386 files
Operation Outreach - t_outreach.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Operation Outreach v1
Download pk3 name: t_outreach.pk3
Map name: t_outreach.bsp
Author(s): try3d
Opperation Outreach
It's in the twilight hours of the war and the last of the hardcore axis are hold up in a very remote part of Northern Europe. They recently captured an important Allied officer from the 5th Infantry Division and are in the process of a brutal interrogation. At the same time the Axis are using a multi-rocket launcher to harass the advancement of the allies in the far off village of Prujeck. The locals of Prujeck are worried that the desperate Axis will level a medieval abbey near their fortification inside the mountains. The Allies only hope of success is through the element of surprise by a very late night time raid. The local resistors of Prujeck have supplied the allies with a truck and supplies for the raid, Operation Outreach. Can the allies secure the last stronghold of the Axis, rescue the officer, and save the Abbey before it is too late? The outcome of Operation Outreach will be decided by you!
" Reclaim the Outpost and church and hold off the Allies.
"Take over the Outpost and church and hold it for the rest of the allies to arrive.
"Target Outreach is a remote last stand outpost of the Axis that must be captured at all costs!
Allied objectives
1 "Capture all five objectives around the Outpost and hold them!
2 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five flags!
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five objectives!
2 "Primary Objective:
Secure all five flags!
Grotli winter edition + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Grotli winter
// BSPname : grotli_winter
// Released: 23.11.2023
// Version : Final (This is the winter edition of the original map Grotli)
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the Axis base.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Protect the side entrance.
Grotli final + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Grotli
// BSPname : grotli
// Released: 04.10.2023
// Version : Final
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
The Allies must blast their way through the Grotli tunnel and bring the gold back home.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Destroy the tank gate and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the Axis base.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Destroy the vault door.
6] Grab the gold and bring it to the Allied base.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once inside the Grotli tunnel, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank gate and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the Axis base.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Don't let the Allies destroy the vault door.
6] Protect the gold.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point inside the Grotli tunnel.
8] Protect the side entrance.
Oasi + waypoints
By o-0._.0-o
// Mapname : Oasi
// BSPname : oasi
// Released: 04.04.2024
// Version : final
// Map made by: o-0._.0-o
// Website: www.bunker4fun.com
// Thanks to Pegazus for making a cactus model.
In the hidden recesses of an ancient temple lay an
extraordinary secret - an ancient anti-gravity generator.
Crafted by a civilization long forgotten,
the Axis use this device to create a dangerous weapon.
Primary Objectives:
1] Destroy the main gate.
2] Grab the tank fuel and steal the tank.
3] Escort the tank to the temple.
4] Destroy the tank barriers.
5] Grab the key and open the secret door inside the temple.
6] Destroy the ancient anti-gravity generator.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Once at the old city, capture the forward spawn point.
8] Destroy the side entrance.
Primary Objectives:
1] Protect the main gate.
2] Protect the tank fuel and don't let them steal the tank.
3] Don't let the tank go to the temple.
4] Don't let the Allies destroy the tank barriers.
5] Protect the key.
6] Protect the ancient anti-gravity generator.
Secondary Objectives:
7] Don't let them use the forward spawn point at the old city.
8] Protect the side entrance.
Optional mapscript with two extra allied spawns at the keyhouse when the key is secured.
et operation b7 - et_operation_b7_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
A big thank you to PINN for creating the bots files for us .
This map was ported over from my map Operation on RTCW.
With many thanks and patience from Kemon and Pinn it is now also playable on ET.
Have fun:)
No information on the map
MountainPass finale - MountainPass_finale.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
TITLE : Mountain Pass finale
AUTHOR : Devils Right Hand
DATE : 23.12.2024 started
bug report feedback : discord Devils Right Hand#2240
Release date FINALE : 06/01/2025
Attacking : allies Objective
Timelimit : 25 min
Spawntimes : Axis 10 / Allies 10
The objective: Allies must steal a brand-new action figure hidden in the snowy mountains and make a daring escape. A festive twist on classic gameplay, packed with holiday vibes and action-packed fun!
