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Files posted by papywolf

  1. katastrophie b1 - katastrophie_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Kernel's Katastrophie:

    Dateline: 1944
    Axis forces have used the theories of Nickola Tesla and rumors of the Philadelphia Experiment to fuel their own experiments into the possibilities of electromagnetic forces.
    Rumors abound that they have advanced to a dangerous level that could decide the outcome of the war.
    These experiments are being conducted at a top secret base.


    This is my first attempt at mapping.
    The first BIG mistake was mapping on a system that was not "clean".

    I owe many people a debt of gratitude for their textures and shaders.
    I don't know who they are but if you do, go to www.prisoners-of-war.com and look for
    the Katastrophie section on our forums (or start a post, or send me a P.M.).
    I will gladly add their name to the credits.

    Special note to server admins:

    This version is designed to provide a 15 minute objective lock out (and 30 minute play clock) when the sv_keywords cvar is set to:
    /sv_keywords 123
    This will give players 15 minutes to screw around exploring the map and gathering XP before the generator is able to be blown.
    Without this cvar set to 123, this map will play normally with a 25 minute clock and objectives enabled at the start.


    A big thanks to Erik for his RTCW entities in ET.
    Shout out to Hank since I borrowed many dimensions from some of his Hankjump maps.
    Many thanks to Chruker who answered lots of my questions and for his excellent website or mapping info.
    Thank you Spalsh Damage forum members for your answers and informative posts.

    You can contact me at:    www.prisoners-of-war.com

    =PoW= Kernel 2.6.5
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective: Defend the EMF inducer at all costs."
    2 "Secondary Objective: Defend the shield generator. Rebuild it if necessary."
    3 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent house."
    4 "Stop the allies from destroying the vent cover and getting inside."
    5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
    6 "Allies may try to breach the bunker to gain additional access. STOP THEM!"
    // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective: Destroy the EMF inducer."
    2 "Secondary Objective: Destroy the shield generator."
    3 "Destroy the vent house to gain another access route."
    4 "Destroy the vent cover to get inside."
    5 "Follow the arrows to the objective area if you are lost. There are reports of many secret passages."
    6 "Breach the bunker to gain additional access."

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  2. temple sniper night - temple_sniper_night.pk3 and waypoints

    | 5/13/06|
    | Title : temple_sniper_night
    | FileName : temple_sniper_night.bsp
    | Version : Final
    | Authors : MLB, Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass and Private Jackson
    | Email : private.jackson@hotmail.com
    | Type : Sniper
    | Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side
    | How To Play:..
    | :..Unzip temple_sniper_night.pk3 into your etmain folder.
    | :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
    | :..Find a server running temple_sniper_night
    | :..Enjoy!
    | Copyright :..
    | :..Copyright (c) MLB
    | Background :..
    | :..Map decompiled by Megalyth and Busta Capinyoass for a sniper map and decompiled once again for a night version by Private Jackson.

    1 download

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  3. TTW Sniperhell b1 - TTW_Sniperhell_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map

    1 download

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  4. sniper ruines b1 - sniper_ruines_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map

    1 download

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  5. UJE fastfood sniper b7 - UJE_fastfood_sniper_b7.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] fastfood sniper b7

    Map made by [UJE]Niek
    changed to b6 5-11-2009
    Changed to b7 10-11-2010

    2 Dinnerhouses standing against eachother.
    Who has the best food or the best dinner.
    Let the snipers decide.
    This map is specially made for the ujemembers because all the pictures
    are ujemembers


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info


    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_fastfood_sniper


       (0 reviews)



  6. sniper gigant - sniper_gigant.pk3 and waypoints

    _____        __
     \_   \_ __  / _| ___
      / /\/ '_ \| |_ / _ \
    /\/ /_ | | | |  _| (_) |
    \____/ |_| |_|_|  \___/


    Author.............: Ex-Member Conflict

    Major/Minor Changes and Bugfixes made by:

    Author.............: #RoN.et'cl4ym4n?
    eMail..............: cl4ym4n@ron-clan.net
    xFire..............: cl4ym4n

    WWW................: http://www.ron-clan.net/

    IRC................: #RoN.et@Quakenet.org

    Copyright (c) 2008 [RoN] Clan - Realm Of Napalm.


