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Files posted by papywolf

  1. Desert Outpost - Desert_Outpost.pk3 and waypoints

    Desert Outpost
    by cYburK

    Gametypes: Objective,Stopwatch
    Version: Final 1.0

    The Allies must infiltrate the Desert Outpost and steal the two Radar Boxes.
    The Axis have to defend the Radar Boxes and destroy the Power Generator so
    the Allies cant send the Secret Radar Code.

    - Destroy the Town Door.
    - Construct the Command Post to activate more Spawn Locations.
    - Capture the Forward Spawn.
    - Destroy the Main Entrance to secure the Forward Spawn.
    - Build the Generator so transmitting the Radar Code is possible.
    - Destroy the Axis Team Door or Infiltrate with Covert Op.
    - Destroy the Bank Wall.
    - Steal the Radar Boxes and transmit the Top Secret Radar Code. 2X

    - Defend/Build the Town Door.
    - Construct the Command Post.
    - Defend the Forward Spawn.
    - Defend the Main Entrance.
    - Destroy the Generator.
    - Build the Team Door.
    - Defend the Bank Wall.
    - Defend the Radar Boxes with the TOP SECRET RADAR CODE 2X


       (0 reviews)



  2. the dust alpha2 - the_dust_alpha2.pk3 and waypoints

    Desert Outpost
    by cYburK

    Gametypes: Objective,Stopwatch
    Version: Final 1.0


    "Secure the Forward Spawn.Steal the 2 Radar Boxes and build the Generator to transmit the Secret Radar Code."
    "Defend the Forward Spawn. Destroy the Generator. Defend the 2 Radar Boxes."
    "Get into the Game Coward!"
    Objectives :
    Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Main Entrance to Secure the Forward Spawn."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Capture the Town Spawn."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Construct the Command Post. This will enable two more Spawn Locations."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Bank Wall!"
    5 "Primary Objective:
    Build the Generator to make transmit the Secret Radar Code."
    6 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Town Door."
    7 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Axis Team Door."
    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Main Entrance!."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Forward Spawn."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Construct the Command Post."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Bank Wall!"
    5 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Generator to keep the Allies from transmitting the Secret Radar Code."
    6 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Town Door."
    7 "Primary Objective:
    Build the Team Door!."


       (0 reviews)



  3. norwegian batteryft1 - norwegian_batteryft1.pk3 and waypoints

    Allied objectives

    1 "Primary objective:
    Construct the commandpost and capture the bar"
    2 "Primary objective:
    Steal the keycard so we can unlock the battery. You will find it in some kind of headquarter building. But be aware soldier, mg42 sounds has been reported"
    3 "Primary objective:
    Unlock the battery doors to gain access to the battery. The brave men who can do this will get leave for three weeks"
    4 "Primary objective:
    Destroy the battery using a dynamite charge. We must destroy it before the axis backup force arrive"
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary objective:
    Dont let the allies construct a commandpost. Defend the bar and don't let it fall into the hands of the allies"
    2 "Primary objective:
    Defend the keycard so they can't unlock the battery. The mg42 has plenty of ammunition left."
    3 "Primary objective:
    Defend the keycard lock of the battery. Don't let the allies unlock them."
    4 "Primary objective:
    Defend the gun. Don't let the allies destroy it for then we can't defend the shores from their ships. Be aware that they can use the backdoors"


       (0 reviews)



  4. unit cacheV2 final - unit_cacheV2_final_fixed.pk3

    About This File
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Don't let them steal the keycard.**If they can open the main gate and you will lose the forward bunker."
    Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the keycard and open the main gate.**This will capture the forward bunker and give you access to the antenna generator."


       (0 reviews)



  5. ea base1 se - ea_base1_se.pk3 and waypoints

    EABase 1 StoerFaktoR Edition

    Basic Information

    Original Author : Calibra8v
    Email address : calibra8v@hotmail.de
    Homepage : http://www.ea-clan.de
    Xfire : calibra8v

    Modified : 'StoerFaktoR
    Mail     : mini@chris-s.de
    URL       : http://chris-s.de
    Map Information

    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title : eA´s Forest Base
    Filename : ea_base1.pk3
    Decription : A Little map based on the Forest Mission in RTCW!

