386 files
mohaa france tdm beta - mohaa_france_tdm_beta.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Many thanks to Niek for the waypoints files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Map Title : Moh:AA France (TDM)
Map Version : beta
Map Author : (Infinity Ward)Conversion from MoH:AA
Converted by : mad.et|Cambo
Game : Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Gametype: : Team Deathmatch
Filename : mohaa_france_tdm_beta.pk3
BSP-Name : mohaa_france_tdm
Map Size (suggested) : <20 Players
Release (date) : Oktober 2011
Allies Objective:
1. Kill the enemy!
2. Stay alive!
Axis Objective:
1. Kill the enemy!
2. Stay alive!
Copyright : Electronic Arts - Publisher
Infinity Ward - Developer
Credits : Electronic Arts - Publisher (Source & Materials)
Infinity Ward - Developer
SplashDamage Forum - Help
M|A|D [Community] - Testing
Distribution / Permissions
This is the First Beta of this map and may not be modified in anyway.
This file may not be commercially exploited in any way. Mapsource and
models will be released with a "final" version of this map.2 downloads
the well of youth beta - well_d.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
"We have to get a jug of the water!!!"
"The Allies want to steal a jug of the water, you have to prevent that!"
"The Axis have found The Well Of Youth and the Allies have to get a jug of it to reproduce it!"
Allied objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Build the Bridge!"
2 "Primary Objective:
Steal a jug in the bunker to get some water!"
3 "Primary Objective:
Get the water and flee!"
Axis objectives
1 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies of building the bridge!"
2 "Primary Objective:
Don't let the Allies steal the Jug!"
3 "Primary Objective:
Prevent the Allies of stealing the water!"4 downloads
caha tavern b2 - caha_tavern_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
File info:
title : CAHA: tavern
filename : caha_tavern_b2
game : wolfenstein: enemy territory
version : beta 2
date : 18.June.2006
author : Roger "redRum" Creus
url : http://www,cyanureill.net
email : roger.creus@gmail.com
gametype : objective, stopwatch, campaign
mines : disabled
max. players : 12 per team
How to play:
.Unzip caha_tavern_b2.zip into your etmain folder.
.launch the game.
.Find a server running caha_tavern_b2 or.
.start a server through the Host menu.
1942. China. Province of Liaoning.
The well known tavern Fire Garden has been taken by an allied squad.
They are using it as a document depot, and have set
two security system levels to ensure the spy lists inside it are safe.
A german squad has found out the allied shellac.
They get ready for battle and rush into the building.
Primary: Destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Steal the spy lists.
.Primary: Escape with the lists through the sewers.
.Secondary: Destroy the cellar wall to open an escape route;
you must have destroyed the generator A to get access to the cellar.
.Secondary: Destroy the 3rd floor stairs wall and get faster acces to the top floors.
Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator B.
.Primary: Don't let axis destroy the security power generator A.
.Primary: Hold the spy lists.
.Primary: Don't let axis escape with the lists.
.Secondary: Don't let axis reach the cellar and protect the sewers exit.
.Secondary: Hold or rebuild the 3rd floor stairs wall to cut the allied path.
editor : GtkRadiant 1.4.0
compiler : q3map2 2.5.16
specs : AMD Athlon 64 3,2Ghz, 2GB RAM, Radeon X700 pro 512mb
light compile : -light -custinfoparms -dirt -export -fast -nocollapse -patchshadows
-shade -compensate 3 -gamma 1.5 -lightmapsize 512 -thresh 0.25 -samples 3
compile stats : bsp: 112 secs.
vis: 17 secs.
light: 4400 secs.
Main changes from B1:
.Added a fireteam locations file for etpro.
.The cellar wall is now destructable by any explosives, grenades included.
.Fixed Generator B.
.Fixed map objective descriptions.
.Remade the top floor walls roofs to reduce the poly count.
.Remade the lobby ceiling model which has about 1200 less polys now.
.Fixed brushwork leaks.
.Improved vis blocking in certain parts.
.Few more non significant changes and fixes.
Known Issues:
.One layer command map.
.Allies can't spawn at the 1st. floor but it's shown as a spawn in the command map.
