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386 files

  1. fueldump-z2 - fueldump-z2.pk3 and waypoints

    Fueldump-z Beta2
    Map made by -)A(-Old-Owl
    Revision November 2014
    b2 version (Dev playable)
    Dark Alchemy gaming community        www.dark-alchemy.com
    Modified Fueldump original map. 
    Summer version
    Few details improved for a better gameplay.
    Thanks for testing: All members of Dark-Alchemy
    Thanks to All who keep this game alive and who I should mention further, too many 🙂
    Miramar sky by Necromancer
    Ktrees by Kic
    SSF Sage Fixed Churchill tank
    UJE Niek help for the terrain


       (0 reviews)



  2. hong-kong-sniper b1 - HK_sniper_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Prévisualisation -----------------------------------------------------------------

    Map made by brundlefly


    This is a snipermap based on real buildings in Hong Kong.
    The real ones are: shun tak centre
    bank of china
    lippo towers
    There are lot's of sniperplaces on both sites, also on hard to reach places.
    There is no border so be prepared for close combat

    I hope u have fun playing this map


    Thanx to [UJE]Niek for help and support.

    im a big fan of uje servers, and clan.

    Greetings brundlefly



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  3. rabenhorst final - rabenhorst_final.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: rabenhorst_final.pk3

    Map name: rabenhorst.bsp

    Author(s): von Sternschubser

    In a axis castle in the alps, have the Germans a secret dossier about a "German Wunderwaffe" . To break the Main door from the fortified castle, the Allies need a to fix a tank. Then they have to steal the secret dossier and send it to their HQ.

    "Auf einem Berg in den Alpen halten die Deutschen ein geheimes Dossier ueber eine wundersame Waffe unter Verschluss. Stiehl es und sende es zum HQ!!*On top of a mountain in the Alps the Germans are shutting away a top secret dossier regarding a "Wunderwaffe" (wonderweapon). Steal it and send it to the HQ!"
    "Die Alliierten greifen Burg Rabenhorst an !!! Verteidige die geheimen Unterlagen!*The allies attack castle Rabenhorst!!! Defend the secret documents!"
    "Die Alliierten greifen Burg Rabenhorst an, um an die geheimen Unterlagen zu kommen.*The allies attack castle Rabenhorst to get their hands on the secret documents."


       (0 reviews)



  4. pipeline v1.1b - pipeline_v1.pk3 and waypoints

    | 08.09.2009 |
    | title : pipeline
    | fileName : pipeline.bsp
    | Version : beta.v1
    | author : Atari"ET.Atlas"
    | url : http://eft-clan.com
    | email : maxlogo@web.de
    | Type : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
    | Spawn Points : supports up to 32 players, 16 per side

    | How To Play:..
    | :..Unzip pipeline.pk3 into your etmain folder.
    | :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)
    | :..Find a server running rushers11
    | :..Enjoy responsibly.
    | :..Nedim "Avoc" from eft-clan.com for his huge support and leading my
    | :..hand in the mapping.
    | :..Sky box made by Avoc.
    | :.. all eft members and players on eft server for testing and feedback this map with critcts and suports.
    | Have fun


       (0 reviews)



  5. pilsner - pilsner.pk3 and waypoints

    Contacts: www.dark-alchemy.com

    Email: WuTang** = panprezident789@gmail.com
    isl|an|der = call me maybe

    This is a simple team deathmatch map, without objectives.
    In case of any questions, suggestions and other crap, contact one of authors.

    Thanks to www.davegh.com for nice textures.


       (0 reviews)



  6. midnight raid b1 - midnight_raid_b1.pk3 and waypoints


    "Destroy the axis fuel supply."
    "Defend the fuel supply at all costs!"
    "The allies have made there way into the Mountains to destroy the Axis fuel supply."
      Allied objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the West Fuel Supply before axis reinforcements arrive."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Destroy the East Fuel Supply before axis reinforcements arrive."
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Destroy the main gate."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Open the depot gates."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Set up a Command Post."
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the West Fuel Supply untill reinforcements arrive."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    Defend the East Fuel Supply before axis reinforcements arrive."
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Protect the main gate."
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Keep the depot gates closed."
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Set up a Command Post."