    This level may be electronically distributed only at
    NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
    include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN



       (0 reviews)



  7. uje city-sniper 2 - uje_city-sniper_2.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] City sniper

    Map made by  [UJE]Niek

    * 48 players sniper-map (24 Germans & 24 Dutchmen)
    * few bot optimalizations implemented (build for a 24-bot-server)
    * health-cabinets can be toggled on/off by a admin.
    * all smoke can be toggled on/off by a admin.
    * all fences can be toggled on/off by a admin
    * /rcon set sv_uje_medi 1/0
    * /rcon set sv_uje_smoke 1/0
    * /rcon set sv_uje_fence 1/0

    This is the second map I've made.
    It's a snipermap because there are too few snipermaps published.
    This is a small city with lots of places to hide and shoot from.
    Nice moving water and neon lights.
    Shoot your targets from high or low places.
    Have lots of fun with this map.

    I want to say special thanks to [UJE]C for his help with
    adjusting the map, the scripting and the shaders.
    I can't say it enough; Without his help this map wasn't made.


    More [UJE] maps:
    UJE_00 made by [UJE]C
    UJE_sniper made by [UJE]Niek
    UJE_city_sniper made by [UJE]Niek


    [UJE]Clan site



       (0 reviews)



  8. UJE cheese sniper b4 - UJE_cheese_sniper_b4.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE]Cheese sniper b4

    Map made by [UJE]Sogeking
    b3 version 10-08-2009
    b4 version 15-06-2010

    This is the first map made by Sogeking
    You gotto like cheese in this map because there is a lot in it
    In this map you will feel like a little mouse because the atmosphere is huge.The theme is cheese that's why there also are a lot of camera's in this map
    So put a big smile on youre face and snipe some


    Extra features

    * Mousetrap
    * Jumppad
    * You can shoot holes in the cheese


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_cheese

    1 download

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  9. UJE house sniper - UJE_house_sniper.pk3 and waypoints

    [UJE] House sniper

    Map made by [UJE]Niek


    This time a smaller map.
    Only 2 houses in a yard.
    The way to cross is in the pool but it will not be easy and
    an alarm goes of when youre in the pool.


    * Lot's of sounds added


    More [UJE] maps:

    You can see the info about our other maps on our website


    [UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com

    you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
    for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_house_sniper


    Thanks to everyone that keeps the game alive


       (0 reviews)



  10. negoshk b2 - negoshk_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Map: Negoshk
    Author: Henri 'Nenquel' Karhula
    E-Mail: henri.karhula@gmail.com
    Date of Release: 4. May 2007 (Negoshk beta1)

    Date of Release: 26. May 2007 (Negoshk beta2) (Negoshk beta2)Changes and Fixes:
    - Deleted a few houses and put in a "hill"
    - Added a tree ^^
    - Last axis spawn is bigger to avoid spawnkilling
    - Depots Names are South/West and East instead of 1,2 and 3
    - New Command Map
    - Command Map Markers work (only tested in orig ET 2.60)

    Map Information:
    Timelimit: 25min
    Attacking Team: Allies
    Axis Spawntime: 25sec
    Allied Spawntime: 20sec

    Description: The town of Negoshk is the mainpoint of the Axis Supplement Routes in the North.
    Therefore the Allied Forces planned to destroy their ammo depots.
    To be successful the Allied Forces have to steal a tank right out of an Axis City Outpost
    to destroy the City Gates to enter the Inner City and destroy the Ammo Depots.

    1) Defend/Steal the Tank
    2) Defend/Blow East Gate
    3) Defend/Blow South Gate
    4) Defend/Blow Ammo Depot no.1
    5) Defend/Blow Ammo Depot no.2
    6) Defend/Blow Ammo Depot no.3
    7) Defend/Construct COmmand Post

    I want to thank:

    SPU9 - for his great support and hosting!
    Dersaidin - for his great help and advice! (Really - I thank real much!! - vis is harder than i thought! ^^)
    antman - for helping me fixing problems with etpro! ^^
    The 'Level-Designer.de' Community - for a lot of help!
    Nijuff ,Grubah ,Dawn42 ,Jack ,Skai - for critizism and improvement ideas!