.terrain_example set by Sock. original file here:
.photorealistic set by BerneyBoy. Textures have been modified.
original file here: http://www.planetquake.com/berneyboy/
.Buddha model by Todd Gantzler.
.SD, ID.
FireTeam Locations File:
.Erik-Ftn, ID software.
Map Concept:
.Ben "Wulf" Bennet.
Feedback and ideas:
.Neddie, Codename Ty, Wulf, 56ker.
.Radiant and Ydnar.. for these magic tools.
.Sock.. for the great articles and resources.
.Monitotxi, Aratbass and 56ker.. for coding and keeping my website polite.
.Wulf, Neddie and Codename Ty.. for the support and ideas.
.the TOG clan.. for the server and time spent on testing.
.-7- and the New Wanderers Order.. for the server and time spent on testing.
.the ppl at SD forums.. for giving me all the info I needed.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of commercial product without permission from the author.
You may not mass distribute this level via any non-electronic means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks without permission from the author.
You may not Redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
1 download
D tour - D_tour.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
(the readme file)
This is a fragmap made by Macchute aka oVe.
Filesize: 4.5MB
Time: Night
Bspname: Tour
Version: b1.0
temasize: 2v2 - 4v4
FPSratio: avarage
Release date: 2015/03/08
Work hours: 45
Custom textures: yes
Detail level: High
contact: macchute@gmail.com
website: macchute.wordpress.com
Thanks to:
-saints&sinners gaming clan
-simonoc's for rock textures.
-RayBan for the foliage models
-Splash Damage for textures and models included in ET
additional information:
The map includes a fully working elevator and there're a couple of comic textures.
The map got no history but it was based on a unreleased map called African Radar, the map is however in Europe and the cliff and bunker shapes can easily be related to Bergen. The radiant map file is included in the pk3 and you are allowed to edit the map and take prefabs as long you give credits to: saints&sinners ET clan, Thewolfteam, and Macchute.
xdam2 - xdam2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
| X-Dam Complex 2 for Enemy Territory |-
Release date: 2006-05-24
Map original release date: 2003-11-14
Author: SteelRat
Map Name: X-Dam 2
BSP name: xdam2
Gametypes supported: Objective and Stopwatch
Gametime: 20 Minutes
This is a re-release of my first map for ET, I felt that the map deserved a tune up as it is fun to play.
This is what I have fixed:
Lights on map was borked, especially for the player models - fixed.
Script issue with the sirens not working properly - fixed.
Hundreds of texture misses - fixed.
Shader totally missing for textures - fixed.
Objectives on commandmap a mess - fixed.
All brushes structural, LOL - fixed
Terrain was really weird in some places - improved.
Light textures missing - fixed.
Contact info
Website: www.srcgaming.com
e-mail: steelrat at bredband.net
IRC channel @ Quakenet: #srcgaming
berserk te - berserk_te.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map name Berserk TE (tournament edition)
Filename berserk_te.pk3
Release date January, 2004
Decription The Axis must steal the secret documents while the Allies will try to defend them
Map by Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Savar (northern Sweden): fluffpower@hotmail.com
Prefabs and textures from Drakirs homepage (http://www.drakir.tk). Textures by Splash Damage and Sock (Egypt textures)
Additional textures by FuTurA. Initial beta testing by w
Installation Put the file (berserk_te.pk3) in your etmain-folder:
C:\Program\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\berserk_te.pk3
NOw you can join a server on the net, and play.
Or you can start the map yourself, on your computer. Go to the menu for "Host game". Select Berserk TE from the list.
(Or type "/map berserk_te" in the game consol.)
This custom map is (c) 2003 Kent "Loffy" Lofgren.
You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of product without
permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
You may not redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.
"The Axis are attacking and they must destroy the Old City Wall, steal the Documents and bring the Documents to the Axis Truck. The Allied forces are defending."1 download
ammodepot - ammodepot.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: ammodepot.pk3
Map name: ammodepot.bsp
Artist(s): Storm Rising (Marco Valenzuela)
In this map the Axis hold a secret Ammo Depot called cement island, Allies will try to
get inside and blow both the radio anttena and a stack of ammo boxes.6 downloads
ammo bunker b1 - ammo_bunker_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: ammo_bunker_b1.pk3
Map name: ammo_bunker_b1.bsp
Author(s): Antti "Seven_dc" Suuronen
The axis forces are retreiving in hurry from north africa
and are gathering the ammo storaged in a bunker.
