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Little Pig

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About Little Pig

  • Birthday 02/21/1993

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  1. Downloading maps at 13kb/sec. It takes me at least 10 mins to get into the server
  2. what mod will it be?
  3. Yeah, but Jaymod has that crazygravity thingy
  4. i like it to be on a friday. than i'm almost always avalable from 19u00 :think:
  5. yeah but it has been a while
  6. i keep you on that
  7. happy B day
  8. sry i put this one wrong. i putted the right one on the members forum
  9. hi, i was on the jaymod today toghetter with crusher and 2 other players when suddenly all weird things happened. First our adminlevels were set to 0, than our xp whas set to 0. and later grazygravity, glow and all other stuff happened and i saw on my xfire that the name of the server whas changed to http://www.assfilled.com how did this happen?
  10. ^ i don't want baserace to be kicked out its a funny map for playing panzerwars and grazygravity and stuff
  11. hi, i like the servers but my opinion is that there are not enough special maps. maybe some new ones? i found this site mabye its helpfull : http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr ... /Maps;2657 :violence-rapidfire: :violence-rambo:
  12. Ok i will do thanks for the support guys
  13. Hi, i am playing ET for a while now and i wish to join this clan. I'm 16 years old and i live in Belgium, in the same village as miraro Please add me Little Pig
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