       (0 reviews)



  7. mars - mars.pk3 and waypoints

    Wolfenstein Enemy Territory: The Planet Mars

    - Filename: mars.pk3
    - Release Date: November 1, 2004
    - Map Developer: JIZABOZ
    - Development time: Way too long
    - Final Build Time: About 20 minutes

    - Tools Used: GTK Radiant 1.4, Q3map 2.3.12, Q3map2build, PhotoShop, PaintShop Pro, MilkShape, Maya 5, Easy CD-DA Extractor 6, EasyGen, Audacity 1.0, Notepad, WinRar
    - Sounds: Haunebu and triangle spaceships ambience by SHADOWBUNNY ( www.shadowbunny.us )
    - Terrain: Created from heightmaps which were made from images of the Viking Mars Surveyor mission
    - Textures: Created from scratch by Jizaboz and also cropped from Viking Lander images.
    - Models: Smooth Mars rock and Haunebu model 3 created in Maya by JIZABOZ. Haunebu design concept from scan of Nazi SS blueprint of Haunebu model 1 found on Internet.
    - Scripting: All scripts written by JIZABOZ using scripts found in original Splash Damage Enemy Territory .pk3 archives as templates.
    - Thanks: Splash Damage forum, People who wrote ET editing tutorials, my wife for allowing me so many hours to work on this, KlanKILL for all of their support and beta testing, And anyone who hosts this map on their website or game server.
    - Contact: Please send any questions or comments to killklan@hotmail.com and use "Mars" as the Subject so that it does not get removed as spam.

      Axis Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from destroying the Secret Office Door."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing the Secret Document at all costs"
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy Allied Construction"

      Allied Objective Descriptions
    1    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Secret Office Door"
    2    "Primary Objective:**Steal the Secret Document, then find the Axis Satellite Equipment to transmit it to Earth"
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Hilltop MG-42"


       (0 reviews)



  8. island 2 - island_2.pk3 and waypoints

    // Axis Objective Descriptions

    1    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from stealing the secret war documents from the war room bunker."
    2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from transmitting the secret war docuements using any radio on the island."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from detroying the Cannon Supply Doors and gain a fast entry to the Cannon."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Contruct the Radio Bunker Door preventing Allies from being able to transmit any documents from that radio."
    5    "Primary Objective:**Defend the main cannon at all cost, prevent Allies from gaining access and blowing it up."
      // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1  "Primary Objective:**Steal the secret war docuemtns from the war room bunker hidden underground."
    2  "Primary Objective:**Transmit the war documents at any available radio on the island."
    3  "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Cannon Supply Doors for easy access to the main Cannon."
    4  "Seconday Objective:**Destroy the Radio Bunker Door if constructed for easy transmission of the secret war documents."
    5  "Primary Objective:**Destroy the main Cannon, this is critical for future Allied attacks!"


       (0 reviews)



  9. VS OldBones b1 -VS_ OldBones_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    elease date: 2009-09-26
    Author: VS|Monkey
    Map Name: VS|OldBones(b1)
    BSP Name: oldbones_b1.bsp
    Gametypes: Frag, Hold the Flag
    Gametime: Variable (5/15 minutes)
    Omni-Bot: Waypoint file included (oldbones_b1.way)
    MOD: Vietnam MOD
    URL: www.ETnam.org

    Map Story

    Not a story... 
    Just BLOOD!!! 
    USA and NAM must fight to own OLD BONES. 
    Frag a lot and try to capture and defend the flag for 5 minutes!
    Who will be the king of OLD BONES?

    USA Objective Descriptions

    Primary Objective:**Don't let NAM take the flag.
    Primary Objective:**Touch and defend Old Bones flag.
    Secondary Objective:**Don't let NAM construct a Command Post.
    Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post.

