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Everything posted by hijack

  1. oh everybody knows im the best player in TM huhum ego...
  2. lol the tile means like who got's best picked up in ET
  3. lol, warnig points think im leaving tm because ill have 5600 in 2 days :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hijack


      look at your profile under your pici t say's waring points 0

    3. GreenMan


      You sacked !!! lol:P

    4. MOoN
  4. start et as administrator, right click - properties - compatibility - put on start as administrator
  5. ok delte that message then booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  7. the last maps link i uploaded are new they aren't on the server
  8. etjump take only etjump remove the trickjump server if ya want i can rar all my tj maps to put them on the etjump server
  9. maby you can put a server that isn't used over that also spares you money make it over to etjump then thanks
  10. had chrach need to buy new hdd and memory il be back online tonigt or in 1 of the days yal soon , ssr for typo this is a stupid phone

  11. going to the gym :D will be online this afternoon

  12. IS BACK

    1. Stumpel


      Welcome back Mr.Hijack king of guitar :D

  13. put in the rules , Use off any other bug is illegal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then you dont forget all the bugs you dont know but other member do
  14. dizzy can take my place if he wants
  15. srry guys cant joint the tournament anymore the dates and times are unpossible for me because i have school and the next week i go to belgium to visit family so please remove me from the teams thank you
  16. look at your services that are running if you have a option that downloads every then minutes updates for your programs that may couse the problem or just reinstall your whole pc and if that isn't working its a hardware failure
  17. or are inactive if quickly count on my fingers who are active i think 15 woud be a fair nummer
  18. srry me 1v1 AND 3V3
  19. loool just been called a leonardo dicaprio :P

  20. just find out that my GF has a son :( " only 1 thing going on in my head GET THE FUCK OUT :P "

    1. Remedica


      HAHAHA Priceless! :D

    2. hijack


      i know

      but we talked it out she's now my fuckbuddy :P :P :P

  21. srry im less online latly but your all understand when i say "girlfriend" :P

  22. if i hear that damm turkey again im gonna schoot it and eat

    1. Stumpel
    2. hijack
    3. Stumpel


      My link idea is the last words of that video...

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