TM server settings for field ops recharge time is 60secs. Default is 40secs. (For reference here Medic recharge is 45secs , the default)
From time to time u see someone complain about this setting. I never really play field ops much myself but when i did it was the first thing i noticed. Field ops is recharging very slowly. What it did to my game play? I just did not throw as much ammo to teammates and sometimes even chose to skip the request due keeping chargebar in state of ready for airstrike/artillery. If u want to be ready for crucial moments in game it is at cost of ammo for teammates. So i was wondering where does this setting origin from and what is the purpose of it?
If it is ment to lessen arty/artillery spam then legacy has different cvars for it.
Maybe someone has some opinions about this. Why is it 60secs and not default 40secs?