    Copyright - Henri 'Nenquel' Karhula
    You MAY distribute this PK3 in any not-for-profit electronic format (BBS, Internet, CD, etc.)


       (0 reviews)



  11. low airstrip2 - low_airstrip2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: low.airstrip2.pk3
    Map name: low_airstrip2.bsp

    Author(s): LowLife, Bob le roux, Rummie

    Map type: OBJ
    Map size: Large
    Attacker: Allies


    The Axis must defend the tower controls and the 2 AA guns.

    1 download

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  12. bloody hill - bloody_hill.pk3 and waypoints


    wm_mapdescription axis "protect the secret papers and for all sake don't let the allies transmit them." wm_mapdescription allied "get the secret papers in the mainbunker get them to the radio transmitter inside the mountain." wm_mapdescription neutral "allied have been looking for some secret papers, now they've found them and have sent a team to get them and transmit them back to base."
      Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    steal the secret papers."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    transmit them to base."
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    defend the secret papers."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Prevent secret papers being transmitted."

    1 download

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  13. barrocas base b8 - barrocas_base_b8.pk3 and waypoints

    "Axis are planning to use some gold to upgrade the communications and buy new supplies to their new base.**Allies must stop them at all costs.**Steal the gold and bring the truck out of the axis sight as fast as possible!"

    axis "Protect the gold in the gun at all costs."

    allied "Steal the gold from Barrocas Base, delivering them to the truck and run"

    neutral "Allies must steal the gold, protected by the Axis team"

    1 download

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  14. axs elsenheim b2 - axs_elsenheim_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: axs_elsenheim_b2.pk3
    Map name: axs_elsenheim_b2.bsp

    Map by: AlLexis

    Objectives :
    Destroy house wall ,
    Rrepair the tank ,
    Escort the tank ,
    Steal the gold ,
    Escort the truck

    ::Thank you bob_le_roux for your textures from your map bergheim ::

    1 download

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  15. amazing bank v1 - amazing_bank_v1.pk3 and waypoints

    Summary: The Axis are attacking with the overall aim to steal the Gold from inside the Allied Amazing Bank.
    Objective 1: Capture the Gate Flag.
    Objective 2: Dynamite/protect the Gate.
    Objective 3: Capture the Bank Flag.
    Objective 4: Dynamite/protect the Bank.
    Objective 5: Steal/protect the Gold.
    Objective 6: Construct the Command Post.
    (There is also a ramp and a dynamitable side-route to the bank.)

    Author : Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden
    Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    Map Title : Amazing Bank (version 1)
    Filename : amazing_bank_v1.pk3
    Date : Augusti 31, 2018
    Decription : Custom map for Enemy Territory.
    Editor : Gtk Radiant 1.6
    (-light -fast -samples 2 -filter -bounce 1 -external -lightmapsize 512)

    How to install and play this map
    Place the file amazing_bank_v1.pk3 in your etmain folder, select it from the Host Game-menu or
    bring down the console and type: /map amazing_bank_v1 (then ENTER).

    Special thanks and Credits to:
    I want to thank all server admins, who constantly support and host custom maps.
    I also want to thank all the people who have given their input to me. Big thanks!

    Map files/no copyright:
    The .map-file is included (which can be used in a map editor, to change or expand the map).
    This map, and all its map files (including the .map file) is in the public domain.
    No intellectual property rights apply. You may include or distribute this map in any way, without permission from the author. You may can mass distribute it via any means.
    In summary, you may redo/reproduce/update/change this map in ANY WAY, and distribute your new version, without ANY permission from me.