    Program : GTK Radiant 1.4.0
    Build time : 3 days
    Relase Time : 24 Jan 2011

    Obj Briefing :The Axis have have received a Box with Secret Documents,
    the Allies will try to Steal them out form the Warehouse and Transmit them at the Radarstation!

    Version/info : Its the 1 Version,it was a fun project.So i have not invested much time in it.
    It is only Compiled as Single.for Better FPS you can compile it as Final,but it tooks long,i have aborted the compilation after 2 days.


    The Complete Map file is include.And a Map file without the Landscape.

    Feel free to Modify or to use stuff from it.
    By quastions you can contact me on Xfire or over the HP.

    It would be nice to give a credit to me if you Modify this map.

    Special thanks and Credits to:
    Activiton,Splash Damage, id Software & all who support the eA clan.

    About us:
    We are Mapping for fun.We love Enemy Territory and thats the Reason why we give our Map files free to use.

    Reported Bugs: Update 25.01.11
    No Landmine support.If you would like it with Mines then change the Shader file.

    It can happen that when you got the Map MGS_heliport in the same folder the Grass Textures from this map will change in Snow.

    Map Update : 08.02.2011

    Grass Floor has become landmine support
    The bridge is now constructable and destroyable
    Axis haves a new mainspawn and a defence at the maingate
    anti walljump brushes at the sites to the base


       (0 reviews)



  6. ea base2 - ea_base2.pk3 and waypoints



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  7. pantherbase b1 - pantherbase_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    ~ Pantherbase_b1 ~

    Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory Multiplayer Map

    >>> BETA v 1.0 <<<

    Game Story

    Summer 1944 ... some days after D-Day.
    In a German supply depot of the west front a train is loaded with tanks and ammunition.
    These tanks are needed urgently at the 2nd armored division to hold back the American troops
    moving forward in the direction of the Avranches.

    - Prevent the Allies from destoying the ammo-elevetor-control.
    - Protect and escort the tank to the ammo-station.
    - Protect and escort the tank to load it on the train. Removing possible obstacles along the route.
    - Built the Loading Ramp.
    - Switch the departure signal freely.
    - Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post.
    - Set up a Command Post.

    - Destroy the ammo-elevator-control.
    - Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the ammo-station.
    - Prevent the Axis-Tank from reaching the train. Building obstacles along the route to stopping the tank.
    - Destroy the Loading Ramp.
    - Prevent the Axis from switching the departure signal freely.
    - Establish a Command Post.
    - Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post.

    Map Information
    Scripting & Sound:
    Release Date:
      copy the pantherbase.pk3 in your etmain folder
    Total Brushes:
    Total Entities:
    Built Time:
      Days, Weeks, ...we haven't looked at the watch
      Gtk Radiant 1.3.8-ET, EasyGen, Crimson Editor
    Beta Compile Status:
      -vis -light -fast -faster -samples2
    Beta Compile Time:
      ca. 30 min.
    Compile Machine:
      AMD XP2400, 512 MB Ram

    Thanx to

    - all members of http://www.level-designer.de/ for the help

    - http://www.lexikonderwehrmacht.de/ for the extensive pic-archive as help to the "Tiger" and "Elefant" building.


       (0 reviews)



  8. flaktower(alpha) - flaktower(alpha).pk3 and waypoints

    is the Alpha so mights crash ...

    uthor        : Jason (Conchman) Major
    Send comments to: gialsdemshugga@yahoo.com

    Please be descriptive.

    Looking for comments on:
    - Gameplay problems.
    - Team balancing issues.
    - Overall feel of the map.
    - Ideas for better gameplay possibilities.
    - Flow.
    - ANY error with texturing, clipping etc.

    Please be descriptive. And of course, please remember that this is my first map.

