welcome to the forums, Yannick. Nice to meet you! ye the ET community had a big grow since they set the code to open source, many modders and old players seemed to come back!
try addin the "screenshotJPEG" at the end of the set of clearshot, maybe it solves your prob some mods, save the ss's in different folders maybe u have to search for em.... with /screenshotjpeg console.jpeg for example
increase sensitivity in sys-config.... but tbh, an FPS-game without a mouse is like a drinking an expensive wine out of the bottle......not the full experience
u wanted to convince him? wasnt he they guy complaining about several admins, the structures here in TM and how ppl act ingame?! (i may remember wrong...)
it just turned out that hes new clan got no future, thats what i think! mean yeah, he never really left (is on chat everyday and stuff.....) thats why i voted yes.
well it forces your pc to only use 1 core for ET, cause the game doesnt like 2 cores really! you can also uncheck CPU 0 and let CPU 1 stay... anyway, unfortunately it didnt solve my problem :/
i have a intel dual core and a 8700m GT graphic card, so i have definitely more than ET requires..... but still my game stucks at every server based radio message for half second....