sense we make new changes on pub now its time to make it on beg we need new maps i mean i like to see some of the old maps we normaly play do you guys remember the names help me out
engenieer must have more hp and tripmines per player not per team if possibel
medics reduce a bit HP so we can balance players/classes
panzer must be always availabel you welcome jess
maps: 1944 Beach (Final) love this one; X-Labs (Final) ; TankBuster 2.0.0 ; Tank Escort (Beta 3) ; Tank (Beta 3) ; Storage Facility (FP) ; Steelplant 2 (Final) ; Nightmare (Final) ; Night Fight (Beta 2) ;
MLB D-Day (Final) ; Lighthouse (Final 2) put this one to; 1944 Overlord ; 1944 Omaha (Beta3)