c-c-combobreaker!! I made a successful topic
  5. Oh nice one! Probably half of the questions were already answered
  6. First of all, I am sorry if I repeat same questions over and over if there is already a similar topic somewhere Anyway, Let's get back to the topic! - Who originally set up Team muppet and what year it was? - Who were the very first members to join the clan? - Did NoDownload server exist since the beginning? - Have you always been using etpub mod? - Did TM ever attend to any lan events or open cups? - Did minimuppet (?) meet mr.muppet on enemy territory (My favourite question) - What was the most memorable moment in teammuppet clan history? - Why "the muppets" were chosen as the name of the clan? - Did TM ever play return to castle of wolfenstein? - Do most british members know each other in real life? - If you were able to what would you bring back from the team muppet clan past? - Were there any true love stories during all the years? - Members who have been part of the community for long do you know each other very well? - Did TM ever face any conflicts? - Did TM somehow change yourself? I can't invent more questions so far but others are also allowed to ask as well
  7. Welcome and enjoy your time with us! Ps. YCN used to be great
  8. Thanks! This chat system is the greatest way to stay in touch with TM members offline!
  9. Luckily, I do not think I can miss the event again because it is still 350 days to go!
  10. You are welcome! remember to visit our forum daily :>
  11. More information related to the servers here: http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/13569-anything-about-servers/
  12. 1. Download the selected mod you prefer 2. Put the mod folder into ETmain folder 3. Create a .bat file 4. Open notepad and copy paste the text below. First locate the location of your ETDED and selected mod, please. C:\ET\ETDED.exe (PUT THE ETDED HERE) +set net_port 27961 +set com_hunkmegs 64 +set com_zoneMegs 32 +set dedicated 1 +set fs_game YOUR MOD (Just write the name of the mod to "your mod". The mod name is the name of the downloaded mod folder. +set fs_homepath 27961 +set sv_punkbuster 1 +exec ET_server.cfg 5. Choose Save as, choose the name of the file and then put name.bat ! Remember to write .bat to the end of the name. After it move the .bat file to ETMain folder 6. Press the .bat file to run it 7. You should find the server from your local list EDIT: I wrote a full instructions for rest too. In your case just add +set fs_game MOD NAME and run your batch script.
  13. Unfortunately I missed the event accidentally :/
  14. Nah I'll do it for free and make a coffee for us!

    1. Slarty


      Good, I have had problem finding a stripper to put in the cake for the lovely ladies down at the senior retirement home :P

    2. Alistar


      What the hell my comment is doing here:XDDD

    3. VeryDead


      I'd enjoy viewing Alistar working as a stripper x)

  15. The best event I have ever been involved
  16. He has definitely deserved a special reward from TM for playing so long on the server
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