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Everything posted by MrMuppet

  1. Is cavemick a member now?
  2. Hi Sturmovik and welcome to the site, all posts in the registered members section have to be authorized by a moderator to totally eliminate spam, your posts where logged but in the queue waiting to be authorized, has you can see they are now posted. Looking forward to the friendly soon.
  3. Winston has the Enigma code to view!
  4. When are these guys going to be made up?
  5. That just goes to google home page, are you on a different world wide web than the rest of us?
  6. Bring them on tomorrow evening, we should have a bit of a gathering then.
  7. Some people are the same here but they still stay, they pop back every so often and say hi and have a game, along has when they do play they do on our servers I don't think it matters, you don't have to give your life to ET to still be apart of the community, I don't play a fraction of the time that used to but I'm still around a lot in the back ground.
  8. Did you embed them into the forums or where they external links? What file format where they/
  9. Why is that then? thought you had been in BH for years?
  10. I have lots of other websites though so I need a few hosts, I dedicated two hosts to the game servers, that means we never have issues with file downloads when people join the servers.
  11. Happy birthday mate :occasion-birthday: :occasion-balloons:
  12. Because subzero had been in contact regarding this on the home page and he has joined these forums so he can see the progress on this.
  13. Think so, I had lost the background images to another site until I excluded it so it seems to be working, I will just keep a closer eye on it now.
  14. Welcome to the site and servers Quasimodo, hope you enjoy your time here, if you need to know any thing then just ask someone on the server or post here. :text-welcomewave:
  15. http://www.gerhard-schubert.com/en/packaging_solutions/8
  16. Dont know if they do or not but I can swap a server to etpro in a couple of minutes if required.
  17. I have had to enable hot link protection to the teammuppetdownloads.co.uk site due to other sites stealing the bandwidth by referring clients when steaming mp3's, sites such has http://box.zhangmen.baidu.com/m http://www.findsounds.com/ISAPI/search.dll http://www.deezer.com http://www.imuzic.co.uk/search/Alias and even an individual file://C:\\Documents and Settings\\Compaq_Owner\\Local Settings\\Temp\\312e78e8f7264632859b6354b2704f31\\pod.swf has setup to stream from. All this means to us some links, photo's or streaming may not work that has been posted, I have excluded referrals from all our sites so there should not be any interference with our files but you never know. For those that don't know, bandwidth is quite expensive especially in the UK where you get full speed downloads, just an example of what our servers and sites use, One server; File redirectional downloading for the Jaymod and NQ server for the first 21 days this month, the bandwidth used is 28.436 gig with over 4000 file downloads, 63.07 gig used last month. Another server; Teammuppet.com and one other site I host on it as used 5.667 gig for the same period Another server; Teammuppetdownloads, forum pictures and other media has used 4.197 gig for the same period Though I still have teammuppet.eu with 100 gig of full speed bandwidth a month sat idle and another teammuppetclan.com with unlimited bandwidth not in use, I wont allow other sites to steel the bandwidth I pay a great expense for even if it means rerouting the file downloads from server to server.
  18. Have I missed any thing? do we have any new members that need adding to the sites as members?
  19. PM sub off of the homepage and he will reply, what about this Sunday? any takers?
  20. Hi and welcome to TM, sorry I have not seen you yet but I have been away on business, I sure I'll catch up with you at the weekend. It's finally nice to have someone older than me on the servers Welcome to the site and servers, enjoy and don't take no lip of the young ones!
  21. Sorry guys, been away in Germany so not seen any of them.
  22. Every thing you need Virus. http://www.omni-bot.de/e107/download.php?list.7
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