The allied forces are about to destroy this low guarded axis
ammunition bunker.
1. Destroy / protect the Axis north bunker door
2. Destroy / protect the Axis southbunker door
3. Destroy / protect the Axis ammo storage
4. Build command post 1. Destroy / protect the Axis north bunker door
2. Destroy / protect the Axis southbunker door
3. Destroy / protect the Axis ammo storage
4. Build command post
1 download
UM Azteca b4 - UM_Azteca_b4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Pk3 file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3
Objdata file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3\maps\(UM)Azteca_b4.objdata
Map date : 2005-11-17
Gametypes : wolfmp wolfsw wolflms
Raw map name : (UM)Azteca_b4
Arena file : UM_Azteca_b4.pk3\scripts\(UM)Azteca_b4.arena
Date added : 2016-06-26
Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn.
Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn.
Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn.
Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn.
Allies objectives
Prevent the Raiders from opening the Serenity Lock.
Prevent the Raiders from opening the Azteca Lock.
Prevent the Raiders from opening the Duality Lock.
Bring the Inca Key back to your spawn to win the match.
Take the Maya Key to the Maya Lock to gain access to the Stool Room and increase Charge Settings.
Take the Azteca Key to the Stool Lock to gain access to the Skull Room and increase Charge Settings.
Take the Duality Key to the Skull Lock to gain access to the Inca Room and increase Charge Settings.
Axis objectives
Each team have to find and use successively 3 keys to unlock the Inca Room, to bring the idol back to its spawn.
Take the Serenity Key to the Serenity Lock to gain access to the Azteca Room and increase Charge Settings.
Take the Azteca Key to the Azteca Lock to gain access to the Duality Room and increase Charge Settings.
Take the Duality Key to the Duality Lock to gain access to the Inca Room and increase Charge Settings.
Bring the Inca Key back to your spawn to win the match.
Prevent the Troopers from opening the Maya Lock.
Prevent the Troopers from opening the Stool Lock.
Prevent the Troopers from opening the Skull Lock.
1 download
UJE final battle b4 - UJE_final_battle_b4.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
new waypoints files 0.8 2023
--UJE_final_battle --Map made by [UJE]Niek
The Axis have lost the war! Stop the final battalion of axis soldiers that are trying to get through the Alps.
Prevent them from refueling and constructing bridges to get to their final destination.
Axis Objective
* Escort the tank to the boat
* Steal the fuel
* Destroy the bariers
* Build the bridges
Allied Objective
* Prevent the axis to flee with the tank
UJE ambush b2 - UJE_ambush_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
[UJE]Ambush b2
Map made by [UJE]Niek
b1 version 27-05-2009
b2 version 27-07-2010
The allies have to steal both radar components and
bring them to the truck.Axis have to prevent this
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_ambush
Too all who keep this game alive
1 download
uje airport final - uje_airport_final.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek
--UJE_airport_final --
Allies objective map
The allies have to break into the airfield.
Once they blow up the main entrance they can
destroy the flight controls and detroy the 2 airplanes
Allies objective:
*Destroy the main entrance
*Destroy both cargoplanes
*Destroy the Flight controls
*Destroy the sidedoor for faster acces
*Fix commandpost
Axis objective
*Defend the main entrance
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the cargoplanes
*Prevent the allies from blowing up the flight controls
*Build commandpost
*Build the side door
Here some screenshots how the map looks
UJE 2 towns b2 - UJE_2_towns_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map made by [UJE]Niek = and [UJE]ischbinz
The Allies must blow up an axis monument to get acces to an
underground trainstation.