    NAM Objective Descriptions

    Primary Objective:**Touch and defend Old Bones flag.
    Primary Objective:**Don't let USA take the flag.
    Secondary Objective:**Construct a Command Post.
    Secondary Objective:**Prevent the USA from constructing a Command Post.


    Put the "VS_OldBones_b1.pk3" file in your "\etmain" directory. 
    The mapname is "oldbones_b1.bsp" if you want to add it to any script. 

    Remember that this map is built for Vietnam MOD so some map textures and texts are built to run with this MOD, and should missmatch with any other ET version.


    Thanks to -VETERAN SOLDIER- clan, [sLut] clan, Borg, bucket map for gameplay idea, Splashdamage Forum for direct/indirect help.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  10. vs radar camp b4 - vs_radar_camp_b4.pk3 and waypoints

    (the readme file)

    Map made by VS Monkey



    Allies need to blow up the garage doors and escort the tank to axis (vietcong) headquarters.
    Steal the top secret documents and secure them at the radar.

    Allied CP build will give additional spawn   Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from stealing the Tank!"
    2 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Tank!"
    3 "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allies from destroying the Radar Doors!"
    4 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from stealing the Secret Documents!"
    5 "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from transmitting the Documents!"
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Allies from building a Command Post"
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Tank"
    2 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Tank!"
    3 "Primary Objective:**Blow the Radar Doors!"
    4 "Primary Objective:**Steal the Secret Documents!"
    5 "Primary Objective:**Transmit the Secret Documents!"
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Build a Command Post"
    7 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent Axis from building a Command Post"


       (0 reviews)



  11. powcamp b5 - powcamp_b5.pk3 and waypoints

    title :  POW Camp b5      
      fileName     : powcamp_b5.bsp
      Version     : beta 5 (fifth release - possibly final)
      what is it : a map for the on-line multiplayer game Enemy Territory  

       author    : James "JAM" Meigs  
      email    : bestpicsever@hotmail.com

     Type          : Objective, Campaign, Stopwatch
     Spawn Points  : supports up to 64 players, 32 per side

         :..The Allies have analyzed aerial recon photos and
         :..discovered the location of a notorious POW camp
         :..A small Allied force is given the task of breaking
         :..into the camp to destroy it and liberate the
         :..prisoners from their captors.
     How To Play:..                          
               :..Place the  powcamp_b4.pk3 into your etmain folder.
               :..Launch Enemy Territory(tm)                  
               :..Find a server running this map.            
    Objectives :
    Allies :
             1:..Fix and advance the tank to destroy the garison wall.
             2:..Build the Sola River bridge to move the tank across the river.
             3:..Steal the Main Camp Gate Key from the Commandant quarters
             4:..Take the key to the control tower to access the main POW camp.
             5:..Blow up the Execution Wall to gain access to the crematorium/Gas Chamber
             6:..Take the artillery shell from the gas chamber.
             7:..Throw the artillery shell into the oven to blow up the crematorium.

               A:..Build the command post
               B:..Capture the forward spawn flag in the main POW Camp.
               C:..Build the assault ramp to have another way into the camp.
               D:..Disable or destroy the gas controls
               E:..Build the scaffold for another way into the crematorium
               F:..Dyno the invasion barrier to have another path into crematorium
    Axis :
             1:..Prevent the Allies from escorting the Tank to the garrison wall.
             2:..Prevent the Sola river bridge from being built.
             3:..Protect the gate key from being stolen
             4:..Don not allow Allies to take the key to the control tower.
             5:..Protect the execution wall from being demolished.
             6:..Protect the artillery shell from being stolen.
             7:..Prevent allies from transporting the artillery shell to the crematorium oven.