    1 download

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  16. steal v1 - steal_v1.pk3 and waypoints

    -=-=-=-=-Main info-=-=-=-=-

    Mapname: Steal_v1
    Version: 1.0.0
    Gametype: CTF (Capture the flag)
    Mapmaker: 1869*_Flame    a.k.a Dante
    Website: www.1869clan.tk


    -install on local machine:

    1. Download the Steal_v1.pk3 file
    2. Put the pk3 file into your "etmain" folder  (usually can be found at: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\")
    3. start the game
    4. open console with the ~ key (left from the 1 and up the TAB key)
    5. type /g_gametype 2  (it will tell you it will be set on restart, DONT restart)
    6. type /map steal_v1
    7. play!

    ==> NOTE: no bot support added.

    -install on a server:
    1. Download the Steal_v1.pk3 file
    2. Put the pk3 file into the "etmain" folder
    3. if needed, add to your fastdownload server
    4. add map "steal_v1" to your maprotation.cfg (or other depending on mod)
    6. (re)start server
    7. play and have fun!
    Allied main objective:
    Use the teleporters to get to the axis base, here you must try to steal all 5 Gold crates
    solen gold crates have to be deliverd to 1 of the pillars in allied base.
    Allied secondary objectives:
    - Construct brige nr 1
    - Construct brige nr 2
    - Construct the command post
    Axis main objective:
    Use the teleporters to get to the aliied base, here you must try to steal all 5 Gold crates
    solen gold crates have to be deliverd to 1 of the pillars in axis base.
    Axis secondary objectives:
    - Construct brige nr 1
    - Construct brige nr 2
    - Construct the command post

    -=-=-=Special Thanks!=-=-=-

    1. Special thanks to HEX|Fate for awnsering most of my questions

    2. Special thanks to Marco (from MLB-maps) for helping me solving my questions

    3. Special thanks to 1869*_Spirit for helping testing and finding bugs


    - few new textures included
    - 16 textures included
    - added lava texture

    1 download

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  17. stiglitz b1 - stiglitz_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Stiglitz B1
    Release Date: 31/08/2018

    This map is intended as an entry for the Trackbase, TWT, Wolfwatch map-contest 2018.
    I would like to thank all of the organizers for setting up the contest. It has been a valuable experience creating a map on a fixed schedule.

    July 1943:
    Local resistance reported a branch of Deathshead’s X-Labs in a small remote village.
    Stiglitz, an OSA agent, has been sent to infiltrate the facility and gather intel of Deathshead’s activities.
    Communication broke up some days ago and Stiglitz is suspected to have been spotted and is soon to be executed.
    This map has one primary objective (extracting Stiglitz), one secondary objective (Command Post) and two flag spawns.
    Stiglitz: Stiglitz can be escorted by both teams along the spline path. Allied forwards and Axis backwards.
    CP: Aside from the usual CP benefits, the command post is also responsible for showing Stiglitz on the command map. If you do not own the command map, you don't see his position.
    Already in this version this is a rather big advantage, but with free escort movement this will basically be game deciding.
    Flags: The flags are located on each of the middle islands and make team communication necessary to avoid enemies falling into your back.

    The mapfile is included. We kindly ask that you contact us before releasing any maps based on Stiglitz_b1.
    Once beta2 is released this map will act as some sort of tutorial map with an extensively documented script and if possible a tutorial video series.
    By doing so, we hope that we can spark a new genre of objective maps to bring some fresh wind to ET.

    -----Thanks to-----
    Direct support:
    • ryven for extensive support during debugging of the script_mover.
    • WuTangH for the broken tree model acting as bridge from Nature to Industry and the modified head model for Stiglitz to fix a visual glitch.
    • Everyone on the TWT Discord for helping out in one form or another.

    Indirect support:
    • Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie) for Axis Lab. The forwards and backwards movement of Stiglitz is highly inspired by Axis Lab.
    • Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool
    • C and Npherno for their wonderful model tools respectively
    • hipshot for his "miramar" skybox from http://www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php
    • RtCW for models + textures
    • Detoeni for his submarine and truck models
    • ischbinz for textures
    • FireFly for his Hanomag model
    • RayBan for his treeline textures
    • Everyone else who provided info, feedback, ideas or helped in any other way.


