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And So

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And So last won the day on September 29 2015

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About And So

  • Birthday 05/23/1993

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  1. And So

    Vietnam Server Event

    Cannot participate this one . Have fun !
  2. Panzerwar or Tankrace for the win ! (only Sundays will fit for me )
  3. Gratz to Alistar ! : )
  4. Yes i do have trouble with it as you can see , but how is this connect with my subject again ?
  5. I ment one version of GR! Really dosen´t matter which one.
  6. Does this vote means that one GR will be deleted ?
  7. I see Niki and other supporters don´t get what i am trying to say to you.And it is completly understandable meyby i did express myself wrong way. Let me try this way meyby then you can understand. 1) I DONT CARE WHAT MAP IS IT ! If we have 2 same versions of the map in 1 server: Fueldump or Oasis or Goldrush or what ever else its wrong.(<-@ my point of view) 2)The fact that GR is popular and gets more votes then all the new maps together like you sayd isn´t the reason why you should put it on cycle with the original one.And all the story that it comes after 8 maps and then other version comes also after 8 maps dosen´t really count. 3)So what´s your telling me is that the reason why GR was added was only coz there is no more maps to add ? Every single map in ET is new ? Well i honestly dunno nothing about how many or which kind of maps ET has put im damn sure there is maps that people would love also like GR. 4)Also didn´t get answer to my first post question:Who´s idea was it ? Meyby now you understand what i am trying to tell you if not then im out and not typing any more answers !
  8. I think it´s rubish but if i cannot do something about it ,then fine.
  9. Yeah but @ same time while they are adding and voting new maps there should be also new maps not 2 similiar maps.
  10. These maps were just example your not getting my point i see
  11. I hardly shearing my thoughts with server and maps with you guys ,but this is just nonsence that we have 2 kind of GoldRush in our server ? Are we out of maps or what is the reason of it ? Also like to know who came up with this idea or was this another voting system that i missed ? Don´t get me wrong ,im not against Goldrush but 2 versions of it in 1 server is not normal when we have so many other maps what people would love(lighthouse,axis lab etc. ) Thanks !
  12. Nice to see some new maps ,looking forward
  13. And So

    Map Test Event

    Dem i have to miss this :/
  14. And So

    Halloween event!

    Nice job Fr3ak ! Will try to be there but like others cannot promise anything.
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