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About Lisa

  • Birthday 06/28/1992

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    Lovinghim �

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  1. A real life script of how mistakes became our medicine

  2. Nature stopped listening - Lotte Kestner

  3. I hate when people see me at the supermarket and they are like; ''Hey, what are you doing here?'' and i'm just like; ''oh, you know, im hunting elephants'' -.-

    1. Jesus


      tell them your hunting humans...they will step back :D

    2. Stumpel
    3. s05aa


      we were actually playing hide&seek. she meant me with elephants :<

  4. If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Slarty


      It really suck when your vacumer stops working...

    3. MOoN
    4. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      Its ok though because the Moon will save us.

  5. What a awesome night, into 2013!

  6. Because we are not able to come online tomorrow, We wish you all a very good and healthy 2013. From s05a and Me. Take care and don't loose any fingers! Loveyou all <33

    1. MOoN


      Thx ! Take care guyz ! <3

    2. Charlie


      And to you 2 too <3

    3. Slarty
  7. Don't you hate it when youre about to take a shower and your hair looks perfect?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MadF.Lame
    3. Schwiizer Käse

      Schwiizer Käse

      I always look perfect, showers, dont know why I bother ;]

    4. HawK


      Shower? What's that?

  8. I hate when I'm looking for something but i can't find it, then suddenly it appears when I don't need it anymore :/

    1. Charlie
    2. Stumpel


      oO forgot my house keys inside door.. and I'm outside :(

    3. Lisa


      ahhhh, i know how that feels stumpel. I hate it the most when i forget my phone at home while i am at work :/

  9. Overthinking ruins you.. Ruins the situation, turn things around, make you worry and make things worse than is actually is. Live for the moment. <3

    1. Slarty


      Don't think "not thinking" will solve anything neither hehe. Carpe diem :)

    2. Lisa


      Maybe u should read better, its OVERthinking, not thinking ^^

  10. Love has no brain.

    1. Charlie


      Love listens to the heart :)

    2. Lisa
  11. Words fail, music speaks.

    1. Charlie


      music dances too!

    2. Temptin


      !smack Charlie behave lol

    3. Charlie
  12. Anything is possible, keep thinking

  13. I'm a soft hearted girl. I laugh, I love, I hope, I need, I try, I fear, I cry. And thats what makes life interesting. My secrets are well kept by my best friends. They make me smile when i'm down. I believe in Karma & Miracle. I cry easily when it's come to love. And i fake a smile to tell everyone i'm alright. I use to fall in love easily. But, since the day i know you. I know what is love.

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