       (0 reviews)



  18. v2_factory_b2 - v2_factory_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    (the readme file)

    V-2 Factory by Mean Mr. Mustard

    release date: 25-May-04 (Final)
    RTCW: Enemy Territory SW,

    title: V-2 Factory (Final)
    file: v2_factory.pk3
    author: Mean Mr. Mustard
    email address: mean_mr_mustard7@hotmail.com
    description: It is the spring of 1943, and the immense Blockhaus near Watten is nearly complete. The Axis have geared up production on the V-2 rocket but continue to fire them from a remote launch site. The Allies must destroy the production of the next V-2 before any more terror can be rained down on England.

    Objectives: Axis have to produce a V-2. All factory machines must run 15 minutes to construct a V-2. Allies can halt production by damaging the machines. If the Axis repair the machines, then the time build continues. If all threee machines are damaged in an overlapping period, Allies win the map. If the V2 is produced, then the Axis must deliver it to safety via a train.

    Play Information

    gametype: wolfmp, wolfsw **no lms implemented yet**
    map name: v2_factory.bsp
    new sounds: various train sounds
    new graphics: custom textures for signs, posters, v2 and train skins
    new music: none
    new models: v2, train and train cars
    prefabs: various ones from Drakir (www.drakir.tk)

    how to play: place the v2_factory_b1.pk3 file in for etmain directory. Then host a game, single objective map and select V-2 Factory Beta 1


    base: scratch
    editor: GTK Radiant 1.4.0-rc2
    other programs: easygen (terrain), gimp (graphics), PSP, gmax, lithunwrap
    know bugs: none
    build time: overall, approx. 6-8 months.


    base: scratch
    editor: GTK Radiant 1.4.0-rc2
    other programs: easygen (terrain), gimp (graphics), PSP, gmax, lithunwrap
    know bugs: none
    build time: overall, approx. 6-8 months.

    Thanks to the following:

    The splash Damage Forums - a vast treasure trove of information
    Desert Skybox by sock (I modified the sun angle and color to suit my map - shader changes in v2_factory.shader)
    Ifurita for providing the V-2 brushwork on which the V-2 md3 is based
    shaderlab (ydnar) for various textures (detail-cb,flat_lt,concrete_big_1,brick-med-tan,brick-med-tan-wdwed)
    Drakir for the vast number of quality prefabs (shelves, barrels,etc) -- www.drakir.tk
    Schaffer (Nick Abbott) for generating the awesome command map, loadscreen image and lots of bug checking
    Nathan Havok - terrain layout, heightmap, v2 and train models
    Crotalus - custom textures for all the factory signs, and all the model skins! Added posters throughout the map....
    Nathan Havok, (Pyr8)Someguy and Steurenol for refining the original mapping objectives and layout
    [GoG]Mike for "you must include a slide somewhere in the map" - and I did
    Crotalus for "you need to use a skybox so your map isn't floating in space" - so I did
    TheBaz for MG-Nest placement and various detail/playablity ideas
    =MLK=delicious, TheBaz, [GoG]Mike, Absolutjd, Clemster and Crotalus for initial walk throughs and testing
    PureGamer for various testing of the map
    =MLK= for play testing of the entire map
    =Shit Storm= servers for putting the mpa through the ringer - which it survived
    ND80 servers for lots of play testing and feedback
    Java.Lang for the cobweb texture and shader

    Distribution / Permissions

    This map may not be modified in anyway as to appear as a completed map by anyone else than the author.

    Authors May Not decompile the BSP as a base to build additional levels.The possibility of using items from this map as prefabs is possible, but you must obtain the author's written permission first.

    You MAY distribute this pk3 file in its entirety without permission. This file may
    not be commercially exploited in any way.


    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  19. raid final - raid_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Author        :    Magic
    Email        :    janerikstorseth@gmail.com
    Release    :    17-04-2016
    Website    :    www.magics-territory.com

    Game Information.

    Game        :    Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
    File name    :    raid_final.pk3
    BSP name    :    raid_final
    Menu name    :    Raid
    Game modes    :    wolfmp wolfsw.
    Players    :    6-8 per team
    Version    :    final
    Attacking    :    Allies
    Timelimit    :    25
    Spawntimes    :    Axis : 20 / Allies : 15
    Install    :    Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.