               A:..Build the command post
               B:..Capture the forward spawn flag in the main POW Camp.
               C:..Do not allow Allies to build the assault ramp.
               D:..Build and maintain the gas controls
               E:..Prevent the allies from building the scaffold
               F:..Build and protect the invasion barrier to force allies south

               This is beta 5 version - the fifth release of this map.

     ENHANCEMENTS/Bug Fixes/changes in beta 5:..
           - textures and shaders remapped to prevent conflicts with other maps
           - textures compressed to decrease map package size
           - ruin added to partially cover bridge 'build box' and give allies some cover
           - contestable flag not capturable until camp main gate is opened
           - canopy added to spawn flag
           - paths adden in admin and final area
           - more vis blocking for faster graphics
           - some structural and cosmetic tweaking of spawns and other areas
           - signage added to indicate flag and wall from sonderspawn
           - signage added to indicate on/off of gas control
           - sound tweaking
           - final package size decreased from 20MB to 14MB


            ENHANCEMENTS/Bug Fixes/changes in beta 4:..

           - STRUCTURAL REDESIGN to improve FPS, decrease server LAG
             (vis blocking, hint brushes, etc...)
           - Replaced snow tipped trees with temperate trees
           - Added checkpoint and garage buildings in front of garrison
             (to act as cover for allies and axis during tank escort)
           - Added alarm to sound when gas control is on
           - Added musical fanfare when major objectives are completed
           - Rebuilt sonder spawn to allow easy camp access
           - Rebuilt main POW camp area
           - Added or modified roads for camp, garrison and final area
           - Retracted 3rd floor catwalks to ease axis defense in final area
           - Placed 'end-of-round' camera to show chain reaction explosion
           - Added details to gas control building
           - Changed infantry barrier to start as already built
           - Lowered kick panels on gun towers to enable easy entrance to camp


       (0 reviews)



  12. obersalzberg - obersalzberg.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: Obersalzberg.pk3

    Map name: Obersalzberg.bsp



    Axis developed a serum wich will get them substantial advantage during further war.Therefore Allies need to conquer the serum to investigate it and obviate the Axis soon advantage.


       (0 reviews)



  13. guns - guns.pk3 and waypoints

    filename: guns.pk3
    mapname: guns (working title)


    Place in your Enemy Territory/etmain folder


    Allies must break into an Axis compound and destroy two flak guns

    This is still a work in progress

    -Still more stuff to add
    -Command map is temporary
    -No LMS support yet

    Input I'm looking for:

    -Spawn times
    -Areas that yeild low FPS
    -Exploits (missing clipping, unintentional trick jumps)
    -Texture glitches
    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Main Entrance from being breached."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Defend the Side Entrance from being breached."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Protect the North Gun."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Protect the South Gun."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from establishing a Command Post."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Set up a Command Post."
      Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Breach the Main Entrance."
    2 "Primary Objective:**Breach the Side Entrance."
    3 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the North Gun."
    4 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the South Gun."
    5 "Secondary Objective:**Establish a Command Post."
    6 "Secondary Objective:**Prevent the Axis from fortifying their position with a Command Post."


       (0 reviews)



  14. goldfinger - goldfinger.pk3 and waypoints


    "Steal two Gold crates and escape with them to truck."
    "Prevent the Gold crates, dont let escape Allies with Gold"
    "Axis: The Gold crates must be protected under all circumstances.*Allies: Steal the 3 Gold crates and escape with them to truck."
      Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:
    Steal the Gold"
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Command Post"
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Ladder to Roof"
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Ladder to Gold"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Stair to Gold"
      Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    Protect the Gold"
    2 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Command Post"
    3 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Guard Wall for entry to tower"
    4 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a MG42 for defense"
    5 "Secondary Objective:
    Construct a Guard Fence to Gold"

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  15. goldeneye facility1 - goldeneye_facility1.pk3 and waypoints

    Release date: September, 2004
    Decription: Goldeneye Facility (version 1) by Loffy. Main objective ALLIES: Destroy the Fuel Depot! Main objective AXIS: Protect the Fuel Depot! General info: Sources have confirmed the existence of a Axis chemical warfare facility at Arkangelsk. Its heavily guarded location is a cause for major concern. Nerve gas produced there has been turning up in the hands of hostile regimes around the world and deals with international terrorists have been rumoured. This facility must be destroyed.

