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Everything posted by Thomas

  1. cant post anything because of the forum probs :(

  2. hello patriot welcome to the site mate! <=TM=>Thomas
  3. yahooooooo keep up the good work guys!
  4. Thomas

    Server update

    might try sniper mod sometime
  5. hey guys i have already seen u guys on Jaymod glad to hear u enjoy it <=TM=>Thomas
  6. nokia 3310 http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://www.handynow.de/handy-zubehoer-1/nokia-3310.jpg&imgrefurl=http://partyflock.nl/topic/935784:Wat_was_je_eerste_mobiele_telefoon.html&h=300&w=300&sz=9&tbnid=DzxSamFbWUpkRM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=90&prev=/search%3Fq%3Deerste%2Bnokia%2B3310%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=eerste+nokia+3310&usg=__r0668QdDXG9hM1BkWC9SqFMz_oY=&docid=_U9vT74wwzzuDM&hl=nl&sa=X&ei=JfBhULr4J-e_0QW1xYHoAg&ved=0CCgQ9QEwAQ&dur=401
  7. hahah miss owned now when he hear this he will lauging 'till deathXD
  8. always nice to play W:ET and be on TS with great ppl :)

  9. Thomas

    name cycle

    okay thnx harald
  10. Thomas

    name cycle

    yes and another problem is when i scrolled to the last name in my cycle i cant scroll back to the first. i have to type it again in console to go to the first name
  11. Thomas

    name cycle

    ahh thanks (both) works fine
  12. Thomas

    name cycle

    ehm schockwave, i tried yours (wanted to try if i can do it) and everything was fine untill i wanted to change it this happend when i pushed the ''name change'' button on my keyboard. (picture) as you see it changed... at least i thought but it didnt in limbo menu and ''tab'' menu (hihi) so what can i do?
  13. Thomas

    name cycle

    fr3ak is already makin' one and i already gave him my names so..... but thanks for your help really appriciate it
  14. Thomas

    name cycle

    i did it like this: computer -> C station (lokale schijf c) -> program files -> Wolfenstein ET -> etmain and than i clicked on "etconfig.cfg" and than i get a wordpad with binds and stuff. can you guys tell me i did it right??? but thanks anyway for your help fr3ak is making a name cycle for me
  15. Thomas

    name cycle

    .......ehm and maybe in dutch?
  16. Thomas

    name cycle

    heh????? i totally DONT get it ? ? ? im gettin' more embarassed :$
  17. Thomas

    name cycle

    i cant find anything how to open it
  18. Thomas

    name cycle

    put my name in, copy all you wrote + paste in console i guess? still dont get it could u please explain exactly what to do????
  19. haha ( @STUMPEL) the first match of WILLEM II is against their number 1 rival NAC (opening game) :D

    1. Stumpel


      And Willem II win it :)

    2. Thomas


      haha sure of that :D

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