    Story    :

    Axis are holding the library as their HQ -
    Allies has decided to do a raid for the axis gold -
    Escort the truck and force your way through the town to the library -
    Steal the gold and escape
      // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from capturing forward spawn and blowing up the city fence"

    2     "Primary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Defend the Restaurant door"

    4    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Library main door"

    5    "Primary Objective:**Defend the Library side entrance"

    6     "Primary Objective:**Prevent allies from stealing the key to the gold"

    7     "Primary Objective:**Defend the gold and prevent allies from deliver at truck"

    8     "Primary Objective:**Keep the switch lowered"
      // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1     "Primary Objective:**Capture forward spawn and blow up the city fence"

    2     "Primary Objective:**Build your Command Post for improved charge times."

    3     "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Restaurant door"

    4 "Primary Objective:**Blow up the library main door"

    5 "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Library side entrance"

    6     "Primary Objective:**Steal the key and open the library gold defence"

    7     "Primary Objective:**Steal the gold and deliver at the truck"

    8     "Primary Objective:**Open the switch"

    1 download

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  20. The Bridge of Remagen - remagen.pk3 and waypoints


    "Objective:**Defend the 3 sets of demolitions explosives planted on the Remagen Bridge and your Field HQ"
    "Objective:**In sequence, defuse the demolitions explosives planted on the North, Center, and south Spans. Once explosives have been defused, blow up the Axis Field HQ"
    "March 7, 1945. Allied forces racing towards Germany desperately need to capture key bridges spanning Germany's last natural defensive barrier, the Rhine River"
      Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defuse the explosives planted on the North Span
    Defusing explosives will make North Spawn Spawn Flag permanent-allies"
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defuse the explosives planted on the Center Span
    Defusing explosives will make Center Span Spawn Flag permanent-allies"
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Defuse the explosives planted on the South Span
    Defusing explosives will make South Span Spawn flag permanent-allies"
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the Axis Field HQ on the South Bank"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Breach the South Door entry point to the bridge"
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Breach the North Door entry point to the bridge"
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Repair the North Enterhaken"
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    Repair the South Enterhaken"
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the explosives planted on the North Span
    If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the North Span Spawn Flag"
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the explosives planted on the Center Span
    If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the Center Span Spawn Flag"
    3 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the explosives planted on the South Span
    If the Allies defuse the explosives, they will permanently capture the South Span Spawn Flag"
    4 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the Axis Field HQ on the South Bank"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Defend the South Door entry point to the bridge"
    6 "Secondary Objective:
    Defend the North Door entry point to the bridge"
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent Allies from repairing the North Enterhaken"
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    Prevent Allies from repairing the South Enterhaken"

    1 download

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  21. resurrection final - resurrection_final.pk3 + skins + script

    Operation Resurrection (Final/Fixed)

    Made by peyote

    A fixed version of the map, the original contains buggy shader script, which can corrupt other maps and itself.

    A Skinpack changing Axis to Zombies, only in this map.


    Place the *.script into mapscripts folder on the server; and the *.pk3 into the mod folder.

    Works with, NoQuarter, Jaymod, Etpub, Etpro, and any other mod which supports etpro mapscripts.



    Please read IMPORTANT - Special instructions, Other instructions and :::note::: below to avoid problems
    Title                   : Resurrection            
    Date                    : 1:35 PM 9/19/2003                                
    pk3 name        : resurrection.pk3
    Filename        : resurrection.bsp
    Author                  : Dan "RivrStyx" Dorn
    Email Address           : mailto:pur3maps@planetquake.com
    Web            : http://www.planetquake.com/pur3maps
    Description             : MP or SW play for ET

    Additional Credits to   : id software and Splash Damage

    Beta testing:  Team-Resurrection ( http://www.team-resurrection.net)..... ND80 (http://www.nd80usa.net)
       Servers: The Resurrection and check out ND80s servers at above url