    Map Information

    Game        : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Title        : FlakTower
    Filename    : flaktower(alpha).pk3
    Release date    : 2003-12-15
    Decription    : The Humboldthain Flaktower has sustained severe structural damage from an allied covert strike. While their efforts to destroy all of the flak cannons were unsuccessful, they may attack yet again to destroy the two that remain. The axis must hold them off until reinforcements arrive from the lower levels.

    Programs    : GTKRadiant 1.3.8, GTKRadiant 1.3.12
           : Q3map2 2.5.9, Q3map2 2.5.11

    Design and Brushwork Time     : About three days a week for about 4 months.
    Compile time    : > 1 hour 30 minutes
    Compile machine    : P4 2 Ghz, 512mb RAM

    Installation    : Place the flaktower(alpha).pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu.

    Textures    : I modified some existing ET textures, created some shaders for them and included them with the pk3.
    -1 Buildable Escape Hatch barrier to keep out those pesky Allies
    -2 Forward Spawnpoint locations (one of which will become permanently Allied after the Security Sidewall is Breached)
    -1 Dynamite-able wall that the Axis must defend in order to keep the security doors closed (Hint: There are shortcuts that are not marked on the map.)
    -1 Security (Panic) Switch that opens/closes two pairs of heavy steel doors
    -1 Health Cabinet
    -1 Ammo Cabinet
    -1 Neutral Command Post that increases charge speed
    -2 Huge Flak Cannons Objectives that Axis must defend from the Allies
    -3 Axis Team Door
    -1 Neutral Team Door

    Advise to any would-be mappers who are starting from scratch
    So you wanna map? There are a few things to remember that will help you achieve your goal of mapping greatness.

    1) Learn from others. I'm sure there are places where one can take classes in map design. However, nothing beats experience and that is what other mappers have.

    2) Get ready to read. Map editors have instructions (lots of them). Fellow mappers write tutorials (some good, some not so good) and some of them are very helpful. Not reading the instructions will cost you time in the end. It may even encourage giving up all together.

    3) Backup your files often. especially the .map file. It does not matter how careful you are, things will inevitably go wrong whether through fault or no fault of your own. I always keep a backup of the current .map file and a backup of the most recent backup. And I have had to go to previous backups many times.

    4) Backup before you do a brush cleanup. Don't try to play the tough guy. You won't EVER see me crying because of not wanting to backup

    5) If you really wanna map, play a lot of games too, that helps.

    6) Every once in a while stop and ask yourself, "Would I play on this map?"

    7) Remember, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

    Special thanks to
    Many ppl at SD Forums for your mapping advice, tutorials, and suggestions including but not limited to (sometimes I forget, sorry):

    (Not ordered in any particular manner)
    *Nemesis: A very thourough vis/hint brush/portal/detail/structural tutorial (No longer available).
    *Ifurita: "Map Scripting 4 Newbies" tutorial and "Map In a Box" prefabs.
    *sock and djbob: Script mover door tutorial and many SD forum threads
    *ydnar: many SD forum threads, Q3map2 goodness.
    *Rikard "Drakir" Lindgren: The format for this file
    *SD: for making a great game (and for releasing goldrush.map to the public).
    *Surface Level Editing Shack: Many good tutorials.
    *bubba's arena tutorials: http://planetquake.com/bubba/tutorial.html
    *http://quake3.qeradiant.com/tutorials.shtml: pretty much ALL of their tutorials. (as far as i can tell, they are no longer available)


    Copyright 2003 Jason (Conchman) Major all rights reserved

    I, Jason (Conchman) Major, as the creator of this pk3, assert the following about the usage of this Enemy Territory level:

    -This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST include this .txt file. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS THIS LEVEL TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON CD-ROM (or other media) WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION.

    -If you use this level you agree that you are using it at your own risk and will not hold the creator liable for any damages caused to your property.

    -This level may NOT be CHANGED/MODIFIED IN ANY WAY.


