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  1. Yes, allowing to vote could be really nice. If someone is put to spec by mistake/malice, it is possible to rejoin immediately, so the possibilities for abuse are limited.
  2. I have been playing lately and encountered multiple times that players where idle for the whole length of a map.
  3. I have two additions inspired by etpub. Not sure if these are mod only things or possible to accomplish by server script: Allow nade and smoke kicking. Allow denying AS by stepping on it. These two things really added fun for me in etpub.
  4. I was thinking this exactly. Encourage revives by making it beneficial in some way. Two ideas: 1. Enhance the revive spree announcement by playing sounds similar to what killing sprees have. 2. Give medic adrenaline for each revive spree (important: zeroize count on tk)
  5. Anyways, I suggest to re-evaluate the voting options and enable what you think might be useful.
  6. Maybe I have wrong assumptions or missing out something. I logged in few weeks ago, the server was full house, had to wait for a slot. I logged in this week, approximately at the same time, and each team barely had the minimum number of player before bots join-in. Could it be that there is some technical problem preventing people from joining or finding the server in the server list?
  7. I think more voting options should be added. At least a vote to putspec and idle player. Not always there are admins around that can put the afk player into spec. Other helpful additions could be a vote to skip a map and add/reduce time. Thank you!
  8. I noticed this on some other maps as well. This is really noticeable only when there is low number of human players. Attached a demo demo0001.dm_84
  9. I feel that the Legacy server bots deteriorated compared to the behavior they had on etpub. They do not push, do not build cp or attempt objective. The defending bots do not camp at strategic points or patrol around them. This is not a "new" map issue. I just logged off from Oasis. Axis bots were aimlessly following me around wherever I went ( I was on Axis team). The Allies were patrolling around the spawn. Maybe some config had to be done when setting up the server?
  10. art

    Wolf ET2.60C/D

    Launch it from the terminal (or mac's equivalent) and you should see the log.
  11. art

    Black snow...

    You said that you have an AMD graphics card (GPU) and the driver was for an AMD card, so I see no surprise here. Maybe you think that you have an ATI card, but these are the same since AMD bought ATI some time ago. Anyway, you're welcome.
  12. art

    Black snow...

    It looks like a known driver bug that affects several games (google your card model + "black texture"). You probably have the latest driver from your computer supplier (eg. HP), but there might be a newer driver from AMD itself. Take a look at the following of a similar bug in BF3. In the description it says: In the following thread here are also some suggestions: http://www.tomshardw...-problem-skyrim So my suggestions are: 1. First try to play with the texture settings. Try changing filter to billiniar compression to "no" and playing with details and quality. This will probably not help, but worth a try. 2. Try to install the driver from the link in the quote above. 3. Search for a newer version of "Catalyst 11.10" in AMD's website and install it. (Do it even if step 1 or 2 were successful)
  13. art

    Black snow...

    Can you show us a screenshot of your graphics settings? They are under "Settings" -> "System". Also what graphics card do you have?
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