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Everything posted by Wolf

  1. Me and VD will pop in
  2. Set a date i'll do my best to be there
  3. Legit Destiny 2 looks like DLC for destiny 1, garbage.

  4. Welcome Treefer
  5. Wolf

    Hello :)

    Hello and welcome Potty, i'm sure i'll see you around
  6. Welcome
  7. Pretty fun event
  8. Man if Steve won, I should of joined this too would of been a easy win
  9. Wolf

    Event: Christmas!

    The unofficial Jaymod caretaker I'll try make it to this one, I miss jaymod good old times before everyone abandoned it, used to no life the server
  10. For anyone who plays overwatch

    Made it diamond :P



    1. Temptin


      Gratz~~~I hate you but yeah!!! My game has stayed messed up doing that crashing glitch stuff, but hoping that is over since i moved

    2. miraro3
    3. Wolf


      Thank you both :D hahaha Temptin hopefully it'll be fine now

  11. Wolf

    BaseRace Server Down ?

    Wait people actually care about the baserace server
  12. Why is the chat room always dead now :sofa:

    1. miraro3
    2. Macka


      Because you are not there <3

  13. Today we can make history! COYB!!!

    1. Charlie


      From a Toon fan congratz. Genuinely happy for you guys :)

    2. Wolf


      Its honestly still a dream I cant believe it; i was happy with Leicester just being in the premier league but winning it?! that's just something else, literally something i'll tell my children 

  14. until

    You know what boyos, I'm gonna fucking be there let's roll
  15. Hope you all got very drunk and out of your face, happy new year you crazy bunch of baboons

    1. Macka


      Hey...who you calling crazy?! Happy New Year mate

    2. Towelie


      I won at monopoly. I'm pretty serious when it comes to monopoly. I don't accept your streets, pay up cash or you're done.

  16. Hope you all have a good Christmas Friends :)

  17. I'll be there
  18. If I didn't show up it'd be a insult to the entire time I've been here, lets make this event great!
  19. Wolf

    Coming soon

    I love you man hahaha
  20. Wolf

    It's time

    Thank you both for creating this community and making it a place for all of us, we're not just a community; we are a family some argue, fight and love each other but in the end we're just like one big crazy family, after all if it wasn't for you two I wouldn't of met some of these great people! I'm glad you two aren't just gonna disappear really is an end of a era. Take care and don't be a stranger Now its our turn to step up; we shouldn't make it a chore playing on the server for anyone we all need to put that little bit extra help in to make Craig and Rachel proud - not just to make them proud of one person in particular but to make them proud of what they have made here. You've left TM in capable hands I trust Smirre and Ailmanki congratulations to both of them. Long live TeamMuppet
  21. I don't even know either we need someone to organize this shit (calling dibs on dings team)
  22. I'm up for it, also that's obvious blondie cause everyone's k/ds are messed from bot bashing
  23. Wolf


    Yoo welcome to forums Jackob
  24. Voted
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