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Everything posted by 2rk

  1. Hardware ban a good solution
  2. @dmxj Ofc I understand my friend,and you are totally right,every admin want to see their server full,frankly the subject that upset me my misfortune destiny always I ve played this game with lag,finally I found a server without lag,I am scaring it will deteriorate this stuation
  3. All maps was perfect at once,no need the break spell imo,tbh Idc the maps,if Lepari,Transi,EmmielMariuh,dookie was there,all good for me without care the maps,please just no fueldump and railgun snowy maps:) Idk why,last 10 years I couldn't enjoy in any server like I do in this server,I dont remember,but as I said I hope the magic won't break sometimes I am whining about the numbers of the players,especially when more then 5 vs 5,but lag starts,fps drops game enjoyable fuking up for me,but it's okay,if others love it I can love too in time,still my favorite server for now
  4. First of all I am sorry to hear that about your real life,we are all human and we can make mistakes time to time,I am not mad at you and I dont want to make it longer this topic with negative comments.but you told smths that u know me from other servers and I am provacative when some kills me? at here everyone kilIed me at the server,did I provacated them?anyone remember I did? why just you say this? tbh I dont know you,I dont even know any portugal player than u are,I never met you in any server before,I never provacated at you or another one,I just answered who talked shit and I will,thats all,but I never insulted right?even you did many times.sorry but no need to lies mate.just SS or profs talking here, not allegations,as I said I dont know you,I dont hate you,just play your game and have fun,again sorry to hear all about your family.
  5. 2rk

    New server

    20 seconds for spawn might be better imo,also every 5 minutes next map reminder would be great.and we need ammo supplies in every maps(Atleast negotiable)...and one more thing, it would be good if we can get engineers clothes/classes when he ded.otherwise we cant defuse dyna because he has to wait spawning 30 secs time to time
  6. Marrekech street
  7. 2rk

    New server

    Tbh I liked this server more then etlegacy one.I was there all night,without lag,good Players,no team bleeders,was having so fun.good job!
  8. 2rk


    Hello ppl, I m playing this game for long years,15 years .and whole my ET life,I had great friends who respected,funny and friendly.and also I knew the ppl who has full of hate and hatred.hate becuz only I am muslim or I am Turkish.I m really very proud to be a Turkish and also Muslim person.like u proud of urself.I remember soo good that; my first topic was say hello and meeting here.second one is complain for racism.I changed some servers,I came back and hurts to me see that nothing changed.whole my et life,I answered just who insulted me,who sweared me.but I never sweared to ppl mother,his religon,his etnicity.because I know these are the most sensitives of the people.and none can prove I sweared or insulted ppl only because their believes or what importants for them..I had Polish friends,English,German...Christians,Jews,Muslims etc..we can joking each others..I've never approached people with prejudice,if I would ,I couldnt be an admin at the great servers like AXE, TWC, FA ...and I left all of these clans bcuz of haters.after 3 or 5 kills,starting insult.nothing changed this 15 years.seems it won't change next 15 years.so sad. Today Ptain and a guy Polish(entranced) or sths like that called me as Muslim Terrorist,not one time,2 times.nonstop while map.warned them dont do racism,they said its not racism and.I warned them I m getting ss but they keep it on.the great pharoah warned them too,because he was the one other muslim at the server.others just watched.zerocool was there I pm'ed him but he said I didnt see.I had many ss but I dont know they dont work on my pc.etproes and silents ss are working but legacy ss not.if any solution for open these ss u can tell me,otherwise u can check the logs.
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