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Everything posted by bartmen

  1. /players still works but that doesnt show ranks only names and slots and it's only with legacy I was connected with normal ET and had no issues
  2. @Eagle_cz i was on with legacy when it happend this time
  3. Yeah soz, what i heard after i reconnected every one froze and had to reconnect so all clients crashed cant tell if its client or server cause i had to try to reconnect like 3 times before it would reconnect me and it was then on a diffrent map altough map just started.
  4. server crashed again last night the 21th at 22:05
  5. bartmen

    Can't come back

    cl_allowdownload 1 cl_wwwdownload 1 toke me like 4 tryes as well before i could get in the server first time
  6. same thing happend last night 2 times, connection error then server restarted
  7. on wich mod is it based? so i can prac a bit to kill Venom 2nite
  8. bartmen

    ET Minimizer

    i am running it with admin privileges but still had to manualy set the etminimizer to run as admin to make it work ingame, maybe cause of windows 10?
  9. bartmen

    ET Minimizer

    had the same prob
  10. bartmen

    ET Minimizer

    set it to run as admin
  11. bartmen


    elo madam, enjoy your stay on site'n servers
  12. no idea on the date dont plan that far ahead atm
  13. bartmen


    yeah didnt read my bad, but for the multiplayer 1. Run RtCW14pack.exe (as administrator). 2. Click a couple of times on next until it's finished. 3. Change the properties of the new "RtCW 1.4" icon on your desktop. 4. Set compatibility to Windows XP (Service Pack 2). Set Run as administrator. 5. Run PB Svc Installer (as administrator, from Start Menu) and install services (ignore possible errors). 6. Start the game, goto options, and enter your cd key. 7a. If you don't have a cd key, run the included KeyGen (from Start Menu) to make one. 7b. Also you can make a key with etkeygen, save it to "\main\rtcwkey"
  14. bartmen


    here ya go http://www.crossfire.nu/tutorials/198/rtcw-14-pack-2012
  15. can you make some screen shots and post them? also any new other programs installed, used to have similar problems in like 2004/2005 macafee was causing it but also gave me like 5 fps so was unplayable.
  16. bartmen


    using ethernet cable or wireless?
  17. open the one in etmain and compaire it with the one on trackbase, prob jesus who set you lvl 0 cause youre a goat hater
  18. if you wanna play on public etpro servers most have pb on atm
  19. same probs here, link in the last post was the solution for this person http://forums.amd.com/game/messageview.cfm?catid=449&threadid=167252
  20. there is a problem with realtek souncards and ET it cant be fixed only cure is to get another soundcard
  21. What ailmanki said if you have amd r_primitives 2 , for nvidia check your settings with the ones below
  22. good to cya back m8, prob drivers or meg problems How's college?
  23. all downloads done, wife's favorit tv show is on 2nite, ready to go!!!!
  24. bartmen

    help with proxy

    Working thnx Craig, only need to find the best screen res. and some one willing to give me a lvl, ill delete this etkey when i finaly get home and replace it with my desktop key
  25. bartmen

    help with proxy

    got all the maps just needed those 2 files, couldnt find them, thnx will try it
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