    Map by: Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Savar (northern Sweden): http://www.loffy.tk (loffyswe@yahoo.se).

    This map has original textures and sounds. Additional prefabs and textures from Drakirs homepage (http://www.drakir.tk).
    Textures by Splash Damage (www.splashdamage.com).
    Additional textures by FuTurA. Initial beta testing by w.

    Thanks to:
    My clan buddies (http://arduis.enemy-territory.se), Berzerkr, blushing_bride, chavo_one, DarkangelUK, Drakir, FuTurA,
    G0-Gerbil, Heirpie, Ifurita, Java.Lang, Kendle, Maca, nUllSkillZ, PeteSpeed, Schaffer, SCDS_reyalP, seven_dc, SiliconSlick
    the folks at the Splash Damage forum, SteelRat, Trolldruva, and w.

    Thanks to Rare for the original Nintendo64 game GoldenEye. A classic first-person-shooter.

    Installation:Put the file (goldeneye_facility1.pk3) in your etmain-folder. For example:
    C:\Program\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etmain\goldeneye_facility1.pk3
    Now you can join a server on the net, and play.
    Or you can start the map yourself, on your computer. Go to the menu for "Host game". Select goldeneye bunker1 from the list.
    (Or type "/map goldeneye_facility" in the game consol.)

    This custom map is (c) 2003 Kent "Loffy" Lofgren, Sweden. http://www.loffy.tk
    You may not include or distribute this map in any sort of product without
    permission from the author. You may not mass distribute this level via any
    means, including but not limited to compact disks, and floppy disks.
    You may not redo/reproduce/update this map in any way without permission from the author.

    Axis Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Protect the Fuel Depot!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Secure the Forward Spawn!"
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Protect the Fuel Wall! Do not let the Allies destroy it! If the Allies do that, they will get permanent Forward Spawn!"
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"
    Allied Objective Descriptions

    1 "Primary Objective:**Destroy the Fuel Depot!"
    2 "Secondary Objective:**Secure the Forward Spawn!"
    3 "Secondary Objective:**Find and destroy the Fuel Wall! The Allied Forces will get permanent Forward Spawn, if you destroy the Fuel Wall!"
    4 "Secondary Objective:**Construct the Command Post!"

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  16. goldeneye bunker1 - goldeneye_bunker1.pk3 and waypoints

    map: goldeneye_bunker1
    longname: GoldenEye Bunker1

    Last man standing is a winner. Map: Goldeneye bunker, version 1.
    **Main objective ALLIES: Find and destroy the Axis Helicopter!
    **Main objective AXIS: Protect the prototype Helicopter!
    **General info: The level of activity has increased at the
    old observatory complex near Severnaya. Sources once again
    confirm large amount of computer hardware at that location and
    an influx of skilled personnel. Photographs reveals what looks
    like the development of an x-type Helicopter."

    - Destroy the Axis Helicopter!

    - Secure the Forward Spawn!
    - If the Axis build the Flag Door, destroy it! Allies will get
    permanent Forward Spawn, if you destroy the Flag Door!
    - Destroy the Axis Steel Door!
    - Construct a Command Post!
    - Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post!
    - Destroy the Wall, for a quicker access to the Flag Room!


    - Protect the Axis Helicopter!

    - Secure the Forward Spawn!
    - Construct and Protect the Flag Door! Do not let the Allies
    destroy the Flag Door! If the Allies do that, they will get
    permanent Forward Spawn!
    - Protect the Axis Steel Door!
    - Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post!
    - Construct a Command Post!
    - Protect the Wall!