1- Destroy the truck protection grilles.
2 Bring both figures into the truck . Axis
1-Defend truck protection grilles.
2-stop the advance of the allies and prevent them from placing the objectives in the truck .
Distribution / Copyright / Permissions
Copyright (c) 2025 Devils Right Hand
All rights reserved
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels.
This level is not to be used, replicated or edited for any other Mod, Total Conversion, Game
or Game Engine.
decoder beta4 - decoder_beta4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Decoder (Beta 4)
"Objective: Protect the real decoder and the document that reveals its location"
"Objective: Locate and destroy the real decoder"
"The axis have stolen the decoder the allies are using for secret comunication in the North-Atlantic. The allies are are desperatly trying to find and destroy the real decoder before the axis figures out how it works"
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Capture flag and forward spawn"
2 "Primary Objective:
Destroy the research stations main door"
3 "Primary Objective:
Locate and destroy the real decoder unit"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Build the ramp so you can outflank the axis defences"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Gain entry to the research station through the sewers"
6 "Secondary Objective:
Find the document the reveals the location of the real decoder"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Protect the forward spawn area"
2 "Primary Objective:
Defend the research stations main door"
3 "Primary Objective:
Defend the real decoder unit"
4 "Secondary Objective:
Don't allow the allies to outflank you using the ramp"
5 "Secondary Objective:
Guard the entry through the sewers"
6 "Secondary Objective:
Protect the document the reveals the location of the real decoder"2 downloads
fragginhart v4 - fragginhart_v4.pk3 and waypoints beta
By papywolf
Fragginhart a map for Wolfenstein Enemy-Territoy.
Map by ( Remasters ) in close collaboration with U!ps
Map Objectives
1. Activate the generator.
- Build Allied CP to enable allied spawn.
2. Destroy the Depot Gate Controls.
- Destroy the Side wall.
- Capture the forward bunker flag.
3. Steal the Documents.
- Build the assualt ramp.
- Take the Documents to the Transmitter
v4 change log
- Added route from middle spawn to lower barracks. ( requested by U!ps )
- Changed generator switch.
- Changed the switches at main gate.
- Lowered the wall at axis middle spawn MG. ( requested by U!ps )
- Clipped roof at middle and gen spawn areas.
- Added new textures.
- Added "props".
- Reworked the Terrian/Road.
- Reworked the flag section (forward bunker).
- Added new route from sidewall to flag.
- Reworked Allies villa spawn.
- Changed the skybox.
- Updated levelshot on map load screen. (image created by U!ps)
- Added obj dropped sound for axis.
- Updated location data.
V3 change log
- Fixed missing brush above main gate.
- Fixed cov_door_Depot_Gate bug.
- Added route from transmitter to sidewall area. ( requested by U!ps )
- Added custom textures. ( provided by U!ps )
- Reworked door at assualt ramp, added button inside docs room.
- Removed keycard to fix map breaking bug ( reported by ETc|nick )
- Changed generator activation to "repair" or "switch".
- Generator activation type can be changed by server admin via mapscript (default set to switch).
- Allied CP room now longer, moved Allied CP location in the room. ( requested by U!ps )
- Added new route at generator axis spawn. ( requested by U!ps )
- Fixed FPS drops. ( reported by kevlar )
- Added limbo cams. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk )
- Updated location data.
- Improved the command map. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk )*
- Added wm_addteamvoiceannounce sounds.
- Allies can no longer access the sidewall before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps )
- Axis can no longer access the north middle spawn exit before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps )
- Main and Depot gates now open slower. ( requested by U!ps )
V2 Change log
- BSP name now has no version suffix. (for easier server administration moving forward)
- reworked allied villa spawn
- New allied CP spawn.
- New axis generator spawn.
- Reworked old allied CP building.
- Moved axis CP.
- Added cov door at axis CP.
