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Everything posted by Raiko

  1. Raiko

    ETKEY Problems

    Well right now i can't think of anything other than the compatibility part. Did you have an outdated ET:L before installing a new one? If yes, then the files with the old ET:L and the new ET:L might me incompatible with each other and the new files don't recognize the old ones as legitimate. Correct me if i'm mistaken : )
  2. Raiko

    Easter Event

    Had a blast at the event Big thanks to purple for setting up the event!
  3. Raiko

    Easter Event

    Will show up!
  4. Palju õnne kaksikute puhul!
  5. Raiko

    Happy NewYear!

  6. Raiko

    Santa Clause Day

    Dont worry ill bring some for you if you really want
  7. Raiko

    Santa Clause Day

    Ill try to be there, sounds like fun
  8. Hello
  9. Raiko

    Quiz Time

    If ill be invited ill instantly fail ._.
  10. Raiko

    Little help

    Wazzup, ive been thinking if this topic is required or not but decided to go full in and do it anyways soooo im using etlegacy to play ETPUB and i think etpub is not rly.. supported on etlegacy so sometimes when i connect, the game just crashes or lags like super hard (sometimes need to restart ET like 3 times to get it work properly and after that fps is 70-100 like it should) but i was thinking if theres a way to fix it or do i just need to get used to it and forget about it
  11. I still regret that i drank water instead of a cold beer
  12. It was alot of fun and we all had a good laugh
  13. I wanna hear niki sing aswell ill be on TS just chilling and being quiet if needed ill talk
  14. Id like that but im not much of a water person to be honest ill just drink water cuz i dont want to get so drunk that cant wake up at the right time the next day
  15. same, i have to go to tartu (2nd biggest city in Estonia) the next day so i cant really drink anything D: ill probably stick with water
  16. From Estonia to Belgium, little too pricy for me.. sorry ben D: + its so damn hot outside. i remember when i was a little kid i used to just stick my head in the freezer to cool down
  17. Raiko

    Member map

    Thent theres me who lives 80km away from any major city (including Tallinn) and live in near a small village.. on the countryside
  18. Raiko

    Easter Wishes

    Happy easter !
  19. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    Did a reset for my pc got it fixed Will be online later today
  20. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    If i have to do it.. Ill do it :/
  21. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    Yeah, and thats what i tought in the 1st place.. but i didnt know that this might be the thing.. ill uninstall those new programs (RIP games :c)
  22. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    Tried.. Doesnt work, and i checked all of my drivers are up to date
  23. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    No, ill try it Is there some other way to execute r_primitives 2 without the Ingame console? Cant copy paste it, game is too slow
  24. Raiko

    Having an issue..

    When im starting ET, The game starts to lag... Like crazy, even on the main screen.. (Maybe 1 frame per 10 seconds). Ive been searching if anyone else has this and as far i know, noone has had this problem... I reinstalled ET and that didnt help.. (My fps is maybe around 0.3-0.7 ;-;)
  25. That map looks amazing ! Would love to try it
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