       (0 reviews)



  17. golddays v4 - golddays_v4.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: golddays_v4.pk3
    Map name: golddays_v4.bsp
    Author(s): die die

    Basic Information


    Author : die die

    Email address : rasmuss99 at yahoo.com


    Map Information


    Game : Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

    Title : golddays

    Filename : golddays_v4.pk3

    Release date

    v2 : 2006-01-04

    v3 : 2006-15-02

    v4 : 2006-09-11

    Program : Gtkradiant 1.4

    Build time : about 1 week,another week for the final

    Compile time : 25 min with the built in compiler, 8 min for v3 with the newest q3map2

    : full compile on v3 1 hour 30 mins

    : full compile on v4 40 mins

    Compile machine : AMD 64 xp3200, 1500mb ram,x800 gto

    compile machine v4: amd 64 x2 xp4400 4 gig ram x800 gto

    Installation : Place the golddays_v4.pk3 to your etmain folder, select it from the multiplayer->create server menu or

    bring down the console and type: map golddays_v4




    #. Version BETA 1 info:

    my first map is done, well the beta is done.

    BETA 1, is as ready as i can do it right now, so i am looking for bugs, misses and gameplay issues in this release.

    Please report any bugs or if you have ideas on how to improve the map to rasmuss99@yahoo.com

    #. Version B2-B3 info:

    too long ago to remeber:P

    #. Version v1 info:

    finaly got back into mapping and spent a week fixing my first map, so i can get on with more maps:)

    might release V2 of this map if its needed

    #. Version v2 info:

    after a hasty release of v1 and to little sleep..i found out i had some texture problems:(

    #. Version v3 info:

    loads of small bugfixes,doors open both ways now.the tunnel has been fixed..it looks less impressive,

    but its better on the fps.secret weapon removed,

    #. Version v4 info:
    fixed the mine issue

    Get/Defend the gold.

    : Build/Destroy the Commandpost.

    : Dynamite/Defend the the door n ladder.

    : Build/dynamite the second entrance to the house

    : Build/destroy the sniper tower

    : Build/destroy the the allied basement wall


    Special thanks and Credits to:


    Drakir for prefabs n some scripts

    Bubba for prefabs

    tbh Bloodwire for some scripts

    everyone at the sd forum http://www.splashdamage.com/

    sd for compost n misc texture and making this incredible game:D

    everyone thats not a noob at arctic warfare server


    anyone i`ve forgot

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  18. Gardenn b3 - Gardenn_b3.pk3 and waypoints

    "You have to grab the key strategic documents."
    "the allies are trying to take the strategic documents."
      Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Objective:
    destroy the front door"
    2 "Primary Objective:
    build the ladder in the garden
    3 "Primary Objective:
    destroy the engine on the roof."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    steal the secret documents and escape with the motorbike"
    5 "Primary Objective:
    create a passage in the basement."
    6 "Primary Objective:
    don't let the axes build the barrier."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    build the command post."
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    e not let axes build command post."

    Axis objectives

    1 "Primary Objective:
    defend the front door."
    2 "Primary Objective:
    prevent the construction of the ladder."
    3 "Primary Objective:
    defend the engine on the roof."
    4 "Primary Objective:
    keep the documents secret."
    5 "Primary Objective:
    defend access to the basement
    6 "Primary Objective:
    build the barrier inside."
    7 "Secondary Objective:
    don't let the allies build the command post."
    8 "Secondary Objective:
    build the command post"

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  19. town - town.pk3 and waypoints + fix

    map by Pro+sS

    The Allies must deffend the howitzer ammo, and the Axis must destroy it.      
      Axis Objective Descriptions

    1    "Primary Objective:**Destroy the howitzer ammo."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the mg near the howitzer."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Construct the ladder."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the side door."
      // Allied Objective Descriptions

    1    "Primary Objective:**Defend the howitzer ammo boxes."
    2    "Secondary Objective:**Create an mg near the howitzer."
    3    "Secondary Objective:**Destroy the Axis ladder."
    4    "Secondary Objective:**Deffend the side door."