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  9. traindepot b2 - traindepot_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    "Objective:Protect the radio equipment and the generator"
    "Objective:Destroy the radio equipment and underground generator"
    "the axis must defend the radio and the generator. Allies must destroy the Radio Transmitter and the generator at all cost."
    Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:Conquer and secure the forward spawn area by completing either one of the objectives"
    2 "Primary Objective:Destroy the radio"
    3 "Primary Objective:Destroy the generator"
    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:Protect the forward spawn area. Flag becomes permanent Allies if either one of the objectives is completed. If allies have once captures the flag you can take it back but you will still spawn back"
    2 "Primary Objective:Prevent Allies from reaching the tunnels"
    3 "Primary Objective:Protect the Radio Transmitter"
    4 "Primary Objective:Protect the generator"


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  10. sabotage te - sabotage_te.pk3 and waypoints


    "Infiltrate the Axis Radar installation and Sabotage the two main Radars"
    "Protect your Radar installation at all costs."
    "The Axis have been ocupying souther Italy for to long now. The allied forces have located a dual radar installation that is key in taking back Italy."
      Allied objectives

    1 "Secondary Objective:
    Dynomite the Service Door to gain access."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy Radar 2."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy Radar 1"
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture the Forward bunker."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Establish a Command Post in the Forward Bunker"
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Axis from caturing the Forward Bunker."
      Axis objectives

    1 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from gaining access through the Service Door."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 2."
    3 "PrimaryObjective:
    Prevent the Allies from destroying Radar 1."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from capturing the Forward bunker."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from building a Command Post in the Forward Bunker."
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Set up a Command Post in the Forward bunker."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture the Forward bunker."


       (0 reviews)



  11. dm metro te - dm_metro_te .pk3 and waypoints

    Author        : Qualmi
    Location    : Germany
    E-mail        : n.mitschke@gmx.de
    Game        : Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory
    Date        : 24.03.2009

    Metro: Deathmatch.

    - SD for this great game
    - the ppl of radiant
    - Texturemakers

    - The ppl who created all those tutorials:


    me also wrote a german scripting tutorial. check it out:

    - Berzerkr for offering and remaking the commandmap
    - Splashdamage forum for all the help


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  12. dingenskirchen b9 - dingenskirchen_b9.pk3 and waypoints


    December 1944: The noose tightens around the Reich's neck as Allied forces threaten to cross the Siegfried Line and invade Germany. An Eifel castle has become a central location for the Kraut High Command in this area to coordinate their troop movements. It is the last obstacle on the road into Germany and one of the final chances for the Axis to ever turn the tables. Not taking any chances, the Allies are attempting to sneak a suitcase bomb into the High Command conference room to disrupt the Axis strategy at its core.

       Do not lose the Village to the Allies.
       Construct the Tank Barrier to stop the Allies.
       Defend the Tunnel Doors.
       Stop the Allies from advancing up the River.
       Do not let the Allies cross the River.
       Stop the Allies from breaching Castle Wolfenstein at all costs.
       Stop the Allies from planting a Suitcase Bomb in the Conference Room.
       Defend the High Command Conference Room.

    Capture the Village.
    Escort the Tank past the Barrier.
    Dynamite the Tunnel Doors.
    Capture the Road Hut and advance up the river.
    Construct the Bridge to cross the River.
    Breach the gate to Castle Wolfenstein.
    Pick up the Suitcase Bomb and deliver it to the Axis Conference Room.
    Plant the Suitcase Bomb in the Axis High Command Conference Room, then arm it.


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  13. syphonfilter beta3 - syphonfilter_beta3.pk3 and waypoints

    It's the year 1999 and international terrorist Erich Rhoemer is running his drug cartel in Costa Rica, which he uses to finance his notorious terrorist activity. Deep in his private compound he has created his own bioweapons laboratory, where his team of evil scientists have produced a virus called "syphonfilter".
    This is a genetic-specific bioweapon which has the ability to target and destroy individual Races. Rhoemer has sent a ransom demand of 100 million dollars to the American Whitehouse, warning them that if his demands are not met he will fire his first missile at the city, which will cause an estimated 100.000 deaths.
    However, Rhoemer's missile is not located in Costa Rica, where the virus was developed. Satellite surveillance has revealed that he has constructed the missile in a old Soviet base in Rozovka in Kazahkhstan. Your mission is to infiltrate the base, destroy the missile, all computer equipment and escape with the "syphonfilter" documents.