There they have to blow up the secret weapons the axis transport from
Axis: Defend the Town monument
Defend the secret weapons
Allied: Destroy the axis monument
Destroy all the secret weapons
Special stuff
*ischbinz trains
More [UJE] maps:
You can see the info about our other maps on our website
[UJE]Clan site www.ujeclan.com
you can get omnibot waypoint files from our site by [UJE]map info
for campaigncycles the map is called UJE_2_towns
Too all who keep this game alive
uje 01 - uje_01.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
--UJE_01_vip_b3 --
Mission-type: Axis objective, free & escort the V.I.P
# Players: up to about 26 players,
above that, the mission will be very hard..
Release notes: This is the 2nd public release.. Beta 2
* Changed some textures so it is clear to see where no landmines can be placed.
* Shortened the idle-time of the VIP after revive/death.
* Created a few extra routes.
* Added an alarm to warn there is a paratrooper coming down (must be turned on by a switch).
* Changed Axis & Allied spawnpoints.
* ..some more minor changes
* Announcer: {TTS}stevecrow74
* V.I.P.: it is my own voice
* zenith-ply made the Arado196 float-plane.
It is a great model, i did not use every damaged model that comes along with the plane though,
but i included them in this pk3 (so it is complete)..
* Quake3 DrEvil player-model..made by John "Ronin{Triad}" Fisher & Gary "Two Beans{TRIAD}" Jordan
I had to glue all bodyparts with mapscript..
* Parachute model from Degeneration
UJE 00 - UJE_00.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: UJE_00.pk3
Map pk3 name: UJE_00.bsp
Author(s): [UJE]C
Axis must repair and steal the tank in Boozaka Town.
There is a spawnflag inside the barbershop. Any team can capture the flag.
When the Axis have escorted the tank into the tunnel, the spawns at Boozaka Town
will be forced Axis, and the flag will disappear.
The Allies must hold the flag at Boozaka Town for as long as they can.
The Axis must escort the tank to the Ammo/Fuel-building at the end of the tunnel.
The tank needs to be refueled with 8 fuelcans.
There are 3 locations where a total of 8 fuelcans are stored (3+3+2).
All fuelcans have to be delivered inside the Ammo/Fuel-building. After refueling,
the tank must be escorted to the river outside Spinnertal.
The Allies can build a barricade to force the tank to take a different route to the river.
There is a spawnflag at the Old Skool. Any team can capture this flag during the entire mission.
When the tank reaches the river, Axis must build a 3-stage bridge, and escort the tank into Braboheim.
The bridge can NOT be destroyed when the tank is on the bridge.
There is a neutral command-post; Any team can build/conquer this CP.1 download
vesuvius rev - vesuvius_rev.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: vesuvius_rev.pk3
Map name: vesuvius_rev.bsp
1 Prevent the Allies from stealing the gold urn
2 Prevent the Allies from stealing the truck
3 Prevent the Allies from breaching the South gate
4 Prevent the Allies from breaching the second South gate
5 Prevent the Allies from building the bridge over the gorge
6 Prevent the Allies from construction the ruins access rope
7 Prevent the Allies from breaching the North ruins gate
8 Capture the forward flag in the church
1 Steal the urn from the excavated ruins
2 Get away with the truck
3 Breach the South gate
4 Breach the second South gate
5 Construct the bridge over the gorge
6 Construct the ruins access rope
7 Breach the North ruins gate
8 Capture the forward flag in the church
nQ Chartow Beta2 - nQ_Chartow_Beta2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
No information on the map
1 download
ship - ship.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Map name - ship
Version - beta
Complete Date - Am 11:12 Tuesday 15 September 2004 (Korea time)
Making time - 2month
Making tool - GtkRadiant 1.3.8-ET
Bsp Complete type - BSP -meta,-vis,-light -fast -samples 2 -filter
Author - fetchinist
Author Email - fetchinist@empal.com
Allies Primary - Capture the Enigma box And Top secret document, than go to the boat
Secondary - Destroy Two 180 rotate rader2 downloads
us radar b2 - us_radar_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
CREATOR: Higgins
CONTACT: atomic_killer_rooster@hotmail.com
// Axis Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:** Destroy the US Radar"
2 "Primary Objective:** Destroy the US Radar base doors"
3 "Primary Objective:** Destroy the US Radar doors"
4 "Secondary Objective:** Build the water pump"
5 "Secondary Objective:** Capture the forward spawn"
6 "Secondary Objective:** Destroy the Allies command post"
7 "Secondary Objective:** Build the command post"
8 "Secondary Objective:** Destroy the Sealed Grid"
// Allied Objective Descriptions
1 "Primary Objective:** Defend the US Radar"
2 "Primary Objective:** Defend the US Radar base doors"
3 "Primary Objective:** Defend the US Radar doors"
4 "Secondary Objective:** Destroy the water pump"
5 "Secondary Objective:** Capture the forward spawn"
6 "Secondary Objective:** Build the command post"
7 "Secondary Objective:** Destroy the Axis command post"
8 "Secondary Objective:** Defend the Sealed Grid2 downloads
UJE toyshop sniper b1 - UJE_toyshop_sniper_b1.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
sniper map - UJE Toyshop Sniper Beta 1 made by [UJE]Niek
Pretend yourself in a toyshop but this time you may use
the guns for real.
