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StarScream last won the day on October 19 2022

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  • Birthday 06/01/1980

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  1. cl_wwwDownload is 1 on my config and it still only downloads at 1.3 megabits/s. I think it only works if the server is set to send an external (http) server location for the map files. And, even if it is, most servers now shunt all http traffic to https and I don't think the client supports that.
  2. It's hard enough for allies to get the truck in time as it is, given that axis spawn is right behind the truck. I really don't think the map needs to be made harder for allies.
  3. Well, when it comes to mortar, some maps have invisible spawn barriers that stop enemy mortar landing in spawn. Just make those ceilings double-sided so when a mortar is shot FROM spawn, it also explodes, killing everyone in spawn 🤣
  4. I suggest that if you can't fire heavy weapons into spawn, then you shouldn't be allowed to fire heavy weapons out of spawn. That used to be the rule on non-sk servers I played on back in the day.
  5. I think it should probably stay as is, even if there are players like vid who simply refuse to understand how this works. It's an easy way to find out who in allies either doesn't understand english, or cannot follow simple instructions.
  6. Yes, only soldier can fire the Venice AT Gun. And, yes, the tank on Praetoria Mission 2 takes 20 percent damage on rear armour (second escort part after fuel tanks grabbed), 10 percent on front. Have seen the tank destroyed several times from rear shots when it looked like allies would win.
  7. As someone who plays engie and covert, always in favour of this. Nothing more satisfying than James Bond-ing your way past an entire team and getting the objective.
  8. I'm wrong. I think it's command post dependent how much a shot costs as well, I will have to check now, as well as recharge speed timings. I -know- the wait is longer if your bar is empty, but I'm now going to have to time it now to make sure I'm not imagining it. DISREGARD MY PREVIOUS COMMENT. Also yes this is a spam game. EDIT: I TIMED IT AND I AM WRONG AND AN IDIOT. I sort of see why I thought it was like that, given the recharge time, but no. Effectively, you've recharged 15% or so extra during the time you're fitting the next rifle nade. That 'vulnerable' time should probably be factored in, though because engies are easily surprised when fitting the nade. Rather than thinking of it in terms of the charge bar, I was thinking in terms of time-til next nade... I think.
  9. NEVERMIND IM WRONG, SORT OF. I TIMED IT AND I AM WRONG, but you do recharge a nice amount while readying next nade. However you are vulnerable.
  10. Yeah, I concur, spawn 3 for axis is crazy. I can confirm that CP Spawn does not have enough spawn points, but this is the case for most maps when playing 20v20. I've had times when I've spawned at 1st "back" spawn as allies on almost every map when too many ppl have died.
  11. I swear I've played a version of SW Battery like that, but I may be misremembering.
  12. To be fair my suggestion was kind of a reference to that previous uips discussion and more a reflection of frustration and the main complaint about the map from allies I was expecting someone to say 'well you play allied engie a lot so you would say that.' Ultimately, uips makes some good suggestions regarding spawn time if it were to be changed. I'd be curious to see how it plays out, it can still be very difficult for allies even with CP and forward flag because the two entrances to the gun control building (front doorway and rear tunnel, with optional covert door and mechanical door) are quite severe chokepoints.
  13. DO NOT: Change the capturability of the forward flag. DO: Change the Command Post so that axis can only spawn once it has been built.
  14. I'd make it 10min + 5min. Generally if you can't take the first part in 10 minutes then you'll not take it in the next 5. But, if you do manage to get it close to the 10 minute limit, you'll then get 5 minutes which is *just enough* time to possibly do the next part if you forget about the command post. Makes it more exciting.
  15. And to stop the recording; /stoprecord
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