- Increased doorway size and headroom on most indoor sections and doors.
- Changed cov doors on main and depot gate sections. (will now auto open for axis)
- Blocked the holes in the floor of axis final spawn and added alternative routes.
- Moved documents to table.
- Some cosmetic changes to terrain.
- Assualt ramp moved to front of document building with build activated doors.
- Added Basement spawn for axis. (set as disabled)
- swaped position of sidewall hole with sidewall cov door.
- moved barracks corridor outside exit, added ramp where there was a step.
- added location data
- added option to block the middle spawn / forward bunker archway. (set as hidden)
- depo gate switch removed from axis side.
sfx endor - sfx_endor.pk3 and waypoint 0.9
By papywolf
Raiders Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Shield Generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Entrance Door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Defend the First Sas Spawn."
4 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Backup Generator controlling the magnetic seal to the Shield Generator."
5 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Troopers from constructing a Charge Booster."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Construct a Charge Booster."
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Shield Generator."
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Entrance Door."
3 "Primary Objective:**Capture the First Sas Spawn."
4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Backup Generator to deactivate the sealed door to the Shield Generator."
5 "Primary Objective:**Construct the Charge Booster for advanced spawn location."
6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Raiders from constructing a Charge Boost
kastellederhennes - kastellederhennes.pk3 and waypoints 0.9 Basic
By papywolf
1 "Primary Objective:**Blow The Primary Bridge to slow the Allied assault down!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Destroy The Secondary Bridge too to stop the Allied escape!"
3 "Primary Objective:**Rebuild the Radio Tower to call in reinforcements!"
4 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from Finding and Rescuing the French servants!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture The Command Post to slow the Allied attack down!"
6 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allied Escape with The Silver Box!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Rebuild the Gas Chambers with the Evil Relic!"
1 "Primary Objective:**Rebuild The Primary Bridge too, to successfully attack!"
2 "Primary Objective:**Rebuild The Secondary Bridge to help Allied escape in vehicle!"
3 "Primary Objective:**Blow up The Radio Tower to stop Axis communices!"
4 "Primary Objective:**Find and Rescue the French servants!"
5 "Secondary Objective:**Capture The Command Post to hasten the Allied attack!"
6 "Primary Objective:**Escape with The Silver Box over The Secondary Bridge!"
7 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Gas Chambers with the Evil Relic!"
by Kyle Lance Proudfoot copyright 150320043 downloads
secrets - secrets.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the documents from the Allies secret place."
2 "Primary Objective:**Get those documents to the Radio Tower!"
Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Documents from falling into enemy hands."
2 "Primary Objective:**Prevent Axis from getting the Documents to the radio tower at all costs."14 downloads
ouessant fixed - ouessant_fixed.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Ouessant Lighthouse (Beta 1)
description allies "Take out the axis lighthouse! Use an Engineer to hack the axis bridge computer. This Will raise the bridge to the lighthouse -- climb to the top and plant your dynamite"
description axis "Protect the lighthouse! Keep the Allies at bay, hold the roadgate that leads to the bridge computer. If they destroy the gate, fall back and keep the bridge computer repaired. Don't let them cross!" map description neutral "Allies must destroy the Axis lighthouse."
Allies objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Bust through the road gate. This will give you access to the bridge computer"
2 "Primary Objective:
Climb the lighthouse and destroy it! You'll need to hack the bridge computer to gain access."
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Hold the road gate. Holding this will prevent the Allies from accessing the lighthouse."
2 "Primary Objective:
Defend the lighthouse! Make sure the bridge computer is repaired; this will keep the bridge down"
glider panzerduel lowgrav 101 - glider_panzerduel_lowgrav_101.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
File type Map for "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory"
Title Glider
File name glider_panzerduel_101.pk3
Map name glider_panzerduel
Version 1.0.1 (Created dec 2008)
Nbr of players Any
Author 2Bit
Installation Put the pk3 file into the etmain folder.
There are no objectives, this map is intended for team panzer deathmatch.