    Version : beta3
    Attacking : allies Objective
    Timelimit : 45
    Spawntimes : Axis 25 / Allies 15
    = Changelog beta 3 =

    add new textures and custom
    add brushwork at windows and doors/etc
    change the radar station more bigger
    add new crane
    new truss
    new radar dish
    new missile now the missile looks real
    a bigger missile silo and new room
    new server
    add a third way at the elevator to hell, that axis have a chance to go to the upper base without go trough the allies spawn,and get back obj


       (0 reviews)



  14. trooptrain 1.2.0 - trooptrain_1.2.0.pk3 and waypoints

    File type Map for "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory"

    Title Troop Train
    File name trooptrain_120.pk3
    Map name trooptrain
    Version 1.2.0 (Created May 2008)
    Author 2Bit (www.tibetclan.com)
    Other 2Bit maps www.pythononline.co.uk/et

    Nbr of players Recommended 2-8 per team, probably mayhem beyond that.

    Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.

    Scenario Axis are transporting armour reinforcements to the front line. Allies must
    destroy the 2 tanks on the trains before they arrive at their destination.

    All the action takes place on two moving trains adjacent on parallel tracks.

    First objective is to blow up the crates that block the Allies path up the train.
    This gives them access to the midtrain flag forward spawn, and sets them up for
    the final push to the front of the train where the Tiger tanks are being transported.

    Players can move through the carriages, or along the top or sides, and can jump from
    one train to the other.

    Passing overhead gantries and bridges help to prevent sniper domination, and quick
    respawn times mean players are never missing from the action for long. The straightforward
    layout also means it's quick to learn and no-one gets lost.

    With a 10 minute map time limit, I believe it is best played in stopwatch mode.

    Allied objectives

    1 "Secondary Objective:
    Destroy either of the crates that obstruct our path to the Tigers!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture the midtrain flag! We'll take it permanently when we destroy a tank!"
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Tiger tank on the first train!"
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Tiger tank on the second train!"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Build the Command Post!"
    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Don't let them destroy the crates that obstruct their way up the train!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Capture and hold the midtrain flag! We lose it if they destroy a tank!"
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Protect the Tiger tank on the first train!"
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Protect the Tiger tank on the second train!"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Build the Command Post!"


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  15. UK-Boat b2 - UK-Boat_b2.pk3 and waypoints

      Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Repair the Tank!"
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Escort the Tank to get acces to the Hangar!"
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the U-Boat!"
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct the Assaultramp!"
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from repairing the tank."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Prevent the Tank from destroying the Bunker-Gate."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from destroying the U-Boat."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent the Allies from constructing the assault ramp."


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  16. (UM)Shinsen - (UM)Shinsen.pk3 and waypoints

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Entrance Fence"

    2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Master Hall Door"

    3 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Small Bridge"

    4 "Primary Objective:**Dynamite the Wall Fence"

    5 "Primary Objective:**Steal and secure the First Idol"

    6 "Primary Objective:**Steal and secure the Second Idol"

    7 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Allied Command Post"

    8 "secondary Objective:**Construct the Axis Command Post"
      // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Protect and rebuild the Entrance Fence"

    2 "Primary Objective:**Protect and rebuild the Master Hall Door"

    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Small Bridge"

    4 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Wall Fence"

    5 "Primary Objective:**Protect the First Idol"

    6 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Second Idol"

    7 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Allied Command Post"

    8 "secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis Command Post"


       (0 reviews)



  17. mp whiskey - mp_whiskey.pk3 and waypoints

    Story :
    We have to demoralise the German troops, by cutting off their beer supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret beer formula from their safe!"
    "The Allies want to steal our secret beer formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Germans are based on the benefits of Starkbier. Therefore the Allies will try to steal the secret beer formula."
    "We have to demoralise the German troops, by cutting off their beer supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret beer formula from their safe!"
    "The Allies want to steal our secret beer formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Germans are based on the benefits of Starkbier. Therefore the Allies will try to steal the secret beer formula."
    "We have to demoralise the Americans, by cutting off their whiskey supply. Therefor we have to loot the secret whiskey formula from their safe!"
    "The Axis want to steal our secret whiskey formula, in order to strengthen the morale of their own troops and to weaken us. This must be prevented!"
    "The strong combat morale and the blind obedience of the Americans are based on the benefits of Whiskey. Therefore the Axis will try to steal the secret whiskey formula."


    Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Blow up the safe to get the secret beer formula."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Bring the secret beer formula into our radio room."
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Inhibit the Axis to dynamite the safe."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    The Axis may not escape with the secret whiskey formula."
    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Inhibit the Allies to dynamite the safe."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    The Allies may not escape with the secret beer formula."
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Blow up the safe to get the secret whiskey formula."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Bring the secret whiskey formula into our radio room."

    The map was constructed by myself. Modification or new releasing of my map is not allowed! But you can offer the map for a FREE/GRATIS download. If you want to make money with my map, you have to get my specially agreement. If you want to use one of my textures in your map, it would be nice, if you place a link to my homepage (www.fragpoint.de) in your readme.
    Copyright 2003 by Thomas "Fragpoint" Bayer (www.fragpoint.de)


       (0 reviews)



  18. Goetterdaemmerung beta3 - Goetterdaemmerung_beta3.pk3 and waypoints

    TITLE                   : Götterdämmerung
    AUTHOR                  : Devils Right Hand
    DATE                    : 08.03.2015
    TYPE                    : OBJECTIVE
    bug report feedback     : discord Devils Right Hand#2240
    Release date beta2   : 26/09/2016
    Release date beta3   : 11/02/2019

    real place where the axis make in undergound mines near nordhausen the V1/V2 rockets and other rockets to send a gift to the allies
    Version : beta3
    Attacking : allies Objective
    Timelimit : 45
    Spawntimes     : Axis 25 / Allies 15
    = Changelog beta2 =

    remove the radio obj

    = Changelog beta3 =

    new textures
    add more brush work detail at doors
    new truss
    add more trees/grass/bushes
    new barb wire
    new camo net
    new v2 rails
    new missiles camo
    new cranes
    add A9/A10 rockets
    add new big hall where the A9/A10 develop
    add new 3 ways
    remove the controlpanel as obj
    change the axis map start spawn to baracks
    add my bush/grass models ,and remove the et standart bushes
    add at the second axis spawn a barack where they spawn
    change the comandpost more far in the big hall hall,that they are not near to axis

    MAP BASE                : New Map
    EDITOR(S) USED          : NetRadiant 1.5 custom x64
    KNOWN BUGS              :
    COMPILE MACHINE         : amd 6300 6x 3.5 ghz ,12 gb ram ddr3 ,Asus ROG Strix-RX580-O8G,win7 x64
    COMPILE TIME            : 13 min
    COMPILE version         : [q3map2] -light -fast -samples 2 -filter -dirtscale 2 -dirtdepth 512 -patchshadows -altsplit -leaktest -bounce 2 -external -lightmapsize 512 "[MapFile]"
    BRUSHES                 : 13723
    ENTITIES                : 892
    = special thanks =

    twt thunder for support
    twt teuthis for support
    twt mateos for support
    macchute for help with scripting
    kemon for hint support
    WuTangH help with scripting at obj
    TomTom7777 help with scripting at flagspawn change respawn time
    native12 for making botz waypoint
    twt ray for support
    Loffy for commandpost spawns prefab
    uje niek for support/feedback and beta test on server
    http://www.alientrap.org for NetRadiant 1.5 custom
    Simon O'C for tuts
    Victor Karp for tuts
    ets kate beta test on server
    = Credits =

    thunder :gastrolley. model
    Simon O'C :teleporter prefab/and textures
    Simon O'C :books ase. models
    D-Meat :blastdoor textures/and water textures
    kic :trees models
    uje niek :cola automat prefab
    Devils Right Hand :bushes/grass models
    Avoc @ eft-clan.com : skybox
    firefly : cloud
    Distribution / Copyright / Permissions

    Copyright (c) 2019 Devils Right Hand
    All rights reserved

    Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.