       (0 reviews)



  20. etl warbell v1 - etl_warbell_v1.pk3 and waypoints + script

    this is the script to repair the bell rope.
    Warbell, by McNite'
    November 2022
    Cedric 'kemon' Easton

    This map is an overhaul of the original Warbell map from ET created by McNite.
    As part of the ET: Legacy asset creation effort certain maps are being overhauled.
    Those maps have been selected for their stable gameplay, even in a competitive environment.

    to original:
    •    Changed secret room dynamite objective in the Guardhouse to a generator dynamite objective that reveals a passage to the room behind.
    •    Guardhouse doors now open after generator is destroyed not after the lower gate is destroyed.
    ->    Flag secure is still tied to the lower gate.
    •    Added Voice Operator announcements.
    •    Extended sacrifice lightning to outside of the church roof for a near-global status indicator.
    •    Cleaned and stream-lined the entire playable area for faster and smoother movement.
      // AXIS

    Dynamite the Guardhouse gate.
    Destroy the Generator.
    Seize the 'Book of Death' holding ritual instructions.
    Place the 'Book of Death' on the Altar to enable the summoning ritual.
    Repair the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell'.
    Toll the 'Warbell' to awaken Heinrich and sacrifice yourself in the light.
    Dynamite the Abbey Main Gate to gain access.
    Establish a Command Post.
      // ALLIES

    Defend the Guardhouse Gate.
    Defend the Generator.
    Don't let them take the 'Book of Death'.
    Prevent them from placing the 'Book of Death' on the Altar.
    Keep the mechanism of the ancient 'Warbell' disabled.
    Stop them from activating the 'Warbell'. Prevent mortal sacrifices to Heinrich at all cost.
    Defend the Abbey Main Gate.
    Stop them from establishing a Command Post.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  21. leningrad b2 - leningrad_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    Download pk3 name: leningrad_b2.pk3
    Map name: leningrad_b2.bsp

    Author(s): Gnoun


    The allies are besieged in Leningrad and the Axis have planned a attack.

    The allied objective is to :

    #1 - Steal the documents of this attack

    #2 - Transmit the content of these documents via radio to the HQ

    To breach the axis defenses, the allies have a tank. They can also disable the

    communication means of their enemies to handicap them!

    The Axis team can build barriers to slow down the allies.  
    - Steal and transmit the documents!

    - Escort the churchill tank to gain acces to the tunnel area

    - Destroy the tank barrier #1

    - Open the gate

    - Destroy the tank barrier #2

    - Build the assault ladder

    - Destroy the brick wall

    - Destroy the axis Command Post & build your own (Having your command post built allows allies to get a 2nd respawn once the tank has passed the tank barrier #2)

    - Prevent the allies from transmitting the documents

    - Defend the tunnel area

    - Build & defend the tank barrier #1

    - Keep the gate closed"

    - Build & defend the tank barrier #2

    - Prevent the allies from building / destroy the assault ladder

    - Defend the brick wall

    - Destroy the allied Command Post & build your own


    Each team has a maximum of 3 respawn

    - The respawn near the 1st tank barrier no longer belong to the axis team as

    soon as the tank passes the 1st tank barrier. It becomes allied when the

    command post is built.

    It is definitively allied if the command post stays allied 2 minutes, or the

    tank passes the 2nd tank barrier.

    - There is a flag in the bunker in the cemetary. This respawn first belong to

    the axis team.

    - For gameplay reasons, the assault ladder can be built only when the tank

    passes the 2nd tank barrier.


       (0 reviews)



  22. fa 2tanks b1 - fa_2tanks_b1.pk3 and waypoints

    Title =F|A= 2tanks
    File name fa_2tanks_b1.pk3
    BSP name fa_2tanks_b1
    Version b1 (Created April 2018)
    Remake by =F|A=Smiley (www.fearless-assassins.com)

    Description Both teams have the same objective:
    Get your tank to the Fuel Dump before the enemy gets his there

    In this version there are no fuel cans to be delivered.