Each team can select any of their 5 spawn points, some of which are shared with the enemy.
Respawn times are set to 12 secs for both teams, and recharge times are twice as quick than usual.
There are unlimited ammo boxes dotted around the map to provide constant ammo supply.
There are no obstructive doors, and nothing to build. The glider is pre-built. It has
been provided with an entrance on both sides.
The glider can be flown by anyone, and can be shot down by any weapon.
When it completes its flight a new one is immediately created at the outpost.
The slope has been modified at the ruins to allow players to climb up. Also the ramp is pre-built.
The map time limit is arbitrarily set to 30 mins, and will end with an Axis victory.
Objective, Stopwatch.
Thanks to Splash Damage and Activision for the best (free!!) game I've ever played.
DaBoy for prefabbing the Axis barracks for me.
Drakir for various excellent prefabs.
Iffy for the Nebelwerfer model.
TibeT Clan for support, gameplay ideas and beta-testing.9 downloads
etl base v3 - etl_base_v3.pk3 and waypoints + script
By papywolf
// ======================================================================
//ETL Base, from (v3)
// May 2024
// Cedric 'kemon' Easton
// http://www.etlegacy.com
// http://www.github.com/realkemon
// ======================================================================
This map is an overhaul of the original Base (tc_base) map from RTCW.
It is also an overhaul of Brewdog, a document-run conversion of Base made by crumbs.
As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort, certain maps are being overhauled.
Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.
Primary Objective: Protect the North Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Protect the South Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Don't let them steal the Documents.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
[color:c63d=#EEEEEEPrimary Objective: Destroy the North Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Destroy the South Radar Tower.
Primary Objective: Steal the Documents.
Secondary Objective: Construct the Command Post.
// =================
// === CHANGELOG ===
// =================
to v2:
• added tracemap
to v1:
• Merged Brewdog and Base gameplay in one map with multiple optional map script features. The default attempts to replicate Base.
-> Thank you Aciz and u!ps for immense feedback, suggestions and continuous support.
• Added voice announcements. Thank you Dkill.26 downloads
fragginhart v3 - fragginhart_v3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
V3 change log
Fixed missing brush above main gate. Fixed cov_door_Depot_Gate bug. Added route from transmitter to sidewall area. ( requested by U!ps ) Added custom textures. ( provided by U!ps ) Reworked door at assualt ramp, added button inside docs room. Removed keycard to fix map breaking bug ( reported by ETc|nick ) Changed generator activation to "repair" or "switch". Generator activation type can be changed by server admin via mapscript (default set to switch). Allied CP room now longer, moved Allied CP location in the room. ( requested by U!ps ) Added new route at generator axis spawn. ( requested by U!ps ) Fixed FPS drops. ( reported by kevlar ) Added limbo cams. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk ) Updated location data. Improved the command map. ( requested by [eG] johnd0eafk )* Added wm_addteamvoiceannounce sounds. Allies can no longer access the sidewall before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Axis can no longer access the north middle spawn exit before the generator has been activated. ( requested by U!ps ) Main and Depot gates now open slower. ( requested by U!ps ) V2 Change log
BSP name now has no version suffix. (for easier server administration moving forward) reworked allied villa spawn New allied CP spawn. New axis generator spawn. Reworked old allied CP building. Moved axis CP. Added cov door at axis CP. Increased doorway size and headroom on most indoor sections and doors. Changed cov doors on main and depot gate sections. (will now auto open for axis) Blocked the holes in the floor of axis final spawn and added alternative routes. Moved documents to table. Some cosmetic changes to terrain. Assualt ramp moved to front of document building with build activated doors. Added Basement spawn for axis. (set as disabled) swaped position of sidewall hole with sidewall cov door. moved barracks corridor outside exit, added ramp where there was a step. added location data added option to block the middle spawn / forward bunker archway. (set as hidden) depo gate switch removed from axis side.
