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Everything posted by miraro3

  1. Glad you liked the idea and gave it a try I know the pain of the jumping pads, I haven't been able to compleet the map myself hehe. Hopefully you'll do better on my next challenge ^^
  2. I had to know it would have been you to do it first I have sent you and @VeryDead your Steam game in a PM. Let us know what game you received I have one more Steam game to give away.. If anyone is interested, visit the forum once in a while to be the first to read what you have to do to win it!
  3. One of the maps that is running on the Jap Map Event server is called "Iraira". To complete the map you have to make it to the end of the parcour without touching the walls. During the event I challenged everybody to try and complete the map. The first person who would be able to do it would receive a prize prize from me. Verydead has since tried to complete the map on his own and he has succeeded! There is a command available on the server that is called !changemap, if you do !changemap iraira it will load up this map. Hop on the server and try to complete this map while recording a demo. The first person do post that demo here will receive: 1 random Steam game! The game you recieve will be completely random, I will not choose it myself so it can be anything from a fun little game to one of the newer more amazing games. Good luck!
  4. Thanks to everyone who showed up for a longer or shorter period of time! It was a very fun event for myself, I hope you guys were able to enjoy it as well I hope to see you back on out afterparty event if you liked it!
  5. Should be without a password now
  6. Is it still on there? One moment
  7. Hehe dw Andy, I still love you
  8. I make one spelling mistake and I get corrected, other people write whole grammatically incorrect posts and those get ignored
  9. I'll try to be there on Sunday for ya
  10. According to the poll I set up, Friday was more popular than sunday We will keep the server running untill we start setting it up for the next event so we can gather on it another night if that's the only night you're avi
  11. If you look closely, you can see it on the poster (02/09) Did anyone find Waldo on this poster yet by the way?
  12. The portal works fine, I'm fairly sure about it. The issue is with the new code introduced by the forum developpers. It's a lazy solution for them to put the blame on the portal developper. We might be able to work things out for the portal to appear on the homepage with some redirecting from another default page. It's worth the shot
  13. We'll see how long it takes them ^^ At least we can use the forum again, that's the most important thing
  14. It feels like they are just missing or messed up the routing from /home to whatever the homepage is set to, which is /home/portal for us. I really don't think it's such a difficult thing to fix, I hope they put enough effort into fixing it. + gj eagle
  15. Just read this, ignore my previous msg mini The update probably has overwritten your custom plug-ins eagle, do you have them back upped?
  16. Never put an evening person to do the early shift!

    1. Grobar


      let me guess...you are the evening person? :D

    2. miraro3
  17. Aah too bad! Damn right it's fascinating Woo party with toni! Great!
  18. @Soft Wolfi Here you go!
  19. Ladies and gentlemen, Europeans and Japanese people, muppets and non muppets, hermaphrodites and asexual beings, Let me introduce to you our next event: Jap Map Night! On the 27th of August we will treat you with a bunch of maps that were once made or played on a Japanese Wolfenstein Enemy Territory server. If you are a little bit familiar with the Japanese culture you already know that their mind works in weird ways. So, prepare yourself to some maps that can be really fun, but also really strange! This idea was orriginally thought up by @peyote when he was still a part of us so thank him for this brilliant idea. Aside from the normal objective play on these crazy maps we will also treat you with different game settings to make the night even more challenging and fun at the same time. Expect panzers, knives and much much more! Mark the date of the event on your schedules right now and be sure to not forget about it. Also, don't forget that we will have an afterparty one week later for those who missed the main event! See you there! - Eagle & Miraro3 Tl;dr section: Crazy maps from japanese origins, 27/08 & 02/09, 7pm Copy&Paste section: /connect TeamSpeak3 section: ts3.teammuppet.com
  20. New profile picture, WHAT

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Macka


      Hahah perhaps....i do like that you have a button or two undone.....

    3. Darek


      Dirty, I like dat.

    4. miraro3
  21. This is the 2.6 patch. It's an installer, just run it and give it the folder where you installed W:ET. (standard located in Program Files) This is the 2.6b patch. There are two files in there, move them to your W:ET directory. It will ask if you want to overwrite the current files, press YES. (If it doesn't ask you to overwrite your are probably trying to move the files to the wrong directory)
  22. Run the 2.6 patch and then apply the 2.6b patch manually. Both of the files can be found in the download section.
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