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Everything posted by Gh0stical

  1. Was like two years ago when I introduced myself I guess, but here we go: Ingame name: Gh0stical (basically I use the name in all of my social media) Real name: Gerhard Country: Estonia Age: 20 ( I rememer when I joined forums exactly on the day when I got 18) Profession: Steward on ships on Baltic Sea/ Electrician/ Painter Fun Fact: Currently I am officially the most pierced guy in Estonia with 27 different body piercings and counting Hobbies: Gaming, Makeup-s, Drinkingl ( not a hobby, but when I am not on sea, that is what I am mostly doin) Skateboarding... and thats about it I guess So yea, feel free to ask more questions.
  2. Was great fun playing, althought Isucked so hard
  3. 4 more days :) then once again on solid ground and fraggin*

    1. Niki


      time to make You a muppet again :)

    2. Gh0stical


      Sound good, and also saying that my schedule is most likely two weeks gaming, two weeks not, because of a work on a boat :)

  4. Forces are strong!


  5. I have moved, and on Monday Iĺl get my interent connection, but not quite sure how to install ET on macbook :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistar


      no way! U should have moved to tartu cos all TM members live there.

    3. Gh0stical


      Lol Ali :D Centaur lives in Tallinn too :D

    4. Alistar


      This sounds great! Me, you and centaur in tallinn!

  6. Now I'm the full grown man that you love to hate And yeah you doubted me, but now I'm laughing in your face You're hoping I fail, but you're just pressing your luck 'Cause the one best part of me is I don't give a... HAH HAH

    1. Alistar


      Unfortunately, u not full grown up man for years yet

    2. GreatDanton


      So true alistar ;) ;)

  7. Schlaf Kindlein Schlaf!

    1. Alistar
    2. Towelie


      Ur not my real dad!

    3. naz


      deine mutter ist ein schaf

  8. Happy Valentine's day to all of you!
  9. Made in Estonia.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TommyBiondillo


      Alistar not so good at Estonian, he just wanted to become friends with you.

    3. VenoM


      elph is pretty well edumacated doe

    4. Alistar


      Alistar is everyone's friend doe

  10. Name change coming soon

    1. Alistar


      Give us a hint!

      E: is it perhaps emo? :sofa:

    2. Gh0stical


      More like even more gothic :D I'll post it in forums, after short discussion.

    3. Alistar


      I can't really wait for ur name change. I hope i can get to sleep tonight :/

  11. !welcome
  12. Umn, basically I do, and then again I don't. My girl wears exactly the same lock on her neck, and she has my key, and I has hers. So when we are together, then I has that key.
  13. Well, I've thinking a lot to make this post here, and right now I finally decided that I should do it Many people know me as a Goth, ingame ofcourse, but my real name is actually Gerhard, and my friends call me Geto But yea, I'mma 18 year old student who loves the dark side. I dress in black, I have a lot of piercings, tattoos, i wear contacts and makeup and so on. So basically Im a real life Goth, and there are not many left in Estonia. My pasttime activities include different DIY-s,skateboarding, drawing, tattooing, piercing myself and other people, and just being a freak (Fr3aky, no offense ofcourse ). Been playing ET since I was 10 or something like that, when we had it in school computers and we had LAN parties And lately I'vnt been active a lot, cause I've been traveling a lot, I just <3 to travel. So basically yea. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, imma post a pic of me down below, and yea... Stay goth.. ;D
  14. Battle battle B'tch B'tch

  15. Dead bodies everywhere.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Alistar


      Slarty, i am sure they party hard !

    3. Alistar


      Slarty, i am sure they party hard !

    4. TommyBiondillo


      Goth woke up hangover in the graveyard again.

  16. I will never drink again

    1. Slarty


      Or to be precise, you will never drink again in 2015 :D

    2. Alistar


      I wish rolf said the same

  17. Merry gothic cristmas everybody!

  18. Today is the Christmas event. Yeyy

  19. 2:34AM Still playing ET. I has no life

    1. Slarty


      2:57 checking forums, what did you say?? :D

    2. Niki


      finally nice picture :)

  20. Gonna Scare Some People Mwhahahahaha

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