WSF_Ascension_B2 - WSF_Ascension_B2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Mapname: WSF - Ascension
PK3: WSF_Ascension_B2
BSP: wsf_ascension
Version: Final
Release: 04.05.2024
Level design, scripting, 2D: Kommandant & TechBoy
A big thank you to Pinn for creating the waypoint files (basic )
Story behind the map:
- Real elements: The map is basically a training zone for the German special forces unit of World War II, known as the Brandenburgers. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandenburgers)
- Fictional elements: The level design was based on the training zone from Ready or Not and a TDM map from PUBG called Pillar Compound.
A training zone was set up in an abandoned warehouse. Within this zone, Axis have three main tasks (reconnaissance, gathering intelligence and counter-terrorism) all while a practice unit consisting of Allied soldiers is also present. The training zone has 2 sections with different objectives.
Axis objectives:
- Gain access to the Truck by destroying the Shortcut Door (Optional)
- Enter the Archives by destroying the Archives Door
- Steal Documents from the Archives and Bring them to the Truck
- Destroy Gate 3 and enter Section 2
- Capture Gate 5 flag and construct the Command Post (Optional)
- Destroy the Transmitter Door and construct the Transmitter
- Steal the Explosives from the Transmitter
- Secure and blow up the Explosives in at the Sabotaged Supplies
Allied objectives:
- Defend the Shortcut and Archives Doors
- Stop Axis from entering the Archives
- Don't let Axis secure the Documents at the Truck
- Defend Gate 3
- Defend Gate 5 flag and construct the Command Post (Optional)
- Defend the Transmitter Door and the Construction Materials
- Stop axis from stealing and setting up the Explosives
- Defend the Sabotaged Supplies wsf_ascension.gm wsf_ascension.way wsf_ascension_goals.gm
Maps UJE and waypoints (176 cards)
By papywolf
Special UJE Clan cards
here I am offering you my collection of Team [UJE] Clan . cards that I own
erdenberg ga v5 - erdenberg_ga_v5.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
******** Information on Erdenberg Greater Access ********
Authors: Pinn
Release dates: V1: 15/12/2023
V2: 24/12/2023
V3: 08/01/2023
V4: 15/01/2023 maybe
Email: etmapping@pinickitty.co.uk
******** Map information ********
"The axis are holding a small town of Erdenberg as one of their headquarters.
With the power of two Flak88 cannons they are shooting down the Allies
supply planes. The Allies are now sending a special crew to disable the
enemy cannons and take over the town in order to continue their battle."
>Flag > Main Gate > Flak88 cannons East and West
> Command Post
> Axis West Flak Spawn Flag and Constructible Door
> Health and Ammo Cabinets West Flak
Allies are attacking.
******** Tools used ********
GTKRadiant 1.5
NetRadiant Custom
Topaz Gigapixels image upscaler
Notepad ++
******** Textures used models ********
Majority of textures are from t2 but were upscaled manually by 2x using Topaz.
Some new textures added from open source texture packs or in the case of the doors from praetoria M1. I just loved the look
with only a slight colour change.
Models and some textures were also obtained from the Teuthing mapping source pack.
******** Changes from T2 included changes in both V1 and V2 of greater access ********
Sky changed to horizon sky and was downgraded to a smaller size in V2 using Topaz. Took approx 10mb off the compressed pk3 file size in V2.
removed entity func_leaky
made triggers for both guns smaller to prevent trick plants. new area defined with a decal.
created a new area on level 1 of the buildings surrounding East Flak including new ladders and a staircase.
most existing doors made accessible mainly to axis/cvops
replaced fence near west flak with brush models.
All windows made explodable.