The only thing is that you are very little like a mouse.
There is a way to cross but it's not easy ,you have to
use the stairs.
nfl b2 - nfl_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
NFL (Beta 2)
"Allied need to steel the Axis_NFL_Ball then try to score a goal in your FieldGoal. Allied Team also need to defend your own NFL ball too.."
"Axis need to steel the Allied_NFL_Ball then try to score a goal in your FieldGoal. Axis Team also need to defend your own NFL ball too.."
"Football Match: Each team need to score at least 10 goals to win the match or the highter scoring points will win the match if the time is up. You need to steel the Enemy NFL_Ball and score between FieldGoal."
Allies objectives
1 "^4Primary Objective:
^6Steal the ^1Axis NFL Ball ^6to try scroring point."
2 "^4Primary Objective:
^6Defend your ^4Allied NFL ball."
3 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Construct ^4The_Catapult_Kicker_Allied_Side ^2to Reached the FieldGoal."
4 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Destroy(cover-opp) or prevent the ^4Allied Team ^2to build ^2The_Catapult_Kicker."
5 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Construct ^4The_Safety_Net_Allied_Side ^2to increase your safety after ^2kick ^2attempt."
6 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Destroy(cover-opp) or prevent the ^1Axis Team ^2to build ^4The_Safety_Net_Axis_Side."
7 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Construct the defensive ^4Allied_MGs ^2to ^2increase your defense.."
8 "^4Secondary Objective:
^2Prevent the ^1Axis team ^2from ^2establishing a Command Post or ^2Destroyed it. Build your from ^2increase your position with a Command ^2Post."
Axis objectives
1 "^1Primary Objective:
^6Defend your ^1Axis NFL ball."
2 "^1Primary Objective:
^6Steal the ^4Allied NFL Ball ^6to try scroring point."
3 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Destroy(cover-opp) or prevent the ^4Allied Team ^2to build ^2The_Catapult_Kicker."
4 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Construct ^1The_Catapult_Kicker_Axis_Side ^2to Reached the FieldGoal "
5 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Destroy(cover-opp) or prevent the ^4Allied Team ^2to build ^1The_Safety_Net_Allied_Side."
6 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Construct ^1The_Safety_Net_Axis_Side ^2to increase your safety after ^2kick ^2attempt."
7 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Construct the defensive ^1axis_MGs ^2to ^2increase your defense.."
8 "^1Secondary Objective:
^2Prevent the ^4Allies team ^2from ^2establishing a Command Post or ^2Destroyed it. Build your ^2from ^2increase your position with the ^2Command Post."3 downloads
MineLabs b1 - MineLabs_b1.pk3 and waypoints +scriptfix
By papywolf
Prévisualisation Story:
The germans has built a laboratory in an old mine since they discovered a copper-carbon based superconductor with the molar mass 666g/mol**The mineral offers exceptional magnetic features and this is now used in an anti aircraft prototype gun. It can launch time fused shell at 2 mach. this makes the gun extremely hard to avoid as pilot. The allies must destoy the prototype and transmitt the documentation.
