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  1. Here is more info about how those cvars work https://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/issues/2493#issuecomment-1973235349
  2. TM server settings for field ops recharge time is 60secs. Default is 40secs. (For reference here Medic recharge is 45secs , the default) From time to time u see someone complain about this setting. I never really play field ops much myself but when i did it was the first thing i noticed. Field ops is recharging very slowly. What it did to my game play? I just did not throw as much ammo to teammates and sometimes even chose to skip the request due keeping chargebar in state of ready for airstrike/artillery. If u want to be ready for crucial moments in game it is at cost of ammo for teammates. So i was wondering where does this setting origin from and what is the purpose of it? If it is ment to lessen arty/artillery spam then legacy has different cvars for it. Maybe someone has some opinions about this. Why is it 60secs and not default 40secs?
  3. Add beginners server to the list and remove scrim and 1vs1 server? @Ande
  4. The way Flo set it up seems to be near perfect I think there have been no complaints around it. go beyond 8 kills Not sure if there is point going any higher. Hitting this 8 is already extremely rare. increase kills window duration I think current 1s window is very optimal. If u go higher that means announce will be more offset with the real event so it will start looking confusing when announce happens several seconds later. Also there will be more announces due bigger time window which can get spammy and in the end the announces lose the effect as they are ment to announce. You are not suppose to get 50 announces each game. It should be more on rare side. (current setting prevents the announce spam that happens in most servers where multikill is working) Static 1s window makes sure that those last tier kills will be rare. change display remove the !!!. Add multiplier behind (maybe white color?) because only double kill gives away the exact count double kill! x2 multi kill! x3 mega kill! x4 ultra kill! x5 monster kill! x6 ludicrous kill! x7 holy shitttttt! x8 make top tier multikills server wide announcement if implement this i agree announce 6 and above similar to how it announces kill sprees if u want to notify the whole server of the kill (no sound - else it can get confusing again as sound is tied to self announces). Going lower will increase spam. Using it only top tier kills will keep the event more rare and special
  5. Since SK script and latest script update. Should update this menu too and give more detailed information how SK script works now?
  6. You might want to use ETLegacy client. Create shortcut of launcher.exe Add following commands into end of shortcut Target: +set com_zonemegs "128" + set com_hunkmegs "512"
  7. It is possible to make it end when one team takes lead over 5 points. Change can be made if interested. I have had idea about time bonus on each delivery. There is 40 for each team. Starting time 12min and each obj giving +10sec to time. This way it ends sooner when teams are unable to get objectives. Also makes it longer when obj keep coming in. This can be tested too if interested?
  8. 4k vs 1080p and waiting for that SSAA for better detailshttps://github.com/etlegacy/etlegacy/issues/2340
  9. Original Radar or Radar Summer?
  10. Summer edition offers more variety for gameplay imo. For example noo draw distance limit and bushes make snipers more efficient in this map compared to original. Bushes can be used for sneaking / hiding from enemy fire. Some bushes are too high tho as they almost hide a standing player. If you play with blurred textures and bright player model textures to maximize spotting enemy target you are going to feel frustrated in this map as map design works against what such configs aim to achieve. IWith 4k resolution everything is sharp and easily detectable. Although if u play with blurred textures, small resolution and no AA you might experience a lot of unrecognizable pixels i guess (Makes hard to detect what is happening?). Majority of players might prefer Original Radar.
  11. New voice announce thx to @DKill_ ET Legacy 2023-07-29 04-44-31.mp4
  12. Posted by _Ler. so that is a 800 ingame units in diamater
  13. Mortar AOE damage is really big if this edge damages player inside SK zone it triggers the warning. I think there have been maps where script zone is not in align with pictures or been missing so also possible to check and test if it actually triggers in places it should.
  14. i am not sure if there is any drop considering the amount of total textures. (This can be tested tho) i did not go higher in texture (1024x1024) as it did not feel worth it 4x bigger file size and only difference in quality was extremely up close which does not happen most of the time inside the game.
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