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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. hey, i know it is a stupid request but plz change the color.. I cant stand this blue and it hurts my eyes choose something like this blue
  2. can u plz post this again i kind of forgot the .cfg name :oops:
  3. hahahaha good question.. just right click and save them at ur own computer... Then u have it for sure
  4. i am for sur
  5. ok but i guess we changed it ater this one.. because here lvl 8 has everything.. also setlevel etc..
  6. ok np
  7. ok i will take a look at it.. and try to make some order in the flags.. and i will add setlevel, the silently thing, and the always changeable thing (s,3,5 are the flags) to all moderators.. So MrMuppet, mini, donald and me.. and then i will mail it to you.. if u dont like it mail me back plz.. cheers
  8. i mean this isn't it possible to do only one time.. then an other map and after that the other time so it dont gets this boring.
  9. cropsel


    i dont know..
  10. maybe it is just an idea but baserace only once.. because otherwise u have to start two times doing exactly the same..
  11. hahahaha lol
  12. cropsel


    ok i just made this one
  13. lol well at least we also have visiters at night..
  14. cropsel

    Help needed

    lol well at least we also have visiters at night..
  15. lol if u like the etpub server is still running... You can join that one..
  16. well i know a lil bit... U have to download Omni bot for sure because that is how the bots work.. I know how you could it set up but without the NQ mod.. 8-) but with i dont know.. But firstly download the omni-bot mod.. :idea:
  17. cropsel

    Help needed

    well i know a lil bit... U have to download Omni bot for sure because that is how the bots work.. I know how you could it set up but without the NQ mod.. 8-) but with i dont know.. But firstly download the omni-bot mod.. :idea:
  18. [quote name=>rob><] so thanks puppet me old mucker, you have just strengthened us if anything well i am happy u see the bright side of this all
  19. ok i hope there are back ups.. Rob i deleted the other on of this.. U posted it twice
  20. Hey guys, maybe some one can explain how to put on the mapcycle.. Because a lot of times it is off.. and we have to set a new map all the time.. Can u plz help me with how to set it on the server and maybe how to change it..
  21. well i didn't know all of this.. So now i agree he should be kicked.. Oh and btw then he really sucks.. Because i killed him often so i killed a cheater But if we ban him we should also change the rcon and ref because he knows those 2 too and he will set him self up again..
  22. well, as it is like winston tells you i think he should be banned.. But i am kind of friends with puppet and i dont think he would do it even though he hates winston flame ect.. so if u think it would be necassairy ban him.. I myself dont think we need to do this..
  23. lol you just have to wait on that mail from donald.. in which he states u are in.. Bet u know the procedure from that point Now just wait the poll runs for about 2 weeks.. or 2 months just when Donald likes it he sends you the mail.. So be patient.
  24. cropsel


    which band is it??
  25. cropsel


    youre going to listen to some belgian music? you got a hearing problem or just a eurovision song contest fan???? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/21/world/europe/21finch.html..vinkensport............... :mrgreen: next you will be admitting you have jean claude van damme posters on your bedroom wall cropkiller.................... lol i am going to rockwerchter.. a pop festival with international bands.. http://www.rockwerchter.be
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