    Additional sounds: DetPak http://detpak.tripod.com

    Skins: RivrStyx


    ========Campaign cycles added===========
    resurrectioncycle.cfg or choose in menu - (its just a 6 map resurrection campaign) /exec resurrectioncycle.cfg
    resurrectionfullcycle.cfg or choose in menu - (6 original maps with Resurrection being the final conflict to stop the axis soldiers before they become invincible) /exec resurrectionfullcycle.cfg

    *****Also it's recommended playing this map with 32bit color depth for visual effects if your system can handle it but not necessary. Will just look a whole lot better with less visual weirdness.
    Can set these in the menu:
    1. when game starts hit esc key...choose system
    2. Go down the list change COLOR DEPTH to 32bit and LIGHTING to lightmap(high), can leave TEXTURE QUALITY to 16bit as this only kills framerate and won't see much of a difference. Depending on video card you may not see any change in frame rate using lightmap and 32 bit color depth.
    3. choose accept (video will restart and will only take a sec til back in the game)

    @@@@@@@@@ Other Instructions on file placement...etc @@@@@@@
    Unzip the mp_resurrection.zip file to your Return to EnemyTerritory/ETMain directory

    Zip files contain the normal map file called mp_resurrection.pk3 and also a skin pk3 called z_resurrectionskins.pk3.
    The z_resurrectionskins.pk3 will make the axis look like axis zombies/demons to add to the maps contents and atmosphere. The only fallback is they will still look this way on other maps because of the way RTCW is made. [If your on a server that doesn't have this file you won't have to worry about it as you will default to the regular axis skins]
    -----If the skins do show up on other maps and you want the regular skins back or have problems with them on map changes just remove z_resurrectionskins.pk3 file from your Return to castle Enemy Territory/ETmain derectory (or wherever you installed it) or move it to a seperate directory to save.----- Thats it but i recommend at least trying them for this map

    ******** Play Description ***********
    Operation: Resurrection

    The Nazi's as we have heard are doing human experiments to create super soldiers. Recently however, its been discovered the Nazi's are using the occult to further their mission for world dominance by performing passages from the book of the resurrection. Rituals if you will.
    A small allied force lead by LT. Joe Johnson was sent to gather more information on one, Alfred Kreiger, who is a Nazi Sympathizer and linked to practices in the occult. Information we received from Johnson has confirmed our suspicions. Kreiger has performed satanic rituals and has succeeded in resurrecting dead Nazi soldiers that feel no pain, no emotion, and have no mercy. They are the perfect killing machines. Kreiger has recently crossed over to the other side, suicide by his own creations. According to the book, Kreiger's death will allow him to move between realms and help make the transformation of the soldiers complete. They can be destroyed at this time, but one passage from the book is left that will make them invincible and must be done when certain circumstances are present. Unfortunately we don't know this information as we've lost contact with Johnson and his men.
    This was Johnson's last transmission:

    <Begin Transmission> "…We have entered the belly of the beast where life and death are one… The book holds the power … The last passage needs to be performed for the gates of hell to be opened permanently… God help us… It must be performed when…" <End transmission>

    No one from the group has been heard from since, but we do know from Johnson's last message that the book is the key. Time is of the essence and you will be deployed immediately.
    --I know your thinking this can't be real. It seems unbelievable but in Johnson's words. "God help us" if it's true. --

    To infiltrate Kreiger mansion by raft and make way through front gate or other means available before the axis zombie soldiers become invincible. Extract "The Book of the Resurrection" that's located in the mausoleum on the rear mansion grounds. Exit through the main house back to front gate to raft.

    *Primary Objectives - 1. Destroy Main Gate power to gain access to Kreiger.
    2. Steal Book of the Resurrection from Kreiger Mansion and make way to raft and escape to caves.

    *Secondary Objectives - 1. Capture flag in mansion room to advance.
    2. Destroy secondary door for access into lower mansion. "This is a secondary entrance but cannot use to exit."
    3. Destroy catacomb door for access into book room.