    This level may be electronically distributed not-for-profit only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN


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  19. industry swe - industry_swe.pk3 and waypoints

    Industry SWE Stopwatch Edition 1.0

    - Repair tanks
    - Escort tanks
    - Blow up Panzersperre 1
    - Blow up tank barrier 2
    - Set up command posts
    - Set up a radio system
    - Blow up safe
    - Steal documents
    - Send documents

    - Prevent repair of the tank
    - Stop tanks
    - Defend Tank Barrier 1
    - Set up anti-tank barrier 2
    - Set up command posts
    - Blow up the radio system
    - Defend safe
    - Defend documents
    - Prevent documents from being sent


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    1 comment


  20. desert outpost - desert_outpost.pk3 and waypoints

    Desert Outpost
    by cYburK

    Gametypes: Objective,Stopwatch
    Version: Final 1.0


    "Secure the Forward Spawn.Steal the 2 Radar Boxes and build the Generator to transmit the Secret Radar Code."
    "Defend the Forward Spawn. Destroy the Generator. Defend the 2 Radar Boxes."
    "Get into the Game Coward!"
    Objectives :

    Allied objectives ;
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Main Entrance to Secure the Forward Spawn."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Capture the Town Spawn."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Construct the Command Post. This will enable two more Spawn Locations."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Bank Wall!"
    5 "Primary Objective:
    Build the Generator to make transmit the Secret Radar Code."
    6 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Town Door."
    7 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Axis Team Door."
    Axis objectives :

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Main Entrance!."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Forward Spawn."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Construct the Command Post."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Bank Wall!"
    5 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Generator to keep the Allies from transmitting the Secret Radar Code."
    6 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Town Door."
    7 "Primary Objective:
    Build the Team Door!."


       (0 reviews)



  21. rs radars - rs_radars.pk3 and waypoints


    Title                   : Radars
    Date                    : 7:57 PM 2/9/2004                
    pk3 name : rs_radars.pk3
    Filename : rs_radars.bsp
    Author                  : Dan "RivrStyx" Dorn
    Email Address           : mailto:pur3maps@planetquake.com
    Web : http://www.planetquake.com/pur3maps
    Description             : Objective map for Enemy Territory
    Players : 12-20 players                        

    Additional Credits to   : id software and Gray Matter

    Beta testing:  Team-Resurrection ( http://www.team-resurrection.net)

    Running on Server:  -=Res=- campaign

    Unzip to your C:/Program Files/Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory/etmain directory [or where you installed the game]

    -----Start ET... then host game... choose objective gameplay ... choose rs_radars... or In console type /map rs_radars

    =============================================================== ******** Play Description ***********
    "**Dual Objective Map**.The Axis and Allied forces have setup a swap. Each side is acting alone without headquarters knowledge.
    The allies are to exchange a high ranking prisoner they have captured for a large quantity of gold the axis had stolen in a raid.
    The exchange is to take place at noon. Each side has decided to abandon the deal and secure their objectives before the exchange is to take place."
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the South Radar."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the North Radar."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the power panel to breach the defenses and access the radars."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the axis Command Post."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
      // Axis Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Guard the South Radar."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Guard the North Radar."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Guard the power panel to deny Allies access to the Radars."
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Build the Command Post."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the allied Command Post."

    - Construction -

    Base : New level from scratch
    Editor(s) used : GTKRadiant
    Known Bugs : None.

    - Copyright / Permissions -

    This level is (c) 2004 Dan Dorn.
    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without
    permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
    non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
    You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.


