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Everything posted by Fr3ak

  1. Fr3ak

    Halloween event!

    Thank you to everyone who attended our Halloween event! We had an amazing time, lot of fun and laughs
  2. Thank you madman45, I will fix it in a minute #Edit: TeamMuppet Vietnam server is working now!
  3. Fr3ak

    Halloween event!

    Hello members, friends and visitors! It’s time for another event. Halloween is coming and we are ready for it! This event will take place on the Teammuppet Infected server! Server IP - Date - Saturday 31st October Time - 19:00GMT (UK time) Please don’t forget to join us on Teamspeak as well for an even more fun night. Teamspeak IP - Hope to see You all there on the night! Trick or Treat!
  4. :)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stumpel
    3. Stumpel


      I clicked topic halloween event and got this: Sorry, we couldn't find that!


      You do not have permission to view this topic.

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    4. Fr3ak


      Should work now :)

  5. Hello Plamen, It was interesting to read it. Thank you!
  6. ooo no! Rollerblading season is basically over in Estonia.. Hmm.. long, dark and cold winter ahead, what to do? suggestions? ,)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Towelie


      It's dark, cold and wet outside. Play more ET? :)

    3. Alistar
    4. TommyBiondillo


      If you're bored then you can pick up a real mans hobby and become a brony.

  7. Fr3ak


    Hey and welcome!
  8. Hello, welcome to the forums.
  9. Waiting. A test, a challenge. So difficult, painful.....

  10. It looks really good , great job!!!
  11. Rise up, start fresh, see the bright opportunity in each new day! :) <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stumpel
    3. GreatDanton


      That's why I start with coffee :D

    4. Jaden


      so deep....i think i found oil :D

  12. Fr3ak


    Hello and welcome to the forums!
  13. Thank you for letting us know. The problem is solved and you can connect to the TeamMuppet Vietnam server.
  14. To lose a true friend is never easy. They leave a paw print on our hearts forever...... :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. StaR


      let me give you a hug :(

    3. Macka


      <3 My condolences

    4. winrar


      something coming to an end leaves an empty space for a new beginning, heads up and good luck

  15. Welcome Shan
  16. Do you have your old Etkey? Copy and paste it to the etmain folder Admin levels / XP is saved on your Etkey.
  17. <3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. N!nka
    3. And So
    4. Fr3ak


      <3 Smiling is fun, feels good, looks nice and doesn't cost anything!! <3 :)

  18. Hello and welcome
  19. Coffee & ESL One Katowice 2015 (CS:GO)! ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Alistar


      Well played freak!

    3. random


      Jaden: Ppl playing there are mostly proffessionals. It's their job. Freak could nerd it 24/7 but doubt he would ever reach even close to that lvl these guys are on :P

    4. Jaden


      thx for the heads up random, but i know what ESL is ahah. still there are also some cups where normal ppl can play for money, also in the ESL. thats why i asked. but ye ofc, katowice is some sort of main event....^^

      im only into dota-league...stopped watching CS-ESL some years ago...and even then it wasnt for long. FPS is too boring. MOBAs are way more interesting to watch in ESL-competitions!

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