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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by Miki

  1. I love your posters with waldooooooooooooooo great memories.
  2. Haha funny :). Maybe if i have spare time, I'll try just for fun
  3. Miki

    Vietnam Server Event

    thanks for the event Hope Niki didn't get upset by predators
  4. Very nice , GL everyone and i Hope i'll be there
  5. Hehe, I played only last hour of the event I won't play that sh.t anymore (hate sound of that game), beat me in Space game Poem is a great Idea, I hope lot of people will participate
  6. Miki

    2nd TM give away

    I dunno, I see the post with current HS, so I gave it a try But pacman was exhausting Thanks, btw.
  7. It's Siwa Oasis v_3.0b edited by <=TM=>Miki I think i can congratulate to Danton Merry Xmas to all of you:)
  8. Most inactive days , Well Xmas party is my idea, it was great fun every year. Playing Xmas maps, Teamspeak with drunk and crazy members and so on. Czech Beer!
  9. Miki

    It's time

    Well, honestly, *tear*. #stillmissyou
  10. I'll try to be there. Star are you sure
  11. Right words, wife Btw great event!!! Thank you !
  12. Smart guy, Benjamin, who was educated by best teachers and friends Rachel and Craig, make, Miki ,another student crying. I'll be there.
  13. I love button "mark all as read" (Hope Mini won't read this :D)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stumpel


      Where's that button?

    3. Smirre


      i use it too...after reading...enough :D

    4. Slarty


      Stumple, its next to the "Any key", as in "Press Any key" :P

  14. Voted Freak. (Gaunt is also nice)
  15. Ben a.k.a Graphic masta touched down!
  16. Miki


    Monova.org I can upload it for u if you want if i find it
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