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Trinorae last won the day on July 18 2022

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  1. I played Transmitter once before, as axis. It was boring as fuck, because allies had no chance getting through either that tunnel or over that bridge. Today I played it for 5 minutes as allied. Then I went spec. I never do that when I want to play ET. But that map just makes no sense. Allies just have no choice and you get killed by mortar, panzer, arty and airstrike on top of smg fire on that bridge all the time. The tunnel has a little bit more chance, but as soon as you gain the upper hand, the ladder goes up and you're stuck. If only the ladder would stay down, maybe it would have a small chance of success. So without any fixes, this map has to go imo. Just give us Cluedo back instead. At least that's a balanced map.
  2. Was it different? I have a horrible memory. I tried to tell it as good as my memory served me! Didn't even need editing to be funny.
  3. So I join the server, start chitchatting and suddenly Marco PMs me with some confusing stuff. At first I thought he was drunk because what he said was making no sense (and he wasn't event speaking French). But after a while it became clear that he wanted me to spec some player who seemed suspicious according to him and he doesn't know how to demo. (Fun fact: I don't know how to either. I just have auto-record and a bind) So as a good friend, I went spec, specced the guy a bit. Map ended. Specced the guy some more. Shot very well. Moved pretty stupid. Died quite easily. Note sure if that sus. Please don't spec the part after he went spec and I joined axis again. That's me. I AM NOT CHEATING! I swear. Just for the sake of completeness: had a good conversation with Marco afterwards. It went along the lines of this: Marco: Did you record the demo? Me: yeah. What do you want me to do with it? Marco: Post it on the forums. Me: You're going to have to be more specific. You want me to post it somewhere in suspicious player demos? Marco: Just add it to my post. Me: What post? Marco: I tagged you in it. Me: I see no tag. Are you sure you're not posting it somewhere I don't have access to? Marco: No. I'll send you the link. I clicked the link... Permission denied. Me: I get a permission denied. What is this? Some foul attempt in luring me to join TM so I can post that demo?! Gotta give it to you: Ande never managed to be so elaborate! Marco: Oh shit. I'll create a new post. Or no. Just post it yourself. ... OKAY MARCO. Good conversation. So here it is. The part I still specced in Venice and the short part he played in Radar that I was speccing. Please be advised: anything you see in here that somehow offends you, could lead to a warning, a ban, or a proposal. Leave it be! The sole purpose of this post, is helping my friend Marco out! EDIT: Marco: I don't see your post. Me: Are you shitting me mate?! HERE IT IS. @LordMarco6699 2022-07-14-162131-venice.dm_84 2022-07-14-162717-radar.dm_84
  4. Great initiative! I wasn't annoyed by most of the things and I liked several! Not so great: Too much sound. Some of those sentences just kept on going on repeat. Mines: wtf? Too big. Somehow hard to avoid because of that. Heads: I couldn't recognize classes because of those heads. I never knew if there was a medic nearby to heal me or which one I had to revive first to have an engi alive. Tortured cat sounds Great: Limbo menu. That blood makes it so much better. Halloween maps (just nice to have some change. Don't think I would want most of them in usual rotation. Though I do like Warbell!) Exit menu (there, I said it Dmxj) Tortured cat sounds Please keep this forever: Green flames. OH MY GOD. Those green flames are so pretty. Why would a flamethrower have to shoot orange flames anyway?! Push and knive sounds. (Okay, to be fair: it might encourage pushing a bit too much. But OH MY those are great sounds!) The occasional "boomstick" sound. Just not all the time on repeat. Skull textures on tunnel walls. Wauw, those are pretty! Some ideas: Christmas push sounds is a jingle bell Tortured santa sounds
  5. I'm pretty sure you once said that about prestige...
  6. I have the feeling it's the other way around. The delay wasn't there until recently (though it should've been imo) and it was being (ab)used massively. Now that the delay has been added, people just need to get used to that again.
  7. Imagine having perfected your aiming abilities and you're in a 1-on-1 with someone and you're aiming for their head perfectly. The only way for them to survive it, is being faster than you to aim for your head, move real quickly... or... Prone and you, even when you very quickly aim down, and won't be able to do headshots anymore. If you have full HP, you'll likely still win. But if you had low HP from the start, they'll shoot your feet, or jump up again and finish you off. Without the prone it would've been a perfect kill. I very much welcomed this prone delay. I feel like it makes sense that you can't jump up again that quickly. Even with the prone delay I sometimes prone myself. If I'm low on ammo and need to reload, I prone, reload and try to fight back. But that's because you don't have any other option. If you're just not quick enough or your aim is not good enough, prone should not be your solution. #voteYes for prone delay!
  8. I upvote for longer warm-up time! Maybe combined with RUP.
  9. Well to be honest, it's mostly in the beginning in the map that my reasoning would occur. I usually don't go take a drink in the middle of the map, but in the end. Opening a bottle of wine or neatly pouring a (non pilsner) beer in its glass needs its time. You can't rush it because the next map is starting. Or maybe you suddenly realise you need to take a leak as well; this happens when you suddenly stand up. So that might take a little longer than planned. So your suggestion is to put yourself in spec when leaving your keyboard, no matter how long you think it'll take? :-)
  10. Recently a put-auto-spec was added. This thing is great to prevent people from idling too long, but in my opinion 30 seconds is a bit short. Sometimes it happens you want to quickly grab a drink or google some crazy Polish stuff someone is uttering. So my suggestion is to put that auto-spec-time to at least a minute or maybe two.
  11. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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