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Posted (edited)

Allright guys, as I've hinted in my previous topic, I have one more game to give away. The game is a completely random steam game (I don't even know what game it will be) so in order to be part of this competition you will have to have a Steam account.

What do you have to do to win this prize you ask? Well, it's simple. As most of you know I have been making posters for TM events for quite some time now. And as some of you know, I have also been hiding Waldo in some of those posters as an easter egg for those who have known me for a long time.

To win the random Steam game you will have to try to find back those posters here on the forum. I want you to find as many Waldo's as you can and PM them to me. The person who found the most Waldo's before midnight on the 23rd of October (this Sunday) will win the game.

Some posters have an obvious Waldo, some a little less obvious one and some none at all. If you found one, take a screenshot of the poster and make sure I can see where you found Waldo. You can do this by describing to me where in the poster he is hidden, or by drawing a circle around him on the screenshot.

Don't forget to send it to me in a private message here on the forum. I will announce the winner on the 24th.

Now that I have your attention I have one more announcement to make: during the last weekend of October we will organize a Halloween Weekend . This will be 2 Halloween-themed events on 2 days -> Saturday the 29th and Sunday the 30th of October. More on this later.

Good luck, and may the best Muppet win!


Edit: for those of you who don't know who Waldo is:



Edit no°2: I have spent half an hour browsing the news section of this forum and found 14 Waldo's hidden in my posters. Can you find them all? :D

Edit no°3: Here's a list of people who already found at least 1 Waldo:

  • Centaur
  • Eagle
  • Ratsu
  • Pesone
  • VeryDead
Edited by miraro3
5 hours ago, Toni said:

Good luck guys! Too much work for me. :D


43 minutes ago, Slarty said:

Ditto :D

With some clever use of the search options that this forum provides it really isn't that much work :D

2 hours ago, miraro3 said:


With some clever use of the search options that this forum provides it really isn't that much work :D

You lost me at "clever use of the search options" :D

10 hours ago, miraro3 said:

I probably lost you at 'clever' alone lmao :D

Yeah, but I couldn't write that :D

Just give me the game instead :P

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Slarty said:

Yeah, but I couldn't write that :D

Just give me the game instead :P

That wouldnt be fair to the other competitors hehe :D I'll play a game with you instead, that should be fun enough :P


PS: for the people who saw Toni's post before it got deleted: if you think his answers were correct you can still use them for yourself. Just remember to PM them to me and not post them here :D

  • Like 1
49 minutes ago, Miki said:

Haha funny :). Maybe if i have spare time, I'll try just for fun :)

Wow, miki is alive :)  nice to see u back

59 minutes ago, Miki said:

Haha funny :). Maybe if i have spare time, I'll try just for fun :)

Yeah you should :D Get some memories from the m&m times ^^


Thanks to everbody who took their time to find as much Waldo's as they could. For a long time the first place was shared by 3 people, but in the end VeryDead found one more waldo which brought his total up to 12 points! I will PM you your game key soon @VeryDead.

Here is the leaderboard of the competition:

  1. Verydead: 12 points
  2. Ratsu: 11 points
  3. Eagle: 11 points
  4. Pesone: 10 points
  5. Centaur: 10 points

Here is a list of links to the topics that had a Waldo in them, and the names of who found the Waldo in that topic:

Waldo was hidden inside of the ball.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was written in Japanese under the event title.


Walso was hidden in the field ops' private area.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Centaur

Waldo was hidden on one of the monitors in the top left corner.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was 'hidden' in the top right corner, looking at the swimming lady.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was hidden on the right side of the explosion.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was hidden on one of the branches of the tree on the left.

Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was hidden in the bushes on the right side.

Eagle, VD, Centaur

Waldo was the last nurse on the right bottom side.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD

Waldo was on the shoulder of the axis medic.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone

Waldo was hidden a little bit to the right of the middle of the poster. Standing in the tall grass.

Ratsu, Pesone

Waldo was swimming in the beer on the right side.

Eagle, Ratsu, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was hidden behind the tree on the left side of the poster.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Waldo was one of the zombies in the middle of the poster.

Eagle, Ratsu, VD, Pesone, Centaur

Posted (edited)

Fun facts:

  • Eagle was the first to find more than 10 Waldo's
  • People found more Waldo's than I did when I was searching for them (I found 12, you guys found 14!)
  • 1 of the contestants deserves a special mention because he tried the hardest. After a few hours he started seeing Waldo everywhere! (see spoiler)



waldo 4.jpg


waldo 3rd time.jpg





I will not say who's guesses these are to respect his or her privacy :D But if that person wants to make himself known, feel free to post below who you are hehe!

Edited by miraro3
1 hour ago, miraro3 said:

Fun facts:

  • People found more Waldo's than I did when I was searching for them (I found 12, you guys found 14!)


On 17.10.2016 at 10:35 PM, miraro3 said:

Edit no°2: I have spent half an hour browsing the news section of this forum and found 14 Waldo's hidden in my posters. Can you find them all? :D

You sure about them 12? ;p

But it was just as I thought, to much work :D

Where are you hiding? Haven't seen you on steam in ages :)


Yes im sure hehe, I originally put 12 there, untill the first answers came in :D

Been busy lately, but we'll find time sooner or later ^^

8 hours ago, Slarty said:


You sure about them 12? ;p

But it was just as I thought, to much work :D

Where are you hiding? Haven't seen you on steam in ages :)



:D why didnt like my founded "walmers" :D

I lost drink atleast 3-4 beers in this hard work :D and actually i didnt even didnt know who the **** Waldo is :D



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