Near route between Axis second spawn and main gate added.
spawn point added in new route
small area behind new route added
explodable/constructible added to new route
ammo health added to room below axis new spawn
door added on new route.
bunker on west flak made a fully functioning room
added small ledge under top windows overlooking westflak
added mg42 in bunker near allied first spawn
added mushrooms
added flag above main gate
added a room and door under the new staircase near eastflak
redesigned outside and inside of garage to make it higher and larger with a new functioning door added
outside of garage now matches inside.
added brush model as wooden explodable near west flak hole in wall
******** Changes made in V3 of greater access ********
added new route from garage to first floor east flak
moved mg42 on allied spawn to face gate
added some more mushrooms and other general furniture aand objects
added the roof brushes to buildings around east and west flak. just because I could then raise the clip ceiling allowing for possible TJ onto broken roof
fixed some object positioning
made garage door back everyone access
small texture alignment and scaling changes
added small ledges to outside of windows overlooking west flak
added a small room and door directly under the east flak.
******** Changes made in V4 of greater access ********
made garage door back to axis/cvops
fixed the jump from highest window to broken roof.
fixed script for axis west spawn flag
a few door fixes including a new door texture with axis logo
added flak voice overs (cheeps UIPS and DKill)
fixed windows in westflak bunker. no longer explodable but now block bullets...phew
added some new axis and neutral door textures (wooden hill400 and blue door from praetoria) with the help from UIPS.
fixed allied spawn flag allowing axis access to forward bunker from spec
******** Changes made in V5 of greater access ********
doorway activated above axis final spawn and made axis/cvops to prevent allies surrounding east flak
stairway added to axis final spawn to make it easier for axis to cover east flak
added to rope ladders to the broken house so that both sides can access the only playable roof and not just from TJ from highest window in attic
added a security camera just for a bit of fun
******** Thanks to ********
All this that tested some of the early ideas like Cranog and John Doe and huge thanks
to eG Aimex for first putting it on the server as V1 and also for nominating the map for MOTY. 2nd is great but really felt Beach and Braundorf
should have won in 2023 but maybe Grotli is a worthy winner as the only original map in the nominations.
Also a big thanks to all those on TM Muppet ETL server who also provided lots of feedback on both V2 and V3. Too many to mention of course but UIPS has been really outstanding in checking things
and making sure every little bug is fixed.
Also a big thanks to UIPS and DKill for providing the flak destroyed/dyn voice over files and also TM for who ever fixed the general vo scripts. I was lazy yes and just used the t2 version adjusted.
And must mention Kemon and Matteos for all the help and guidance along the way along with all the other ET Mapping discord members who answered my many questions.
Great to be able to test on both nitmod and ETL
******** Original Information from T2 ********
Authors: sani (Mapping & Creation)
Hukk (Plans & Layout)
Hemuli (Consultant?!)
Release dates: B1: 5/8/2010
B2: 27/11/2010
B3: 1/11/2011
Email: sani@fubr-gaming.com
IRC: #w0bble @ Quakenet14 downloads
axs assault b3 - axs_assault_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
destroy main door
destroy side door
destroy depot door 1 and 2
construct the command post
destroy the gun control
Defende all7 downloads
et operation b3 - et_operation_b3.pk3 and waypoints 0.9
By papywolf
This map was ported over from my map Operation on RTCW.
With many thanks and patience from Kemon and Pinn it is now also playable on ET.
Have fun:)
No information on the map
UJE stiglitz b1 - UJE_stiglitz_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Conversion of this map is made with aproval of the original mapmaker of this map Kemon, i really want to thank him with making this beautiful map.
I changed this map because players were complaining that they don't like the objective, that's why i changed it to an easier objective to just escort a tank.
With this conversion i hope the map will be played again.
Coversion made by [UJE]Niek 14-3-2023 , beware after 20 years the game is still alive
Storyline now is:
The axis have to escort the tank from the city to the Railroad tunnel so they can defend the tunnel for new reinforcements.
* Axis have to escort the tank
* Build and destroy 3 bariers
* Build and destroy Allied or Axis Commandposts
Release Dateof the original stiglitz map was : 31/08/2018
This map was intended as an entry for the Trackbase, TWT, Wolfwatch map-contest 2018.
I would like to thank all of the organizers for setting up the contest. It has been a valuable experience creating a map on a fixed schedule.
