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Posts posted by Eagle_cz

  1. 9 minutes ago, Mister J said:

    I noticed that too. 

    So now that everything is back (thanks for that!), we should wait for a stable version of Legacy and then pick this issue up again? I think the only fix will be to change the value of Artillery and Airstrike frequency, which we can't seem to alter now.

    To be continued then...

    Yeah, would be nice to have one stable :D but im sure that devs trying to do their best. So we will see soon because a new build comming..

  2. I had a talk with devs, "set team_maxAirstrikes "1" means how many times per minute arty/air can be sucesfully called. So you can still 'spam' with arty but only one per minute will be done.

            if (team_maxAirstrikes.integer)
                level.axisAirstrikeCounter += 60000 / team_maxAirstrikes.integer;
                level.axisAirstrikeCounter += 60000 / G_MaxAvailableAirstrikes(ent);
    int G_MaxAvailableAirstrikes(gentity_t *ent)
        int playerCount;
        int fieldopsCount;
        playerCount   = G_TeamCount(ent, -1);
        fieldopsCount = G_CountTeamFieldops(ent->client->sess.sessionTeam);
        if (fieldopsCount > 6)
            fieldopsCount = 6;
        else if (fieldopsCount < 2)
            fieldopsCount = 2;
        // max number of airstrikes per team per minute
        return ceil(fieldopsCount * playerCount * g_heavyWeaponRestriction.integer * 0.01);
  3. we were forced to come back to the 442 version.. so imo all the problems will be gone for now... with etl;devs we will work on another build hopefully more stable... stay turned...

    • Thanks 1
  4. halloweenevent.png.d7b9d329f3eefddecfb936a61dd2b6f8.png

    Dear Muppets, visitors, friends, members and anybody around...

    after a some time it's time to invite you all to our event (almost a last one this year). It's been a time when we had had a last 'Infected' event. Halloween sounds ideal for that so diferently from a last years, this event will be on the infected mod. You all are welcomed but please, try to connect BEFORE the event will start up. In case of problems, feel free to send me a PM ...

    See ya there! Have a fun!

    ...thanks to all from the event team who worked on this!


  5. We tried a lot of things and we still searching where the problem is. We also tried to switch the server version from 64 bit architecture to 32 bit but unfortunately it's impossible because of obsolete types of libraries that are needed ... We (as admins) and ET:L developers are under a solid pressure and all of us really trying to fix that asap but it's not easy...

    There is a new build of ET:L mod which could be stable and without problem but we can't say it until we will try it on the server at real load. We knows that this kind of problems are deadly to our server but we need to do whatever even a risky things to move on from this point and find a way how to fix it.

    In a few minutes server will be updated to latest version of ET:L and we will see...

    EDIT: * slow download  speed fixed.

    EDIT #2: changelog below...

    * Fixed NUMLOCK 5 status fail
    * Fixed SND_NOCUT, SND_OKTOCUT, SND_CUTOFF and SND_REQUESTCUT flags options were not handle in start sound function
    * Added cursor management for edit text/field UI element
    * Check NUM LOCK status for CGAME input keys
    Added secondary weapon to class menu selection
    Fixed gibs are not drawn
    Added dynamic spawn points selection menu
    Removed g_countryFlag option to make bots use server location flag
    Added fading effect on weapons disappearing
    Added bouncing effect for items (weapons/pack/obj launched/dropped)
    Fixed weapons reload faster animations
    Fixed centerprint inserts awkward newlines
    Fixed cabinets are not affected by cg_autoActivate 0
    Added invalid GUID check at client connection (avoid some issue with Skill Rating system)
    Fixed pick-up weapon when player doesn’t have a primary weapon to drop
    Removed required tapout when doing selfkill in warmup
    Fixed cg_gibs cvar
    Fixed wounded players waiting for revive didn’t gib
    Fixed chargebar status colour hard to differentiate when at low level
    Fixed last bullet firing animation on Luger
    Fixed alternative switch wasn’t possible when weapon fire last bullet in clip/reserve
    Fixed force alternative switch with cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch 0
    Fixed mortar out-of-ammo was playing spinup sound
    Fixed out-of-ammo delayed weapon were playing EV_NOAMMO twice
    Fixed no explosion effect on satchel suicide
    Added cursor mangement in debriefing chat and limbo panel player name field
    Fixed register images from debriefing were loaded each frame
    Fixed debriefing was showing spawning place instead of appropriate portal cam
    Fixed explosion shakes were missing
    Added shakes from panzer/bazooka and mortar missile explosions
    Fixed airstrike delay was shorter than it should
    Fixed airstrike/artillery sounds are now properly played
    Fixed spawn point counts on command map
    Added /listspawnpt command to shown available spawn points to use with /setspawnpt command
    Fixed cg_popupBigFilter had inverse behavior, which made skill upgrades not displayed and played by default
    Fixed upscaled debris effects of the broken props


  6. 47 minutes ago, Duro said:

    This morning Arno reported to me that the server got really laggy after the tank blew up the doors in the map "marketplace2" he told me it was a known bot bug? I don't really know what he means i'm just relaying the message, hoping you guys could do something with it.

    it looks that this was more related to dedi box than with the game ... i found smt but now i need to investigate it more deeply.

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