*The allies have to steal a key and unlock a gate
*Then destroy an anti tank pak75 gun
*The tank will then enter the map from the forest and will require escortation to the minelabs
*Once the tank reaches the minelabs it will create an entrence and the allies will be able to destroy the prototype and transmitt the documentation.
Changelog since alpha 3 fix:
*The gate that previously gave the axis instant acces to the delivery point of the key in the first stage of the map is now closed until the key is delivered forcing the axis to either take a longer route or push through the commanders room where the key is found in order to stack on the delivery point. this will make teamwork and communication more vital in the first stage.
*An opel blitz with mg42 is added outside the forest route near the headquarters to give axis more control of the middle hill in the first stage.
*The compound where the ammunition supply is has been mirrored and turned to increase the distance that the axis have to travel to the anti tank gun, this will make it easier for allied field ops to prevent the axis from defusing the dynamite once it's planted (using air strikes). furthermore a tunnel has been added to give the allies a protected route to capture the ammunition supply in the second stage as well as to sabotage the axis commandpost.
*Once the tank reaches the house with the commandpost the axis can no longer spawn in the commandpost house no matter if they have constructed it or not.
*The clip of the tank is now correct and custom command voices is now added, proudly recorded and created by Finn and Fabi.
midnight b3 - midnight_b3.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
About This File
Author: Chris Turner
Email: turnerc03(AT)hotmail.com
Map name: Midnight
Map version: Beta 3
***MAP INFO***
The Allies are attempting to take out
a strategic Axis outpost on the North
German coast that has thus far prevented
all bombing raids from the North.
* Capture the forward spawn from the Axis.
* Dynamite the main entrance.
* Construct the bridge to gain access to the side entrance.
* Stop Axis engineers from building the command post.
* Destroy the West Anti-Aircraft Gun using the explosive charges.
* Destroy the East Anti-Aircraft Gun using the explosive charges.
* Defend the forward spawn from invading Allied forces.
* Prevent the Allies from destroying the main entrance.
* Defend the side entrance from Allied engineers.
* Stop Allied engineers from building the command post.
* Defend the West Anti-Aircraft Gun.
* Defend the East Anti-Aircraft Gun.
maccupiccu b2 - maccupiccu_b2.pk3 and waypoints
By papywolf
Download pk3 name: maccupiccu_b2.pk3
Map name: maccupiccu_b2.bsp
Author(s): Necrom@ncer FR
Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.
Basic Information
Author : Necrom@ncer FR
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : maccupiccu_beta2
Filename : maccupiccu_b2.pk3
Map name for campaign : maccupiccu_b2
Release date : 08.02.2009
Objective :
Allies need to steal the two symbols (sun and moon) and secure it on the truck stationed on the allies spawn.
History of the map :
Maccupiccu is based on real photo for constructing house, pyramid, temple. And the anime film Mysterious City Of Gold.
What change on the beta2 :
- Reduced the area left and right from the city for direct gameplay.
- Deleted the Sewers access way.
- Alies spawn transfered in mountain two way for attacking the city, main door from alies spawn and one way for accessing on valley.
- Axis spawn and access simplified.
- Alies spawn door is locked for axis team include covop.
- Axis spawn door are locked for alies team include covop. (include on the beta1)
- Fixed heavy FPS loose on some zone from map.
- Secret way are modified.
msm_final.pk3 and waypoints ( le mont st Michel final)
By papywolf
Author : Massive
Email address : blayney@beeb.net
Map Information
Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Title : Le Mont St Michel beta2
Filename : lmsm_final.pk3
Version : Beta Version
Release date : 22/01/2006
Decription : A medium / large sized map designed for public play, reomended for 7 to 20 a side.
Installation : Place the lmsm_beta2.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or
bring down the console and type: map lmsm_beta2.
: NOTE : Reduced HunkMeg usage - Beta1 required seta com_hunkMegs "265" ] in autoexec.cfg Beta2 should use a lot less - it will run standalon in the default setting of 56, although you may need to optimize your server settings to enable players with defualt settings. Please let me know of any hunkmeg issues and solutions omn the forums. I could possibly optimise further in the final release if there are still problems.