    If the time limit expires the winning team is the one which has made the most
    progress with their tank.

    Game features The ambulance truck dispenses first aid when it stops by the rail track. Once a
    tank starts moving the ambulance will return to the Fuel Dump and stay there. At this
    time it becomes possible to build the tank barriers, which are located just outside
    the Fuel Dump.

    Don't enter the rooftop V-1 launch hangar, the residual fumes are poisonous.

    If your team has at least one Command Post built, it enables fire support
    from your tank: that is, your tank may fire at enemy troops in its path while
    on the move. The tank will try to avoid inflicting casualties on friendly troops
    but this cannot be guaranteed.


       (0 reviews)



  23. fa italy b3 - fa_italy_b3.pk3 + fa_italy_b3_fixed and waypoints

    B3 Changelog

    Completely removed fog from map.
    Improved performance.
    Fixed some lights.
    Overall brightness of map increased slightly.
    Fixed cause of crash.

    bspname: fa_italy_b3

    Map by =F|A=Smiley. & =F|A=C!t0


       (0 reviews)



  24. fa goldrush b2 - fa_goldrush_b2.pk3 and waypoints

    B2 Changelog

    Truck starting position changed.
    CP position changed to back of bank. When built by axis, they gain healing and supply station next to the CP. When built by axis Tank Depot's Side Door gets removed.
    Inside of Bank has completely been changed to combat camping around the corners.
    2nd Tank Barrier's buildable has changed position to grant more cover to Axis engineers.
    Map has been made a little bit less orange, to ease on the eyes a bit.
    Side Wall to Bank has been added.
    Minor texture changes.
    More changes.

    bspname: fa_goldrush_b2

    Map by =F|A=Smiley.

    1 download

       (0 reviews)



  25. energie v11 - energie_v11.pk3 and waypoints

    Enemy Territory Map

    Energie Ver 1.1

    von Sternschubser 1/09


    place the pk3 file in the /etmain directory
    !!! to avoid max_gamechar_exceeded please delete old versions                      

    thanks to:


    the only true et server


    I probably would never have made it without the great tutorials

    id software

    just wonderful that such a game is given out for free and then after 3 years even the source is released

    thx to all mapper and modder for distribute the fine prefabs, tutorials, models and skys

    special thx to rayban for the great foliage map
    detoeni for the nice models

    desmond sadness and stefan for testing

    suggestions and criticism
    "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals. Find them and use them for your team!*There was strange experiments with Crystals in a secret Lab. Find it and use them for your Team! "
    "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals. Find them and use them for your team!*There was strange experiments with Crystals in a secret Lab. Find it and use them for your Team! "
    "In a secret laboratory, strange experiments are being made with strange crystals."
      Allied objectives
    1 "Primary Lens:
    Don't let them take the Crystals!"
    2" primary objective:
    Find the Lab and steal the Crystals!"
    3" primary objective:
    *Dont let the Axis build the Generator."
    4" primary lens:
    *Build the Generator."
    5" primary lens:
    *Dont let the Axis build the Transmitter."
    6" primary objective:
    Build the Transmitter.
    7" primary objective:
    Build a command post quickly!*Build the Command Post ASAP!"
    8" Primary Lens:
    *Keep Axis from establishing a Command Post."
      Axis objectives
    1 "Primary Lens:
    Find the Lab and steal the Crystals!"
    2" primary objective:
    Don't let them take the Crystals!"
    3" primary objective:
    *Build the Generator."
    4" primary lens:
    *Dont let the Allies build the Generator."
    5" primary lens:
    Build the Transmitter.
    6" primary objective:
    *Dont let the Allies build the Transmitter."
    7" primary objective:
    *Keep Allies from establishing a Command Post."
    8" Primary Lens:
    Build a command post quickly!*Build the Command Post ASAP!"


       (0 reviews)



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