       (0 reviews)



  22. superior v11 - superior_v11.pk3 and waypoints

    Axis Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Generator, in order to receive entrance to the bomb deck"
    2 "Primary Objective:**Place four bombs in the Shiphull."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Build the Detonator. *Build the Detonator."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost.*Build the Commandpost"
    5 "Primary Objective:**Play a round ship sinking.....*Play a round ship sinking...
    // Allied Objective Descriptions
    1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Door Generator.*Save the Generator!"
    2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Axen to attach bombs in the ship."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Prevent build the Detonator."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Build the Commandpost.*Build the Commandpost"
    5 "Primary Objective:**Prevent sinking the ship!"

    HMS Superior Version 1.1

    by star pusher 09/08


    place the pk3 file in the /etmain directory

    thanks for great models/prefabs:

    Seafire Aircraft
    Pegazus www.hot.ee/smmapping

    dt_aa_mm misc models
    Detoeni www.wolfproject.net http://www.planetwolfenstein.com/detoeni

    mlb www.gd-experience.eu/index.php?section=1

    thanks to:

    the only true et server

    I probably would never have made it without the great tutorials

    id software
    just wonderful that such a game is given out for free and then after 3 years even the source is released

    suggestions and criticism



       (0 reviews)



  23. nightcrawlers - nightcrawlers.pk3 and waypoints

    Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the main entrance."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Steal the breifcase from the bunker."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Transmit the secret information from the briefcase to the base."

      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the main entrance."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the bunker and the safe."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the radio transmiter."


       (0 reviews)



  24. bunker - bunker.pk3 and waypoints

    *****                              Bunker                                 *****
    *                 Enemy Territory Map - by Impact - 2004                      *
    Note: This map is exclusively my own
    permanent property, that is, the copyrights are automatically mine. Equal-
    early the map is a hobby project by a gamer for gamers. Therefore
    this map freeware. Everyone is allowed to use this card for their private use
    Offer to download, copy, or publish. One too
    I expressly consent to publication in the following German game magazines to:

    PC Action
    PC Player
    Game Star
    PC Joker

    Any other commercial use, in particular publication on dis-
    chain, CD-ROM or DVD in a magazine other than those mentioned above
    is expressly prohibited.

    Everyone has the permission to change the map for the private area, or
    Copy parts of the map, e.g. to create your own maps. In this case
    I ask for the note that parts of my map are used to create the map
    were used.

    This map is my first ever map. It
    so I am aware that this is not perfect in many areas. Besides
    the map was created as part of a MapContest, which is why it is very small
    has failed and there was a certain time pressure. For these reasons it is
    this map was also my "test object" because I was practical
    all the steps that are necessary to create a map still had to be learned.
    Nevertheless, there are over two hundred hours of work in the map.

    But above all others that I mention here made this card possible

    would like to:
    www.dflv-clan.de: no map without beta test;)
    www.Fragpoint.de: Very good German tutorial and a nice one
    small forum
    www.haradirki.de: Very good German tutorial
    www.level-desinger.de: Best forum for mappers with lots of nice people
    www.planetweltenstein.de: Everyone should know, good forum for ET and RTCW

    Those were the pages I visited most of the time. The people who helped me
    just as they occur to me:

    Fragpoint, haradirki, Ron007, BeoWulf, michi.be, HBe99, Rought, Fidelcastro, NightWulf
    Micro, freakman, hardcoreraver and of course all that I haven't mentioned now.

    [DFLV] Wolfine
    [DFLV] Kosmic
    [DFLV] Maroni
    [DFLV] Maschine
    [DFLV] DerBeo
    [DFLV] CrazyPittbull
    [DFLV] Denation
    [DFLV] Dagget
    [DFLV] HomeX
    [DFLV] Nobert
    [DFLV] Servidge
    [DFLV] TheCrazyKraut
    [DFLV] Tankwart
    [DFLV] GohanZeta

    Description of the map:
    Bunker is a small map for ET, intended for 3-5 players on each side.

    Installation Guide:

    Unrar the file "bunker.rar" and copy the new file "bunker.pk3" into the "ETMAIN" folder of your ET installation. Start the game and select "Host Game".

    Simply extract the Bunker.rar file into a directory of your choice. You should then find a bunker.pk3 file. It belongs in the ET main directory. If you start the game now you should be able to start the map via host game


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