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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2016 in all areas

  1. Hi, First of all let me wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. Secondly i'll have to say that i won't be able to join the christmasevent this evening cause of christmaspoker with friends. But i promise that when i'm returned and i'm still able to find the off and on switch of my laptop i'll connect late evenings. Further i'm TM member for short time but still want to give some flowers to following persons: @miraro3 for being the hero of the website/forums and his extreme kindness towards all people. @Grobarand @-Ratsu- for choosing the right herbs and of course the recruiting @Eagle_cz for the support, the welcome and the hard work. @Jesusfor being himself and by that be a wonderfull (co)leader @Charlie for bringing home a cactus @VenoMfor reminding me of the best song from bullet for my valentine. @Jessicafor panzering my ass off. @bambyfor being one of the best behaving players and wonderfull chats @Randall@Cannibal Corpse for being true mascottes of the tm server. @N!nka @Nikiand @Melissa for bringing femenin assault powers to the server. @Mister J for being my late night friend and the funclick we have since the first day we met on server. Special thanks to all the above and a lot of thanks to all others as well!
    5 points
  2. It's a little bit early to wish you guys a merry Christmas, but we are going to do it anyways. The admin team and event team wish all you Muppets out there a merry Christmas! We hope that all of you will be able to spend time with your loved ones during the coldest days of the year. Forget all of the problems in the world for once and focus on the really important things in life. Like good food, a couple of drinks and Christmas gifts. But also family. For as far as we're concerned all you are family to us and we hope we can celebrate the Christmas days together as a family! According to tradition we have prepared a Jaymod Christmas server with all the bells and whistles that we all love so much. To get into the Christmas spirit I would love if everybody that reads this would post something they like about TeamMuppet as a reply to this topic. Either something about the community as a whole, or just a funny memory you have about a specific TM member. I'm curious to see what you guys will come up with! Since almost nobody read my previous wall of text completely I will keep this topic short (Shout out to @Macka and @Charlie for reading it though! <3 ) -> Friday 23 December, 7pm GMT,, be there! TL;DR section I made this topic short for once, don't be lazy and read the thing! <3 Copy&Paste section /connect Teamspeak section ts3.teammuppet.com
    1 point
  3. There is nothing wrong with some parsley on the side!
    1 point
  4. I haven't been part of TM long enough to really have these kind of memories, but TeamMuppet and the community as a whole has felt like home since the day I came here. Merry Christmas to all the players; members and non-members. I hope to see you at the Christmas Event!
    1 point
  5. Hmmm....Dont even know where to start everything here is been great with you all.. alot memorys and stuff Love to be drunk on TS, still i miss B!O (jajajaa)
    1 point
  6. So nice of you to say such a thing
    1 point
  7. I would start by saying something I love about this community but there have been so many things and so many people over the years who I have good memories about that I would be too much to say. @Virus @MOoN @BladeWarrioR @Macka @Andy @klants @StaR @VenoM @TOMOBRO @Darek @mylan @Donald @Eagle_cz @.AL @GreenMan @MadF.Lame @peyote @Miki @wwebe @Stumpel @Eagle_cz @Wolf @Jaden ... All of these guys and more have added to those memories. I hope all of y'all are doing great!
    1 point
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