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Everything posted by Fr3ak

  1. Welcome to the forums
  2. Welcome
  3. :'(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. naz


      In every life we have some trouble

      But when you worry you make it double

      Dont worry

      Be Happy

    3. N!nka
    4. Macka
  4. Welcome to the forums!
  5. The next event that we have is a Vietnam Mod Event This event will take place on the Teammuppet VIETNAM server! Server IP - Date - Saturday 27th February Time - 19:00GMT (UK time) Please don't forget to join us on Teamspeak as well for an even more fun night. Teamspeak IP - Hope to see You all there on the night! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NB! Don't miss the chacne to win the TM cap. Write a poem or story and send it before the 20th February! More information at: http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/15334-tm-prize-give-away-this-is-the-last-one/
  6. TeamMuppet wants to wish all of you guys a happy Valentine's day! We hope you have a good day with your loved ones, be it your lover or the Muppet family!
  7. Hey! We have reseted TeamMuppet Nodownload xps server spreerecords. It's not a season to go camping yet so please don't do it and wait a little bit longer with buying new tents. Happy fragging, do objective and play fair! Previous spreerecords are in the table below. TeamMuppet NoDownload xps Server Spreerecords [table] Rank Map SpreeBy 1 Pirates 56 whosright 2 Snatch_3 56 cArobo 3 Venice_ne4 54 [DD]PHOTO 4 Supply Depot 49 <=TM=>Eerik 5 Caen_2 45 ONLYWHENIMDRUNK 6 Siwa Oasis 44 cArobo 7 Bremen_Final 43 Jehovah'strueWitness<< 8 Goldrush 41 huNti 9 Fueldump_uvf 40 -=Towelie=- 10 Seawall Battery 38 blade 11 Italy_fp2 37 >:) 12 Fueldump 35 niNN7 13 Adlernest 34 Tazz 14 Thief_city 34 Killer 15 Stargate_1945 34 <=TM=>Alistar 16 Et_ufo_b3 31 cArobo 17 Baserace_desert 30 Mud:. 18 Sw_goldrush_te 30 MisterJ 19 Braundorf_final 29 Snatix<<< 20 Purefrag 29 <=TM=>P3$oNe 21 Frostbite 28 S!mples 22 Würzburg radar 28 iA!GREENFIRE' 23 Sp_Delivery_te 28 <=TM=>Eerik 24 V2base 25 ONLYWHENIMDRUNK 25 Warbell 24 huNti 26 Transmitter_spring 24 Cffg#IDDQD 27 Axislab_final 24 KpllaloT 28 Goldrush_ga 24 bajnov 29 Eichsfeld 24 SVGC-SALMONOT 30 Et_beach 23 xTc'Delete 31 Dubrovnki_final 23 (.)Grigori Perelman 32 Tankbuster 23 <=TM=>Peyote 33 Et_mor2_night_final 22 cArobo 34 Railgun 22 'Dreadful 35 Teuthonia_final 22 <=TM=>Alistar 36 Beerrun_b7a 22 [DD]PHOTO 37 Tc_base 21 Disco! 38 1944_beach 20 grumpy smurf 39 Capuzzo 20 <=TM=>Macka 40 Capuzzo_b1 19 <=TM=>Macka 41 Reactor_final 18 <=TM=>P3$oNe 42 Stalingrad 18 WaR..NinG! 43 School 17 .m... 44 Cathedral_final 17 <=TM=>Eerik 45 Pantherbase 16 Trivi 46 Castleattack_b5 16 <=TM=>[T]Marabell 47 Praetoria_m2 15 <=TM=>Miki 48 Et_ice 15 <=TM=>PunKaBone 49 baserace2_b1 15 Gils 50 n2d_purefrag21 15 lolo 51 Et_village 15 SVGC-SALMONOT 52 Password2 15 Chelskill 53 Santas_grotto_v1_2 15 <=TM=>Flavour-bbl 54 Breakout2 14 eldest 55 Xlabs1 14 =DV=fez. 56 Missile_b4 13 niNN7 57 1944_huertgen_final2 12 <=TM=>Macka 58 Northpole 11 Gargoyles 59 The_port_b1 9 <=TM=>Alistar 60 Et_ufo_final 9 (.)minimalistic [/table] Date: 12.02.2016
  8. Welcome to the forums
  9. Welcome!
  10. Welcome!
  11. Welcome
  12. Welcome!
  13. Try now, should work
  14. Welcome
  15. Welcome
  16. Thank you for voting. The event will be held on the 27th February (Saturday) on our Vietnam server. Event time will be announced shortly
  17. Welcome
  18. Welcome to the forums!
  19. Welcome
  20. Welcome
  21. Welcome to the forums!
  22. Poll will be closed on Wednesday, so vote, vote & vote
  23. Welcome Yunus, it's nice to see you here
  24. Domination a.k.a powerball mod. It's like american football. look that video http://filehosts.eu/extras/domination.wmv
  25. Hey, please vote for event that you would like to have in February 2016. Pick the best date for this event. Edit - Domination / powerball mod video http://filehosts.eu/.../domination.wmv
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