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Ok guys heres the main topic ..


i need a list of maps that you guys would like to trial out for maybe a map to be added to the main etpub server in the future


the map MUST have omnibot waypoints ..


no waypoints .. no map


so please send me a list of maps you would like to see .. i think we can ass 32 maps to the server but i am not sure (Mini/Mr can u confirm this for me please ?)


So heres my first one of the top of my head and mini gonna kill me ..




and before you guys say anything it has not been on the etpub server .. it was on the sielnt server when the server was more or less dead so this is how i get away with it :P


theres a map already on there called Fun Beach was is another one of my fav maps


when i have time during the week i will have another look at the list and add more options :D


Link of maps that is surported by the omnibot version we are using - http://svn.assembla.com/svn/omnibot/Enemy-Territory/0.8/et/nav/


Don't have clue how many times I wrote my suggestion on forums, but I have a request to add only these maps, along with FuN_Beach Dan mentioned:

RTCW_Depot 2

Hydro_Dam (am_hydro_dam)


P.S. add? :D


I thought we play new maps? Like never play before. What new maps are these what may be 10 years old :yahoo:


Seeing as this will lead to maps added on the only half active server we have, they aren't new but can I suggest ....


Replace Battery http://et.trackbase.net/map/3/ with Battery SW http://et.trackbase.net/map/75/

Replace Goldrush http://et.trackbase.net/map/4/ with Goldrush GA http://et.trackbase.net/map/30/ OR Goldrush SW TE http://et.trackbase.net/map/118/


Reasons are obvious.


And I agree with Cluedo and Hydro Dam. Beyond me why they haven't been tried before.


Balde spoiled my post then, ignore the first part.


glider has waypoints. I remember I played on it against bots. I think it's in incomplete_nav/prority_maps directory, not finished but playable (bots do obj).

  • Founders

praetoria_m2 looks interesting..


Yeah, very good map, mentioned it to Mini many times, It's just the size that has stopped us in the past using it, would be a good one to try.


Also http://forums.warchest.com/showthread.php/39432-MAP-RELEASE-Dingenskirchen-a-tribute very large download for ET, waypoints are in development but not completed.


Just replace some maps that don't get played much with different  ones, maybe like charlie says replace some of originals with different versions. 


Too many maps for me to even decide. 


Would like to play some new maps.. not as in brand new, just a change from what we have.


I'm a bit bored of playing the same maps over and over. 


Is there a different version of Venice? The one we have hasn't got a CP for axis. MEH!!!! 




@eagle ..


think we have tried Secret Bay in the past and it killed the server each time it was on ..


i maybe wrong however maybe some1 can tell me this ?


i know we have had it on a server but i dont remember which one


Blondie there is a other venice  map named venice TC with harder tank rep and better spawnpoint for axis. Not sure about BOTs waypoint





Radar summer 1.3.0


Tiger 1.1.0


as much as i love minas tirith ..


many ppl comeplained when it was on jaymod/nitmod cause there was no dj activate ..


we can still test the map if you guys like but im not sure if many will like it


Well we can at least "test" (or rather just play) it amongst new ones, many ppl haven't played that one for ages. Not saying we need to add it :) Seems like it's gonna be a great event, at least for me :D Need to reserve some time for that if Saturday wins lol.


oh sugar i forogt to mention that ..


spoke to ppl in lvl 2 and unanimous choice was for Sunday


so event will take place Sunday 16th March at 19:00 GMT


got a feeling ppl are not going to like that but thats the decision


I'm happy it's going to be Sunday, but If we're gonna test these maps which maybe will be on server, I'm not sure if one evening would be enough.


Vote was 50/50, so if testing event would be placed on both days, different members would test it and there would be 2nd chance on Sunday to try the maps which were most voted on Saturday and could be put into our pub server. Just my opinion, since it looks like there was no point of members having this vote...


Ofc on the other hand I know there could other aspects of having this event on one day - I assume time of our admins and the preparation of server. Also I remember the last map testing event, which was a bit too short imo.


Just my 2 cents, you can ignore them if you want :)


P.S. Do we have enough maps for server?


I'm happy it's going to be Sunday, but If we're gonna test these maps which maybe will be on server, I'm not sure if one evening would be enough.

yep sunday is better



minas tirith :)


would awesome , love this map , its a reminder of my noquater times :D

but i think blade or smirre allready said couple of times that it would crush the serve, well i dont know what the  newest insights are.


if you need more maps , here some suggestions:

  - Paris Bastille beta 3

  - Base 12 (Beta 6)

  - Le Mont St. Michel (Final)   [dont know the map but looks quite nice]

  - Subway

  - Warbell


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