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Everything posted by Smurfer

  1. I could use /serverstatus once on the etpub server. Then I couldn't use it anymore, even when I disconnected/connected. Maybe they fixed it recently?
  2. That is affirmative - Damn. Thanks, Punakone. edit: I can't find it. is it the xp-bug?
  3. I voted "either".
  4. Thanks to all who vote/d.
  5. I am wondering how many Macintosh ET players we have. Do we have any at all?
  6. Smurfer


    Also to the casual newbie player that uses ETs server browser? We just came out of the darkest time ever for ET and 2.60/b is more than ever before a wasteland of empty servers. New players get the impression the game is more stone dead than it really is, with 2.60. It's much harder for them to find a server with humans and get a game going. Maybe they don't consider using the "Server Info" button, and / or sort servers in various ways. IMO.
  7. Smurfer


    It must be some trackbase hack! (just kidding)
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