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Posts posted by Dragonkiss

  1. 7 hours ago, LordMarco6699 said:

    You have a point. Nevertheless, the modified image with the nicknames on is different from the original Kermit the Frog and therefore it can be used I think.  A second option would be to contact the owner and ask for an approaval. Potentially a third option would be to design a new mascot :D 

    I don’t think Disney is gonna approve on this ….

  2. 14 minutes ago, Jessica said:

    this was like [k]  ( killed   [d]  die from [r]  revived from, but these don't work in ETL :(


    And they are still developing this game with fancy lag reduced hitboxes and nifty hud’s yet no funny commands possibilities? What’s this blasphemy!

  3. Yeah,

    This ubernoob has a few questions I’d like to ask at you veterans 🙈

    In the old days I had several keybinds that would at the press of a button give a fun colorful text with the playername I teamkilled. So I’d press the button and in the global chat would appear an apology with the playername I teamkilled followed by the !beer command. 
    My question: is there a list with syntactic commands like that for the legacy build?



  4. Well, my 2p in this one…

    First of all some maps will always be in favor of the defending team simply because the map is too small.

    And the one is teamwork, on main I’m sr6 on an good day but when backed up by an good shooting medic that does it job I’ll win any map regardless of the sr of the opponent. The keyword is teamwork, if that lacks in the (attacking) team ye doomed and the cry for shuffle becomes louder and louder. Noting more or less than that. Even I got shuffled because my team kept on winning map after map while based on k/d and sr we where an very low. No need for fancy shuffle addons just because the server got flawed maps in rotation or an team that has teamwork high on its agenda. 

    The above is the reason why I spec some maps as they are just not suited for our servers yet they are in high demand by the players. 

    Just team up and your unbeatable but remember to forget about k/d ratio cause that wil suck the big one when going for teamplay!

  5. 2 hours ago, HANNA said:

    Well, you can see on that profile that I wasn't active at all (1 post), probably stopped playing ET during that trial period hehe and thus came back in Dec 2020 when I was hooked to ET for a little bit too much (WAY too much playing time in like a half-year period which I regret) 😅
    Nah, although I had a look at the Police school back then but it wasnt for 'becoming a detective', I'm not interested in anything Police related anymore.
    I decided to go an other way, more like the way which God is leading me and which fits the skills that He gave me which is sport-related. My ultimate dream in life is to support elite athletes, physicial but also the mental and probably a lot more areas which are all-important (for them). But there is still a long way ahead. 

    So do I sign you up again or what? 🤣🤣

    • TeamMuppet coin 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Tomek1982 said:

    Please do this game ET NO CS please. It is no ojective game anymore. Too quick respawn, disable headshots, XP save is total nonsense. Do 10 map campaign maybe. Voteing doesent work. Playing this same 3 maps non stop - worse than basic 3 stage double campaign. Do it like et pro with balanced damage for all payers. Too much heavy weaponss, unhitable players, anoying fast fragers. Total garbage in my opinion. It looks, ok, players ok but this setting terrible.

    You do know we have an ETL2 server aswel with max 10vs10 for more objective gaming…

  7. 12 minutes ago, Thorq said:

    Was it Ser Skrutins, Der Fuehrer's Nikla or my private message traffic that triggered the enormous 'rare' occasion of having a fake 'russian' ETPLAYER in Enemy Territory on the server this afternoon? 

    Though 'doughlet' has not wrote my any inquire whatsoever.

    I got banned idc, though but having to read this in order after being lured towards the forum ..... sparks doubt.




    As @MrMuppet already replied to you, please be patient hè wil get back on your ban by pm asap. 

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