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About This File

Navigation files included and goals for omni-bots encase your missing them

Idea for a fun map does not have the Simpsons skins unfortunately

map "springfield_pb"
longname "Springfield PB"

type "wolfmp"

timelimit 25
axisRespawnTime 12
alliedRespawnTime 10
briefing "Freiburg, February 1945: Some crazy german scientists opend a portal to a strange city called Springfield. The Axis found some Plutonium at the local powerplant. The Allies can not permit that they use it. What they have to do is steal the Plutonium and get the hell out of there!"
axiswintext "Major Defeat for Allies"
alliedwintext "Major Defeat for Axis"

Map tested and repaired for use with ETL 2.76 with mods Jaymod 2.2.0, Silent 0.9.0, NQ 1.2.9, N!tmod 2.3.1

Map also repaired for W:ET 2.60b with no mods cause there was shader errors

It does have a WARNING: CM_GridPlane unresolvable on load which is related to degenerate patches from what I recall - a plugin inside radiant called bobtoolz brush cleanup should have been performed before final build it can be ignored can recall cortexbeta_who_cf.pk3 has this same issue no biggie.

Map has a some what suspicious loading time that is related to sound files loading can be ignored

if you experience a hunk allocation error and game crashes do set com_humkmegs 256 or higher and restart the game this does throw this problem have tested no solution to resolve it

There is no source file online for this pk3 cause it has been heavily modified and not available on this site

there is a standard version available here https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=844 its rated below Venice which is underrated for performance my opinion

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