For the concept to properly work, the map had to be completely flat, because upwards and downwards movement would definitely cause visual glitches in the movement animation of Stiglitz.
The layout of this map is divided into 4 sections: Noble, Church, Industry and Nature.
This was done to have chokepoints that Stiglitz needs to be escorted through, while still providing several alternative routes.
The two middle sections both have a capturable spawn making it necessary to communicate with your team. After all, you don't want the enemy to suddenly spawn behind you!
Since the map is basically all on one level, the VIS blocking could be done differently than usual. We didn't need to create seperate valleys or closed of sections and could have everything in one giant space.
This makes it nicer for the Spectator to fly around. That is also the reason why the world_clip is a func_static.
So the Spectator can leave the playable area and take on vantage points outside of the player's reach, but the player is still constricted to the play area.
VIS blocking in this map works as following:
------| |----------| |------
--B---| |----C-----| |--D---
------| |----------| |------
------| |----------| |------
When being in zone A as spectator (sky) you see everything. However, as a player you can only walk around in the lower areas (B, C, D). These are the streets and the blocks are the houses which all are structural in their core.
There is a giant HINT brush spanning across the whole map cutting the map right on top of the building blocks. That brush ensures that it is not possible for the engine to see into block C and D when the player is in B.
This results in all detailed things going on on street level actually being constrained to that street, which even though the map is just one giant cube, ensures stable FPS.
OriginalAuthor: keMoN & phisherman
-----Thanks to-----
Direct support:
• ryven for extensive support during debugging of the script_mover.
• WuTangH for the broken tree model acting as bridge from Nature to Industry and the modified head model for Stiglitz to fix a visual glitch.
• Everyone on the TWT Discord for helping out in one form or another.
Indirect support:
• Jon Swenson (=N4RC= Smokey) and Chris Swenson (Hobbie) for Axis Lab. The forwards and backwards movement of Stiglitz is highly inspired by Axis Lab.
• Gordon 'digibob' Biggans [SD] for his purely magical MD3-to-TAG tool
• C and Npherno for their wonderful model tools respectively
• hipshot for his "miramar" skybox from http://www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php
• RtCW for models + textures
• Detoeni for his submarine and truck models
• ischbinz for textures
• FireFly for his Hanomag model
• RayBan for his treeline textures
• Everyone else who provided info, feedback, ideas or helped in any other way.
mapname is UJE_stiglitz
With setting up the new gameplay i tried to involve every part of the map, let's see how it plays.
ctf cw arena b2 - ctf_cw_arena_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
This is my first released map. Thanks to loffy for the ctf scripts and
www.GameDesignOnline.com for thier help.(marco and the other over there).
thanks to -=Talon=- for the motivation to finish this map sorta and some ideas and some work done in the map.
The RaR clan for testing my map and for a good server and place to play.
Time to construct the map : 1 month
Time to compile the map : 3 hrs or so i dont know exactly i just compiled and went to sleep.
This map is basically a ctf map I like playing CTF so i thought i would create one.
If this one does over all ok i'll make numberous other maps.
This map should not be added to any site without my permission for download...you can use it on your server but please ask me before
uploading it your site or any other site
contact me at ter7997 [at] hotmail [dot] com email and msn messenger7 downloads
canyonlake - canyonlake.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: canyonlake.pk3
Map name: canyonLake.bsp
Axis must protect the book from being telegraphed by the Allied forces.
very large map so might be boring when few players :buddy98:
allied "The heavily guarded Axis bunker high in the mountains contains a top level book of plans. Get the book and radio the plans to Allied HQ."
axis "Guard the book contained in the main facility to keep it from being telegraphed to the enemy."
neutral "Axis must protect the book from being telegraphed by the Allied forces."
"The Allies are patiently waiting for the arrival of a Churchhill tank. The Allies must then escort the tank to the main facility where the Axis are protecting a code book. Once the Allies reach the facility, they will need to transmit the document at the radio control center. The Axis must do all they can to stop this from happening."