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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. Happy birthday!!
  2. i say no map voting because then the cycle is out..
  3. ok i took a look in-game... it is really strange :? all his skill were set back to 1630 xp and his engi skill was even 0 this is really impossible because he is (almost) always engi so guess there is something wrong with his xp-save file.. ( i suggest to make it manually full, because he has been this already)
  4. ah ok then keep putting team.. maybe save their GUID and IP so we can ban him afterwards..
  5. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]Hmm not working yet still setlevel One more i dont think we have too add freeze too 3/4 they have too wait untoo level 5. we cant not trust them all before( u renember deadstar) they have play a lot at servers And lets try too put in pop/pip from level 3 maybe it is better to leave level 3 as it is.. and add pip/pop and a few other harmless fun commands to level 4 so they got some advance from getting higher.. and maybe change the names.. like level 3 <=TM=> Private... level 4 <=TM=> Sergeant level 5 <=TM=> Captain level 6 <=TM=> Major level 7 <=TM=> Colonel level 8 <=TM=> General
  6. try to vote kick him..
  7. well maybe we should add a stupid thing.. so they can do it better.. these powers are really slow and a lot of work to do :?
  8. hmm ok we will have to take a look on it then..
  9. well u can also use !freeze if i am right..
  10. We have a few simple rules 1. Have fun in the game (it is still a game) 2. No cheating, in no way you can think of. 3. No flaming, dont use badwords. a. If you are experiecing bad game-play u can say a few words but not all the time... 4. No childish behaviour. 5. Try to be active on the forum, so we can get to know each other. 6. Listen to admins and members, They will always try to help you. 7. Be a team player, ET is special as you have to do objectives, so do these.. 8. NO Trickjumping 9. NO team killing or bleeding a. It is allowed to do a little bit team bleeding or killing, when u try to shoot the enemy, the admin will decide if it was on purpose or not. 10. Speak only english in main 11. Try to also be a chatter in-game.. (it is always fun to have a chat while gaming) Additonial rules for scriming 1. Use Teamspeak Punishment If you dont obey the rules listed above, you can be warned, get your xp resetted, kicked or even banned. Just as the admin decides. If you dont agree join the forum and defend yourself. Adminlevels adminlevels are given by the admins for those who behave very good, be nice, and maybe when they help out an admin. This is also decided by the admin seeing you in-game. Do not ask for adminlevel. It could even get you a lower one as a sort of punishment If agree all of these rules Email: mrmuppet@teammuppet.co.uk or start a topic in the Recruitment section If not all of these questios are yes.. Just leave u dont have a chance of becomming a muppet.. :doh:
  11. cropsel


    then there are no waypoints avaible..
  12. i guess atm not much..
  13. well... do u have any skill maxed?? the max xp for a skill will be 2750 so it is resetted some times.. maybe when u kill someone..
  14. set him lvl 3
  15. i did.. at least the internet said, a symbol after the * will take it away.. so i put the s of setlevel behind it..
  16. cropsel


    i set him 5.. Sry didn't knew that.. when i joined i saw he was 0 and put him 5 because i thought it was the normal member level..
  17. it is fine by me...
  18. Ok guys Propaganda Tower version 2.0 is finished for download here: http://cropkiller.pro-hosts.co.uk/index.php?file=Download&op=description&dl_id=2 and the waypoints here: http://cropkiller.pro-hosts.co.uk/index.php?file=Download&op=description&dl_id=3 have fun PS muppet add it to the mapcycle plz..
  19. ok i agree with that.. lets just keep it like this.. which one would you like to add to level 4??
  20. well i like those too.. maybe donald can make a sticky topic about this in the recruitment part.. like u can only join when u follow these simple rules..
  21. yes maybe it is better to delete 3 or 4.. and then skip 7.. So 4 Teammuppet member.. 5 teammuppetmember lvl 2.... and 6 teammuppetadmin and 8 still teammuppet head admin.. and i forget the ! for lvl 8 :oops:
  22. ok i found this already out but thx anyway... and i needed to use omnibot because in the servers we also use omnibot.. and if i would use bobot i would not have made any sense at all btw.. i just completed propaganda Tower version 2... available on here http://cropkiller.pro-hosts.co.uk/index.php?file=Download&op=description&dl_id=2
  23. lol we are happy to get you back.. we are just in chock.. so we forgot to say hi
  24. no bad language and say bye when u leave
  25. thanks
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