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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2017 in all areas

    1 point
  2. Halloween comes early this year! I've been trying to get in touch with AoS for a while now because some of our people have connections with some of their people. After some poking around I got very lucky and got in touch with @AoS|Fabi who really liked the idea of having a shared event. After a short discussion we agreed on hosting our event on the Infected mod, which happens to be one of the most fun mods we have to offer! (in my modest opinion) Get your zombie evading skills ready because next week we will find out which community has the best survival skills and which one has the best brain-devouring members! 7pm GMT we will kick off the event on our infected server. You can find the IP in the copy&paste section below! AoS loves being on TeamSpeak so Fabi has invited us to join them on their TeamSpeak for the event. Playing the game with a bunch of amazing people is one thing, actually speaking with them brings the experience to whole new level, I will be on their TS server, I hope I will meet some of you over there as well! The IP for that can be found in the Teamspeak section below! I'm looking forwar t--.. wait, is that a zombie i hear growling outside? I'll go have a look, hopefully I'm wro- F*CK! RUN! Please try to connect to the server before the event to make sure there are no problems with downloading the required files. If you need any help, feel free to leave a post on this topic and we will try to help you out as fast as possible! TL;DR section Infected event with AoS community, 4th of March, 7pm GMT (Uk time!), wear diapers Copy&Paste section /connect Teamspeak section AoS teamspeak: ts.aos-et.com:9253 ( Because someone is still puzzled, what time is UK time, this can be helpful: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/uk/london
    1 point
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