    Thx to Detpak for the some of the cool sounds in resurrection. http://detpak.tripod.com

    Some custom textures from Evil Lair http://www.planetquake.com/hfx/textures.html


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  22. road2amiens b2 - road2amiens_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: road2amiens_b2.pk3

    Map name: road2amiens_b2.bsp

    Author(s): theMaker

    Allies must sabotage the Tower guarding the Road to Amiens.

    February 18, 1944.

    Under cover of night, an elite Allied squad has orders to sabotage the Axis Sniper Tower guarding the Road to Amiens.

    5km to the north, Amiens Prison holds 700 inmates, including several important leaders in the French Resistance - 12 of whom are to be executed in 24 hours! Allies must succeed or the French activists will be shot!

    1 download

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  23. rocketrun final - rocketrun_final_fixed.pk3 and waypoints

    no information on the map


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  24. trooptrain 120 - trooptrain_120.pk3 and waypoints

    Title Troop Train
    File name trooptrain_120.pk3
    Map name trooptrain
    Version 1.2.0 (Created May 2008)
    Author 2Bit (www.tibetclan.com)

    Other 2Bit maps www.pythononline.co.uk/et

    Nbr of players Recommended 2-8 per team, probably mayhem beyond that.

    Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.

    Scenario Axis are transporting armour reinforcements to the front line. Allies must
    destroy the 2 tanks on the trains before they arrive at their destination.
    All the action takes place on two moving trains adjacent on parallel tracks.
    First objective is to blow up the crates that block the Allies path up the train.
    This gives them access to the midtrain flag forward spawn, and sets them up for
    the final push to the front of the train where the Tiger tanks are being transported.
    Players can move through the carriages, or along the top or sides, and can jump from
    one train to the other.
    Passing overhead gantries and bridges help to prevent sniper domination, and quick
    respawn times mean players are never missing from the action for long. The straightforward
    layout also means it's quick to learn and no-one gets lost.
    With a 10 minute map time limit, I believe it is best played in stopwatch mode.

    Gamemodes Objective, Stopwatch (recommended)

    Thanks to Splash Damage and Activision for everything.
    Models and textures:
    Detoeni, Midnight Oil, Aikon, LeMog, DaveGH, BerneyBoy, Uchronic,
    Blushing Bride, Chavo One, Massive, StormShadow and Nightwolf.
    And anyone else whose texture I may have inadvertently used.
    TibeT Clan and associates for testing and feedback.


    1 download

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  25. tundra b4a tundra_b4a.pk3 and waypoints

    Title : ET Tundra
    Version : Beta 4a
    Release Date : 12/24/03
    Filename : et_tundra_beta3.bsp
    Author : Tom "Menzel" Haskins
    Converted to ET by: ChumChum
    Email Address : thaskins@snet.net
    homepage : http://www.farmingtonco.com/ro

    Description : The Allies have orders to lay seige on an Axis held outpost near the coast, infiltrate
    the Axis compound and destroy the power grid. Once the power is disabled allied
    forces can advance further inland.

    Other info : This is a modified version of the original Tundra Outpost from RTCW. This version is designed for
    use in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Major changes from the original are:

    The first wall is now open instead of needing tnt to blow
    The flag has been moved out from the tunnel closer to the first wall
    The allied spawn associated with the flag is now in the barracks in the front.
    Removed the MG42 above the front barracks
    The sewers no longer need to be blown
    The house near the ice now contains a CP that either team can build but only the Allies gain a spawn point there when its built
    Added health and ammo racks in the house near the ice and the axis barracks inside the compound
    The compound gate is no longer open and requires tnt
    Next to the compound gate is an axis only door
    I put some boxes in front of the compound wall to allow a boost into the compound. These may get removed since there is now an axis-only door
    I added another sewer entrance just in front of the axis compound
    Added another ladder to get from the ground to the second level of the compound
    Moved the Axis spawn inside into 2 seperate rooms
    Added some boxes here and there for cover
    Made the MG42s at the front of the compound buildable
    Made a weak looking command map
    Allowed for mines to be placed on terrain
    Some other things you won't notice

    Additional Credits : Det Pak (http://detpak.tripod.com) for custom sounds.

    1 download

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