This version of jaymod can only run the 0.66 version of omnibot, Nq uses the latest 0.71 version so most the way points being written are for 0.71, there is only a couple of people writing for the older versions. I thought the way point from our download site would have been the older version because nq 1.2.3 used 0.66 way points. This is becoming a problem with et now, jaymod 2.1.7 was only a beta release and released over 2 years ago, etpub 0.7.1 was released over 3 years ago and has only had a bug fix since, etpro 3.2.6 was released over 3 years ago and is still the final mod for competitions, only nq is still being supported by the community, 1.2.5 is only a few months old and 1.2.7 is already in beta, they will only support the latest et version 2.60b due to the security issues in the previous versions. If you check our home page rss feeds link and then omnibot, all the version released are 0.71, thats where I got the caen 4 from, when I trace a way point for a map using 0.66, the links are dead, they have been removed from the downloads. Omnibot 0.72 was released in March of this year for RTCW so its only a matter of time that a 0.72 version will be written for nq 1.2.7.