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Everything posted by JaR

  1. I have a pretty good rig, but being here in California my ping is really high (160-180). I'm Hooked up to the internet via cable. Was thinking about installing Fiber Optic's. Any Ideas on how I might bring that ping down ? Also..... was on the Beginners server around 7:00 pm PST and there was a player who's flag of country was United States but his Ping was 28 ?!?!!??! How is that possible ? I want that Ping LOLLLLL !!!!
  2. I feel the Ban should be re-instated
  3. Dude, you were also using artillery strikes inside the enemy base, I warned you but you just haha'd me and kept it up. Look at his kill rate on Base Race. I watched you bro , You never missed
  4. Hey everyone,

    The last couple of years has been quite busy for me , but its great to be back. 

    TM is an exceptional clan and I'm very fortunate to be a part of it.

    see you in the GAMES.

  5. JaR

    Confused !!!

    Hello Happy Holidays to all, I hope and pray all are safe and Healthy. I did not know where to post this : I attempted to play the Baserace only game server and it immediately whistled me saying I was using an unauthorized Clan tag and that I needed to change my name or be Kicked, I was so CONFUSED over this........ so I kept playing thinking that this was a mistake ...... was whistled again......... I kept playing and finally it said I WAS BANNED from the server. Have I done something wrong ? Have I missed something ? am I no Longer an admin ? I apologize if this was not the right place to post this. JaR
  6. Hi, Is there anything that I need to do on my end to get this corrected ? I just jumped onto the PUB server and my Admin Level was still "0" and XP was also "0"
  7. Hey ALL Its been awhile since I have had a chance to jump onto the servers...... Its been hella busy at the hospital. But I got onto the PUB sever and my XP was " 0 " and my Admin Level was also " 0 " Is there any way to remedy this ? I wasnt sure where to post this issue Im having Thanks, Every one please be safe
  8. JaR

    Recoil cfg

    Hello, I did not know exactly where to put this post, so I hope I chose the right one. I was asked whether a anti Recoil cfg script was considered cheating and would he get banned if he used it. I told him that I honestly did not know the answer.... so now Im asking any of you. Is it cheating to run that kind of script ? It was mainly for his K43 sniper rifle Thanks Jar ......... the night owl admin
  9. JaR

    Admin Level

    Good Morning !!! Well.... is about 4:00 AM your time , 6:55 PM my Time I was not sure where to post this , so I picked this one. On the public server ( No Download) , it shows ma as a level 0 - guest !!! No admin commands, take that back , it shows me with 8 really basic commands Now... on the Beginners and BaseRace servers its all good, I have the the Admin Level and all the commands . If its about activity, I've been playing, I think I have 46,000 XP on the Public server, its just when I'm playing, all you awesome people are fast asleep ;-) I'm going back there now to play a few more maps !!! Love you all Take care JaR
  10. Thanks for taking care of it, btw it wasn't just against bots....... I was playing and when he started the artillery I jumped to spectator and took the screen shots Thanks again ;-)
  11. Thanks for checking into it, He's at it again. I really enjoy the BaseRace map, but its no fun when your being SHELLED coming out of the Gate
  12. I was playing BaseRace, and this person " Aprendix" was using artillery in the opposing teams Spawn. I asked him to stop , but he kept it up.
  13. Is the Baserace Server Down ? It is not listed the ET server's Main List. When I plug in the IP address, I connect to the server, but there are no Bots.
  14. JaR


    Unfortunately it did not help........Could it be because I'm running ET 2.55 ? I decided to do a clean install of ET 2.60b ......... and Im running at 90 fps As an experiment , I downloaded the 2.60b update and installed onto my ET 2.55, after update it still ran at 45 fps No crying over spilled milk here ;-) . The only bummer is that with the clean install of 2.60b, is that Im starting all over from "0" XP Its ALL GOOD !!! Thx again
  15. JaR


    I will try this Thx !!!!
  16. JaR


    Hello all, First of all, that U.S. swimmer - Lotche, or whatever is a LOSER !! That said, Guys/Gals......... I mostly play on the "Base Race" server, but by the end of mission play my Eyes are CROSSEYED !! I see that the game is running constantly @ 45 FPS , Is there any thing I can do to increase the FPS or what adjustments do I need to do on my Monitor & Videocard settings ? Help ./- (
  17. Hi, My name is Jeffrey and my home is in California, USA , married and have 3 children, and work full time in a Hospital I used to play ET a long time ago , but have now started playing again. I found your servers and enjoy playing on them and have registered as well. And I want to thank Eagle_cz for welcoming me and chatting with me, this tells me that this is a very good Clan. hope to get to know all of you , also, in the servers I use the name : JarTech my favorite is Engineer.
  18. I use to play a long time ago, its been about 3-4 years since playing ET, but now I would like to jump in again and start. I like your Servers and looking forward to playing on them. Thanks for the opportunity !!!! Jar
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