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  1. I'm french and i've understood only the half of what he said (and i close my eyes on the orthographic mistakes)
  2. I d also wish to add that i noticed that often, if votes are draw (for example 7 votes on 2 or 3 différent maps), its always the same most popular one who s chosen, which never give a chance to the less known map to be liked Would a script work if you decide to favorisate the less played maps in case of vote drawing ? Because otherwise some maps will never be played while you took time to insert them into the map rotation
  3. Cheat imo. This guy has no aim control and a weird gameplay He doesn't seems to really think and he doesn't positionate himself, which doesn't help to have some aim advantage into a fight / when shooting from far distance. He's almost all the time wrongly positionated and his aim shakes pretty much, yet when he shoots he becomes pretty smooth so imo it doesnt really look natural.. That said, it is possible to investigate around the competitive players who seems to have played with him for a short moment (Time played : 0 minute to 3 minutes, means that he probably renamed when he played Gathers) https://et.trackbase.net/player/1769306/ Just my opinion tho
  4. Hey MrMuppet Im a 1on1 player and I might be the one who asked for your 1v1 pw I have a 1on1 server already but your might be a good one in case my opponents have a Bad connexion on my serv Cheers
  5. Hello, I was playing calmly and killed tXino a bit too much, he started doing some comments that I ignored at the beginning of the map then at around the end of the map, after he kept complaining I reminded him that backshoting or not doesnt change anything and he started saying i'm a retard and some other words on the beginning of the map that followed (Supply if i'm right) that i forgot (i guess you can check logs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEtLZtRulPI I posted the video here so you can witness by yourself, it was at 17:50 on the video (2:30 of the end of the map) Bonus : He proposes me to send me his dick in picture ! Very class
  6. Hello mate This is available, you can enable them or change everything, place it wherever you wish in the HudEditor (Escape - Option - View - HudEditor - popupmessage) or just with a command like /cg_popupstaytime and /cg_popupfadetime With the HudEditor you are able to modify everything, the size of them, etc... there might be some commands i forgot but you can already try those with different value
  7. Hey guys ! Could be a cool idea indeed to make a Poll with all these "Awards" ! i'd be up ! All classes (best soldier, best medic, best field ops, best covi, best engi) with yeah some best aim, best frag, best admin, Most loved one, most hated one etc... 😋
  8. Okok I listen and understand your answers guys ^^ And you re right but i have an example on Beach where I first save the obj and the 2nd Time with all explosions and co, i didnt hear that obj was taken and ended a few seconds later and the Map ended in total After .. yeah 2 or 3 mins so we clearly had a problem of defense but I couldnt be everywhere and sometimes i try to défend but its hard 😛 I understand your points and will try to even the thing ^^
  9. Hello TeamMuppet Community ! Recently, I've experienced something that leaves me a bit bitter... At the end of a map, we're having the possibility to make a map vote, the majority wins and the map who gets the most vote is chosen and played. Until here, all is fine and that's very fair But once we're on that map, that majority has chosen, I did note that some players enjoy ending that map in less than 3 minutes like it's a full competition.. and that leaves me (and after some talk with some other players, i'm apparently not alone) a bit bitter because we would like to enjoy a little more the map we have chosen to play, it's a bit sad to choose a map and end it in 2 or 3 minutes because some 100% objective players have decided to end it (while probably some of them also appreciate that map). These players should maybe go play competitive if they want to play for obj absolutly. Here comes my suggestion : Would it be possible to maybe make a system where a map must be atleast 5 or 6 minutes long ? Like, obj is blocked for 5 or 6 minutes then if they want to end it they can 🤷‍♂️ Because when we're playing a map (that I like a lot) like Beach ,Erdenberg ,Adlernest or even Braundorf (the last in date as it's the one that made me write this topic) or even some others i don't have in mind currently, it's been 3 or 4 times out of the last 10 I've played on these maps, where the map ends so fast that none player have made more than 10 kills.. I wish you all a good day/evening/night and I hope you'll take my suggestion as something constructive 😏🤝 Cheers, Mxt0r
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