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Everything posted by hijack

  1. i have reterned but noz i have to go to school

  2. Why have lost my cheatbuster title?

    1. hijack


      strange tings going on

      my pc broke and ive registerd on a rival clan

      my titles gone and i know from nothing

      i think ive gotta panzer your asses in the air when i get back :)

    2. Stumpel
    3. miraro3


      Probably because you aren't able to do your job at the moment. If you're back i'm sure you can get your title back ;)

  3. Player name: LADIESMAN Our vote: wasn't cheating => clean
  4. Player name: DEREZZED Our vote: was cheating => banned
  5. thanks for adding this fleshpulse
  6. Player name: PRO Our vote: was cheating (wallhack) => banned
  7. i need to rock the guitar

    1. Stumpel


      I wait ur first long solo with guitar....

    2. hijack


      i made a dong :P

  8. i need to rock the guitar

  9. Player name: UNKNOWN (aka denji, or NIGGER) Our vote: was cheating (wallhack) => banned
  10. Player name: Globus Our vote: wasn't cheating => clean (Started by MOoN, 1.10.2011 02:36 PM)
  11. omg forgot ND by TJ!!!!!!!!!! ;p

  12. yeaah im a cheat buster now!!!!!! watch out:p

  13. For the people that use DEMONOID it back running again

  14. changed her strings :-) love the sound

  15. How to spec somebody without being compromised!! 1: If your not know as somebody that not goes spec every 2 minutes then don't just go spec without saying something!!!!!! say something like " i am back in 5 minutes" 2: Order - FIRST get the DEMO of the player you suspect (follow a player with the command /follow (slot or name player)) - After demo get the USER INFO with the command !userinfo (name player or slot) If you not wanna get compromised ask another TM member to take it :-) Demos without infos are more troublesome and sometimes even useless. (Remember there are many ETplayers not only one) 3 : DON'T FORGET - TAKE a DEMO longer then 15 SEC, its best to take about 10 min of demo or whole map in time they will screw up - Post the demo AND user info on the forum and tell us which mod. With the name of the player as topic name. And always keep in mind that not every good player cheat. Also, it would greatly help if you would point out the exact times where you suspect cheat. if you agree with something or wanna add please post it
  16. my walktrough game is starting to come allong (just have problems with the elevator script lol)

  17. hijack

    Lagging Problem

    i try to help with everything
  18. hijack

    Lagging Problem

    wath also a common problem is what many laptops have cpu overheating it slowdown every program on your PC so clean you cpu and also the ventilator above it what also a bugger can be is when you play games you use a lot of memory so your memory can stock up so mush info that is gonna be full and work properly take out you memory and let them stay out for 20 seconds so they can run out of electricity and reset then if a desktop take off power supply and leave him of for 5 min if a laptop take out baterie take of power supply let him stay off for 5 min normally that will do a big difference hijack

    1. Gunner
    2. MiniMuppet


      i have put this on the home page, you could pm all members on the forum too

  20. irs just saying in witch methods in tthe script had an error(.class)

    nod wath error

  21. watching the godfather for the first time MAN great movie!!

    1. miraro3


      really? i've seen thousands of movies, but didn't bother about the godfather O_O i might reconsider.

    2. hijack


      meto i alway's tough it was a bad movie just because the name i think

  22. still not able to play ET because hardware problems(on the edge of trowing my laptop to a wall)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiniMuppet


      whats wrong with it?

    3. RocknRolla


      You're lucky it's a laptop, so much easier to throw then a PC.

    4. hijack


      yeah my laptop has the famous usb device is not recognized problem

      but the sulotion that are there dind't work for my pc (and it charched my hard disk ) :-)

      but i think i have a solution if it work i will by on et tonight but with another guid because i forgot to backup my old one

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