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Posts posted by uips

  1. 42 minutes ago, Stumpel said:

    Sounds bad idea. Sory but, mostly the game only fills with that kill spam then.. It comes very annoying during the time..

    My idea was that it will not be forced on by server, as an option if player chooses to use it.  So u could turn it on or disable it complitly if u are not interested in it.

    If i remember correctly then the sounds are for 1 player only not hearing other people kill sprees and multikills. What comes to all text spams i have disabled all the kill spam anyway. Text spam should always be customizable as well, so u can either choose to enable sounds only or sounds+"spam texts".

    Still wondering why kill spree, death spree and revive spree texts are still not filterable in legacy,  i would rather filter that info straight into console.

    But i understand staying true to vanilla, thats up to server admins. I brought it up as an idea to create the option, not forcing it on, whenever a player chooses for vanilla experience that should not be interfered by forced  settings.

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  2. I remember those Unreal Tournament sounds being very rewarding whenever you hear a monsterkill with airstrike, multikill with dynamite, double kill with landmine or hearing Godlike after reaching  certain killing spree. I think something about those simple sounds adds a lot to the fun aspect of game.

    Legacy server follows very much vanilla gameplay experience which is the main reason why i play on this server (no poison smokes, shotguns, other kind of gameplay affecting tweaks etc.)

    But I think it would be awesome to be able to turn those sounds on or off from ingame option so players could choose for themselves if they like it or not. It should not affect general gameplay very much.

    Just an idea to think about.


  3. very first parts came from TM menu 3.0 from Duro,

    Rules are from here: https://teammuppet.com/home/rules.html/

    Most menu parts are updated/fitted with Legacy files, Tested and edited everything in legacy client There seem to be some little differences between old client coding and new legacy ones. When you connect to legacy server with old client it should work normally. Only issues i found was when u use Old client and run the game without any mods active Some parts of the TM menu in main menu dont work correctly.

    If there has to be more info or less in the menus, everything should be customizable.

  4. Updated ingame/main TM menu with fast connect to other TM servers, easy access to all rules and website.

    This should make easier to swap servers from ingame in case of events etc.
    Full list of rules readable in game. (People sometimes are confused and keep asking about rules)

    Works best with Legacy client on legacy servers. Can be used as client side main menu upgrade, server side ingame menu upgrade or both.

    You can try it by downloading _TM.pk3
    LEGACY client - place it inside legacy folder in game directory (Default ETLegacy/legacy/...)
    OLD client - put it in etmain folder if you use old client

    (Works on old client too but all parts are not functioning correctly)

    Just tried to make it work out of boredom. I saw something similar running on TM ETpub server

    I think the community would benefit from this when running this as server side addon. Also leaving behind a TM "cookie" to whoever visits servers increases the chance of random visitor revisiting servers (TM menu in main menu when you open game, little advertisement).

    If you people find use of it its possible to further improve or modify it as needed.




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  5. i think it would be even better to use time remaining as variable when considering time bonus. For example u have 3min left and u start tank in caen, you get +5min time bonus for next objective (8min total time for next phase). Now if u have 12min left and start the tank, there is no time bonus because you still have 12min left for next objective. (12min total time for next phase). This would eliminate stacks of time when maps are rushed, since there is still possibility of getting stuck in last phase.

  6. Somewhat systematic approach to keep track over maps popularity. Resetting accumulated votes for maps after period of time(season) would give fresh and fair start for all maps for next season. Players on server will determine popular maps by using the in game voting system. Least popular maps could be swapped out for new ones, clearing out maps that rarely get played  in order to make room for other maps. New maps could be voted by users in forums for next season. This would give  chance for every player to see their favorite maps on server if majority of players vote so.

    Season length maybe 1-2month?,maps swapped 1-5?

    This would encourage players in game to vote for maps and visit forums for voting maps.

    Just an idea that might work if people are interested in it.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Fighting 20mins over a flag feels too long and gets very boring for axis. Would it be possible to change time limit to 15min and create time bonuses for objectives (+3) - (+5) min starting tank, (+3) - (+5) reaching wall (If it is necessary). So if it is a nightmare for axis  the map will end sooner: if its more balanced it will continue longer

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  8. I tried ETL versions of those maps in local host. First thing that i notice is way better environmental lightning. Original maps seem more yellowish and darker. ETL maps have white/cold lights and brighter environment. I think this will result in better detecting enemies for those "hardcore" players and the maps also look visually more appealing. Also noticed lots of detail and texture improvements.



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