As Matu wrote, I was kicked by server after having some (don't know the number) complaints from just one person.
How did I teamkill? Artillery, as Allied Fops, when we broke door to the gold, I was firing artillery on the area where Axis can get out of their spawn directly to the gold. And damn... same teammate was constantly walking to this artillery, every time giving me complaint, then bang - I was kicked and couldn't connect for some time (I drank my beer at that moment, didn't want to open next one, so that advice couldn't help :P )
I'd say this is quite unfair, cause you never now if complaint is justified or not and if you collect enough of them it automatically kicks you. Shouldn't the whole team decide whether to kick or not a player for misbehavior?
What if there's some trolling amateur who is driving some particular player nuts, then will get killed few times and each time give complaint to this team member he's trolling. Theb the trolled player, who actually is not the one to blame for anything, gets kicked