# The Allies need to secure the town by taking the church; gain entry to the abbey by blowing the abbey doors or any other means; Locate the Axis Normandy Defence Pans and Take them to the Gun Boat waiting on the North Side of the Island
# The Axis need to prevent the Allies establishing a foothold in the Town by holding the Church. Do not let the allies into the Abbey; if they get in protect the normandy defence plans at any cost, do not let them get them off the Mont.
Additional Map Information/Credits
Thanks & Credits
Blushing Bride, Kevin "chavo one" Ferree and NOP for allowing me to borrow & adapt various elements of their map - Cathedral, Venice and saberpeak.
Special thanks to the guys on the Wolfensteinx Surface forums, especially Detoeni & WeblionX who put in effort and time to help me learn & solve mapping problems.
Thanks also to Jecoliah for his debugging and the exchanges we had whilst learning together.
Many thanks to everyone at http://www.splashdamage.com/ for information about mapping & their help on the forum.
Thanks to Ydnar for the sky and sea merge stuff from his example shaderlab map.
Thanks again to Detoeni for access to his alpine assault search light models.
ken 'kat' beyer for the ladders & I really wanted to work in your kubalwagon, but size restrictions meant cutting the raod entrance to the town :-(.
Thanks to to the guys at DooC clan for helping with playability testing as well as Shunter and other PIT members & friends.
And thanks to anyone else who feels that they deserve thanking who i might have forgotten. Send me an email and ill make a big thanks to you in the next release.
If you put this map in rotation, I would love to know about it, please post on the forum where you linked to this map, or message me on XFire.
Feel free to discuss this map at http://www.wolfensteinx.com/surface/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1587 and leave feedback
Major changes in Final
*Increased areas for mining.
*Have to now get onto the boat with the objective, not just near it
*New buildable fence at the top of the escape stairs.
*New Buildable fence with door in the highsteet before the church.
*When Abbey doors are blown, the spawn does NOT auto switch.
*Need to now build a command post to enable the allied spawn in the abbey.
*Found the "door to nowhere" & fixed.
Major fixes in Beta 2
*Lots of brush simplification & technical jiggery pokery to reduce BSP size & Hunkmag usage
*FPS improvements : 15%+ by my measurements
*A large but'dead' game area removed
*Rope access to abbey removed (I can re-introduce the feature if enough people ask,though it will need to be at a different part of the wall)
*Street signs added + subtle indicators & hints for direction finding
*Some texture tidying & clipping to smooth plaeys passage
*Some door widening to ease gameplay
*Filled out ambient sounds to cover whole map
*Unwanted ww11 sybolism removed
*Exploit where players could walk into pillers fixed (thanks Jec)
*Blocked door at abbey - unbloacked
*Stretched windows - unstretched
*Malfunctioning boat guns removed
*Many gaps in brushes fixed
*Noise added to doors
*Z fighting on stairs to abbey allied spawn
*Missing caulk on abbey church tunnel entrance.
Fixed in Beta1 - after Aplha v1 Release.
*Ladder near green restaurant lengthened so you can get out.
*barbwire added to wall underneath cloister - to increase difficulty og allies escape jump. Also crates added & some walls lowered
*Offensive Poster removed (appologies for my ignorance)
*Added texture to rocks (& changed from desert to temperate, not that anyone will notice)
*Axis door in Abbey door changed to swing the other way.
*Ship fixed - ladders climbable all clip brushes in place etc also includes front firing mounted heavy MG - thanks NOP.
*when abbey doors are blown - axis now auto spawn at abbey & not the church if they still hold it
*the cliffs can now be landmined
*Put a ladder in the pit Gauki (I think) said he couldn't get out of
*more lights added
*I found the bread to go with the sausage.
*Many minor texture glitches
*I had to add a clip to prevent access to some of the abbey roofs, all town roofs should be accessible as before.
*There was a request to widen the window above the abbey doors, which I've done.
Copyright 2006
This level may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN
Copyright Permissions.
ID, Activision & Splash Damage. Original game rights.
If authors wish to use textures or models from this level you must ensure you get the permission of the origional author first. My origional textures are limitted to the coloured windows & these may be re-used.5 downloads