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Everything posted by Zyxpix

  1. No command required. It must be adjusted with the mouse software. There are also on some models minipulations to be done on the mouse with key combinations. If no software is provided, the polling rate can be adjusted with this : What Is Mouse Polling Rate? [How to Test and Change It] - Tekpip Most recent mice have a polling rate of 1000hz(1ms) by default and this is most appropriate for most games. But in some games depending on the sensitivity of the mouse (low/mid/high) it is sometimes necessary to lower the polling rate to 500hz (2ms). For example, on ET if you have a low sensitivity it is more interesting to use 500hz (2ms) because it is the most stable and therefore the tracking is better.
  2. Zyxpix


    Do a speedtest from where the server are located, Gravelines OVH Cloud. This will be more accurate. For exemple you can see my result : OVH Cloud : My ISP Server :
  3. Zyxpix

    Fov difference

    Yes, only if you played with widescreen monitor in 16:9. If you played with 4:3 aspect ratio this is the same fov.
  4. Zyxpix


    No, I have the same thing : Détermination de l’itinéraire vers ns3367630.ip-37-187-79.eu [] avec un maximum de 30 sauts : 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms mymodem [] 2 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms 3 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 4 5 ms 5 ms 5 ms ae-60-100.ibrstr5.isp.proximus.be [] 5 * * 5 ms lag-30-1000.ibrmar5.isp.proximus.be [] 6 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 7 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 8 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 9 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 10 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 11 * * * Délai d’attente de la demande dépassé. 12 9 ms 8 ms 8 ms ns3367630.ip-37-187-79.eu [] Itinéraire déterminé. It just means that ICMP request are blocked, nothing more.
  5. Zyxpix


    This is a routing problem I think and you should contact your ISP ETLegacy main is in France ETLegacy 2 is in Germany
  6. ??? Who is it, My first nickname in this game is xDAy GamesTV.org :: Match Details :: Burning Skulls Crew vs GuN| GamesTV.org :: Match Details :: AddictsKlan vs Burning Skulls Crew
  7. Welcome ! Come get my sniper 😘
  8. Just use kill bind when you see the light 😅
  9. Cathedral (Final) Assault (Final) Warbell (Final) El Kef (Final) Village
  10. Your need the most stable fps. You clearly cant handle 333 fps stable in a full server.
  11. ET or ETL client ?
  12. Can we add et_ice, village ?
  13. Hello, I'm Zyxpix, former player from 2007/2008, I played a lot on ETPro, especially on 2.55 version and some time on 2.60b. I do not remember my old teams but I played a lot with French speakers and a few times with and against Dutch people( Sebhes, L4mpje, Domi). Some people here might recognize me with my old nickname "xDAy". I am visually impaired from birth with ocular albinism so my eye sight is very bad, even with a correction (3/10). I manage as best I can despite my handicap. See ya in game
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